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Posts posted by ChomDo

  1. On 6/2/2023 at 10:38 PM, sometimewoodworker said:

    Neither does mine.


    The orange light indicates charging.

    The green light indicates charged.

    Neither is illuminated for more than 2~3 seconds after plugging in or opening the case.


    There is no particular need to fully charge the case due to the time fully charged pods last, the speed at which they will recharge and the number of times it will recharge the pods. I’ve been using mine since the were first released in October, I use them extensively, probably over 6 hours a day, and haven’t had the case battery go flat

    Go to the Music app settings and take you pick from the EQ




    or use an EQ app


    It may depend on the iPhone you are using 


    both my iPhone SE 2 and iPad Pro show on the widget as long as the AirPods are connected they sometimes show the different charge levels if they are significantly different.


    So because there is no constant charge indicator on the case you are going to return the best ear pods?? This seems bizarre.

    Thanks for the comprehensive info. I was getting overly frustrated about the charging light but other than that they pods are great and I won't be returning them. I just wanted to be sure that the case is working normally. Have to say I still find it hard to believe that the light does't go on when the case is fully charged. It's the only thing that would make sense. 

    And about the EQ setting, I've tried it but it doesn't really effect the sound much. Now that I'm used to it, it's fine and the sound is great anyway. Just the first impression that the bass is pretty limited. That was the first comment from a friend too who tried mine. 

    The battery widget still works randomly and I'm not talking about when the pods are connected and in use. Of course then it works 100% of the time. I'm talking about when the pods are in the case on the table next to the phone during the day. The battery % for the pods and case just show up randomly at times – I would say about half of the time. I just don't get it how this functions but guy at Apple said it should show all the time. So I understood from YouTube reviews too. And I'm using the iPhone 14 pro max so my devices are up to date.

    The connectivity with all my Apple devices is truly amazing tho! After having JBLs for some years and having to hassle with bluetooth connections every time I wanted to use the buds was frustrating and now it's all just fully automatic. That's probably the best part of having airpods and also the fit in my ear is about 100x better than the awkward JBL Live 300s that just did't stay in my ear.

  2. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    When unplugged and you open the case, does the green light turn on ?


    When my AirPodsPro2 are not at 100% (case or pods) the orange light comes on for a second or two when I plug in, it then turns off. 


    When I open my AirPodsPro2 case when the case is at 100% (even if the pods are not), the green light comes on for about 7 second and the goes off. 


    I don't think there is a ‘green light’ which automatically comes on when the AirPodsPro2 (case or pods) are fully charged unless you move the case, or open it. 


    As above, the light is not permanent - I just checked on mine. I think yours are working as they should with regards to the light showing or not. 



    I have to be sure what you mean by ‘widget’.. 


    Do you mean the ’thing’ that pops up when you open the AirPods near your phone... (white background with an image of the Case and Pods rotating with % charged info)

    IF so, thats a ‘pop up’ and it only opens (pops up) when you open your AirPods case.


    There is also the ‘Battery widget' (which I've never bothered with).. but just added it to check (grey background and has the 4 icons - Phone / Watch / Pods etc - whichever it rotates through - with a green charge-ring indicating charge level.... 

    This only ‘updates’ when I open the AirPods case.



    Your AirPods are working fine... 


    Hey Richard, thanks a lot for your patients with my issue. It seems to be coming clear that the issue that I find very hard to accept is actually normal. My airpods work just as you described above. Many people seem to even be confused what I mean and I couldn't find any mention about it on reviews or YouTube so I guess it doesn't bother others. For me it's pure insanity seriously but Apple often goes for the unconventional choices.

    So if no light turns on in the case when they've charged to 100% what is the sense of having a light there in the case? How can I ever tell that they have finished charging without having to go to my phone or open the lid?

    I was referring to the batter widget only yes (the one with the green rings). I shows the batter % for the case and pods only sometimes totally randomly when the pods are not in use I mean but like on the table one inch away from my phone all day. Guy from Apple just said it has to show all the time as I have understood, otherwise what's the point.

    Right now I have my case and pods inside it charging in my watch mag safe. I know it's fully charged but nothing to show for it as the case has no green light on and my phone widget is not showing the battery %. So only way to know is actually open the lid. I know this may sound crazy that I need to confirm one more time but you're saying this is normal? If so I might just return these anyway since it's so bizarre.


  3. 4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    There is something wrong, the light should turn green when fully charged and plugged in, or when placed on a wireless charger... 


    Open charge case (with AirPods inside) next to your iPhone (they should automatically connect), a display will pop up with charge level of the case and each individual ‘pod’ (headphone).




    Are you ensuring the AirPods are close (within a few m) to the iPhone when looking at this ‘charge widget’ ?


    Another possibility - fake pods - Where did you get them from ?


    Individual tastes...  

    I bought them from Apple Thailand. I'm just talking to Apple Support and they seem to be a bit confused but told me the light should be green and stay green until I disconnect from charger. I mean all the other functions with the case light seems to work normal but just not turning green when fully charged.


