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Posts posted by Soiyamoto

  1. In the USA the police would probably just shoot you dead.....

    I guess the point of the story is to hear how others would feel about that happening to them and it's a warning to others living in Pattaya who might have other things on their mind when heading down to that area and thinking about parking on Pattaya Tai. If this had just been a pay ticket, get bike unlocked, go home story I wouldn't have even posted it.

    I'm not willing to give these police a break. They must have some better method of notifying people that their bike was taken by the police to an impound lot and not stolen. You don't think that at least briefly I thought my bike had been stolen. They had every opportunity to mention it to the two Thai people who were talking to them for me. They certainly knew they were going to be putting the bikes on a truck VERY soon.

    "If this had just been a pay ticket, get bike unlocked, go home story I wouldn't have even posted it."

    As usual, if the police enforce the law the self-righteous farang gets in a tizzy and if they fail to enforce the law the self-righteous farang get in a major tizzy about them not helping to keep traffic moving on Pattaya Tai.

    If they collected the fine on the spot, all the non-original thinkers would be blathering on and on about tea money.

    Every day, especially on market days, they have to ticket and lock loads of bikes and cars. Do you really expect them to run a boutique notification & home delivery service for everyone they ticket?

    In the US where I come from if you park in a clearly marked tow-away zone, a 300 pound gorilla in a tow truck, packing a gun and a baseball bat will remove your car. He won't be a policeman, but someone contracted by the city and if you want to get too heated about it you'll understand what the baseball bat is for, They don't leave a note telling you your car was towed, although in a few weeks if it hasn't dawned on you, you'll probably get something in the mail telling you to come get it.

  2. "If this had just been a pay ticket, get bike unlocked, go home story I wouldn't have even posted it."

    As usual, if the police enforce the law the self-righteous farang gets in a tizzy and if they fail to enforce the law the self-righteous farang get in a major tizzy about them not helping to keep traffic moving on Pattaya Tai.

    If they collected the fine on the spot, all the non-original thinkers would be blathering on and on about tea money.

    Every day, especially on market days, they have to ticket and lock loads of bikes and cars. Do you really expect them to run a boutique notification & home delivery service for everyone they ticket?

    In the US where I come from if you park in a clearly marked tow-away zone, a 300 pound gorilla in a tow truck, packing a gun and a baseball bat will remove your car. He won't be a policeman, but someone contracted by the city and if you want to get too heated about it you'll understand what the baseball bat is for, They don't leave a note telling you your car was towed, although in a few weeks if it hasn't dawned on you, you'll probably get something in the mail telling you to come get it.

    Ah, congratulate yourself on being the FIRST self-righteous person to show up on this thread.

  3. Same happened to me left parked bike outside family mart next to wonderful bar 2nd rd pattaya yes i was on yellow white kerb so i shouldnt have parked but at the time didnt realise. Ate my queteow gai went for my bike.. Gone, man make soup say oh police take i thought why didnt you tell me. But never mind was a complete nightmare to get it back mustv been 2000 bikes at compound i was told to go find mine amongst them. Lesson learnt

  4. Am i being detained? and am i free to go? Using statements like this will not help you in thailand i think it will make police angry, answer their questions be polite then hopefuly you'l be on your way... Regards

    • Like 2
  5. Sounds like he wanted to practice his Engrish and you obliged.

    The correct action would have been to ask, "Am I being detain or arrested, officer? If not, am I free to go?"

    As far as having been in Thailand for five years without learning any Thai passed hello and thank you -- yes, they are right it is an outrage.

    Would it be OK for a Mexican to move to your hometown in New York and not learn any English? Wait...don't answer that...

  6. Time for me to sign off, I am angry, and today should not be a day of anger.

    Today is a day to say goodbye to Hannah Witheridge.

    Love and respect, good wishes to your friends and family.

    To Hannah and David and to all the other victims in Thailand, we will not forget and justice will be done.

    Goodbye Hannah, you will not be forgotten.

    With all respect and im sorry to say

    In Thailand she has already been forgotten , move on nothing to see hear , 2 suicides to report soon

  7. My wifes friend's daughter was crossing a road yesterday morning in khon kaen when a speeding motorist hit and killed her then failed to stop..8years old. I cannot imagine the grief that family are going through now.. How can that dirty piece of rat shit live with him/herself ? Do they go to the temple and say sorry and everything be ok? The roads in thailand are trecherous RIP that little girl. I had to pay police 200bt on motorway he said i was speeding at 117 kilomete pr hr i asked him how he new he said he see and write my speed down on his piece of paper.. He radio'd to the cashier sitting down an embankement saying hey we gotta farrang here my wife went to pay he wanted 400bt she pleaded with him so he took 200bt. Its a strange old place is LOS

  8. Same in pattaya. City hall talk talk but nothing changes Jet ski scam still hsppening though not as much maybe as its still quietish rental motorbikes chained up clogging up the streets you cant even get onto pavement as these bikes are parked so close together you cant squeeze throught them that was going to get stopped Stops for baht bus and taxis never getting used kids in the bars selling flowers etc this was supposed to get stopped and on and on and on only talk talk talk

  9. Cant see it changing in near future either r.e police from the nasty little men outside soi 9 police station and soi 11 2nd rd pataya, no bike license take your motorbike key off you give you the penalty notice go to police station pay the 200bt or whatever go back to nice policeman show him the stamped paid ticket he gives you your key back and off you go on your motorbike that you'v just been fined for riding with no license. If they were serious it would be no bike back until license provided same with rental motors no hire unless can show license

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