    Now after a long chat they are telling me that they way mine works is normal. But it can't be like this that you have to open the lid or check on your phone when the case is fully charged (while charging it through lightning cable I mean). And you just mentioned that it's not normal and the green light should go on and stay on without me having to touch the case right?

    And yes my case with the pods inside is an inch away from the phone all day and it's just back and fort with the battery icons showing in the widget. Of course if I open the lid it shows up on the phone right away but it's supposed to show it all the time right? It's totally unpredictable and not showing the battery on the widget over half the time.

  4. Hi, I guess many here have the AirPods Pro 2 buds. I got mine yesterday and have several issues that I can't figure out. Been all over YouTube and other reviews trying to get answers but these things are not talked about seemingly.

    Issues I can't figure out and wonder if the product is actually broken:

    - The charging case does not show a green light when they have finished charging. How can I tell when they're fully charged. Shouldn't the light turn green when they are done. I'm charging with the cable and a 30W brick. I guess they charge quick but yesterday had them plugged in the wall for like 2 hrs because no light indicated that they're charged.

    - The battery widget on my phone shows the charge levels of the pods and case totally randomly which is frustrating (I'm talking about when the pods are not in use). I would say that about 50% time it doesn't show them at all. It seems to be working very poorly.


    - Ok the third issue is not solvable but I just think the bass is so weak that it's hard to believe. I've tried the Accommodations setting on the phone to adjust EQ but that has hardly any effect. I'm very surprised that my old JBL Live 300s sound better than the AirPods Pro 2. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, monty1412 said:

    Keep on with the NAC ( 600mg/day) but add Glycine.. this helps your body make glutathione which is the king/ queen of antioxidants .

    I also use Fistein ( natural extract  from fruit) to help clear congestion... 200mg at night... like some of the others here I suffer from frequent lung infections and just use Augmentin when that happens . The Fisetin really clears up the airways ....  google it and read up about it... easy to get in TH as well


    Thanks for the tips. I haven't been taking anything for a few weeks now as it's pretty much gone but I am nervous about the next time already. I think if the mucus is cleared now I will let it be and next time I have some respiratory infection I will go to see a doctor if the mucus follows for weeks on end like the past 3 times. 

    Of course this general slimy feeling I have after eating would be nice to sort out too but if my father has had it for decades, it's probably not something I can do much about. As I mentioned I eat healthy and am fit and all so the only think I can see helping is to cut out any oily foods but that's not easy. Probably the worst of all is fresh extra virgin olive oil which in every other sense is supposed to be so healthy for you. It's just the oil in general that is a big problem in my throat. Dairy products are pretty bad too.

  6. On 5/19/2023 at 9:03 PM, PPMMUU said:

    Experiencing a cough that persists for six weeks is indeed a significant duration. It would be wise to consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. In the meantime, you could try using an antihistamine to see if it provides relief. If your cough shows noticeable improvement within a few days, it might not be a cause for major concern. 

    Maybe my way of explaining it was confusing but this time it wasn't really a cough but just mucus in the morning and after every meal. I had to get it out by forcefully coughing. Now it's gone but yes it took 6 weeks even after this few day "cold" (or that's what I thought it was).

    After influenza in 2020 I had a more serious cough/mucus for more than 6 weeks and that time it was a bacterial infection after the flu with greenish or brownish thick mucus. Doctor said it was very typical after the flu. And after my covid last Sep I had exactly the same but with clear mucus. That lasted nearly 2 months. At the time I questioned it and got a lot of feedback from others experiencing exactly the same. Not that common tho since about 20 friends I asked didn't have that effect after covid.

    Now I don't have any more mucus or cough so it stopped by itself after about 6 weeks so I don't think I'll need to experiment with the antihistamine at this point. I still have slimy throat after certain foods but I've had that for years.

    What I would like to know if this is really uncommon? I just felt some people have tendency for this mucus buildup but I really don't know much about these things since I can't even recall having a cold between 2010-2020. My fiends back home have 1-5 per year.

  7. On 5/19/2023 at 4:15 PM, Sheryl said:


    Wouldn't hurt to see a pulmonologist just to make sure there is no undiagnosed lung disease. Where in Thailand are you?


    By the way this recent cold you had, may also have been COVID. Did you take a COVID test? Newer variants, especially in people with prior immunity, often seem just like colds


    Thanks Sheryl. What I got in Samui definitely felt very minor but seemed like everyone was coughing there. Like I said, I hardly ever have colds or anything like it. In the past 10-15 years all I had was one Influenza in 2020 which was bad and covid in Sep 2022. Both of these gave me 2 months of coughing out mucus. I think it all started with the bad Flu in 2020 followed by a bacterial infection etc. Before that I never recall having this issue – tho it's hard to say because I don't recall being sick between 2010-2020. 

    I guess what I got in Samui could have been another Covid but it started with a sore throat and allergy like symptoms so I didn't test. My c19 last Sep started with dry cough and fever, just like the flu. 

    Anyway, now I don't really have mucus anymore – only the basic slimy feeling after greasy foods but that I've always had and my father has too. What I had after this "minor cold" in Samui was not really a cough but just mucus that I had to force out by coughing. Perhaps it was another covid then, since it seems very odd why I would have to release slime for 6 weeks after something that felt so minor. 

    To your question, I live in BKK and just about to go back to Europe for the summer as I always do. Can mucus release like this signal a lung problem? My father has been having this for decades (he's hardly ever sick but I mean just general sliminess in the throat) so I just thought it runs in the family and if we do get a flu or cold it amplifies like this. We both have very healthy lifestyles.

  8. 38 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    In another thread, I detailed my 21 year history of lung problems, which include copious amounts of lung, throat and nasal mucus.


    The consensus (after numerous doctors found no underlying illness), was that these symptoms were due to an as yet unidentified allergy.  For the past week I have been taking anti-histamine, which may be having a positive effect.


    But for the past couple of days, I have been trying a very simple medication >> gargling several times a day with salt water and snorting salt water up my nostrils.


    It's too early to say if this is the wonder cure, but since I started gargling with salt water the mucus in my throat has all but disappeared and I'm no longer coughing like an old 200/day smoker in my efforts to bring up the thick mucus.


    I suggest you try this very simple (and cheap) treatment and see if if is of benefit to you.



    Thanks for the tips. I will for sure try this and the antihistamine like Sheryl also advised. Not sure if this is also something genetic as my father makes rough sounds all day long trying to release mucus. Now I'm just like him and it must be disturbing for people around me. For me it's mainly after being sick but can last for 2 months.

    My main concern here was that if there could be something causing this that I need to treat. Like a long bacterial infection after one of the flu's I've had in the past 3 years. I just always hear that there's no need to do anything if the mucus is clear.

  9. 53 minutes ago, n00dle said:

    I have a history of upper respiratory infections dropping into my chest. After a short bout with COVID last year i actually developed pneumonia. It took weeks to settle in and i was left breathless. 

    Without testing, some asshat of a doctor decided that because i had once smoked, I had advanced COPD. I continued suffering for over a month and taking expensive COPD meds before seeking out a COPD specialist.


    That specialist  took one look at me said i hqd pneumonia and cleared it up in a week  with a course of anti biotocs.

    go see a good doctor, it is not worth messing around with this. 

    That's interesting. Glad to hear you got it sorted. You mean people could have pneumonia for months without any other symptoms than clear mucus in the mornings and after food? I doubt that but it is really hard to understand why I develop this ever since that influenza. Or maybe I would have had it before too but can't recall having a cold or a flu between 2010-2020 so I have no idea how I react.

  10. 38 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Many people get Covid and suffer symptoms of long Covid long afterward, as it seems I have. I've had it at least once, and I'm thinking three times. I got the same symptoms all three times as the one time I was found positive. Sore throat, cough, and the last time, runny nose and congestion, which are said to be the symptoms of the Arcturus strain. I have seasonal allergies so I wouldn't know if this was different were it not the cough and sore throat, which allergies never gave me. They're still finding out how some suffer symptoms awhile after having it, so the only way you'll ever know is testing.

    Well I was in Ko Samui where it seemed like everyone was counghing. Started with sore throat for a couple of days and then runny nose and sneezing. After all that was gone I developed this slime throat that's no lasted for over 6 weeks. To me those symptoms were classic for a cold eventho I hardly ever have colds.

    I'm just bored of this mucus and want to find a way to get rid of it. Strange that NAC (Cystaline) does not do anything to help.

  11. 48 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    You might try an antihistamine.


    Allergy or air pollution are two possible culprits. Following a respiratory infection your air passages are more susceptible to irritation from either. 

    Thanks! It seems like a tendency for me tho as I often have mucus throughout the year specially after food (fatty food is the worst), but having 6-8 weeks of mucus coming up after a mild cold (if that's what it was) is not normal right.

    I'm just wondering if there's anything more to be done or checked to reduce this. I haven't seen a doctor about it – only in 2020 when I had this same thing after influenza but that time with bacteria. 

    Before I never had colds or flus really but now I really worry about getting them if it always means 2 months of coughing slime after. 

    Do you think it's worth it to go to see a doctor about it or there's really nothing they can do to help?

  12. Hi,

    Not sure if anyone can advise me with this issues but it's starting to be really annoying. So after Covid last year I had 2 months of slimy cough, eventho being sick with fever lasted only 3 days. The slime persisted and was worse in the mornings and after meals. 


    Now I got a minor cold about 2 months ago and had a sore throat for 2-3 days and a runny nose (no fever or anything much). I had to cough out mucus for about 6 weeks after and still now I feel extremely slimy in the morning and after meals - just like after covid eventho this was a very quick few day "cold" (unless it was covid because I didn't test but these were clearly cold symptoms).


    I have tried everything from tables the gave from the pharmacy to reduce mucus to Cystaline (acetylcysteine) for 2 weeks in a row and it didn't help a bit. 

    The first time this happened was in 2020 when I had a bad influenza and had a bacterial infection after with thick green mucus. The two times after this (covid and now) mucus is clear so I didn't think it needed checking or antibiotics. Before the influenza I didn't even have a cold for 10 years so maybe that triggered something that I still suffer from.

    Any advice what I could try? Maybe @Sheryl would know? 


  13. 2 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    How long have you lived in Thailand. A member here for 9 years.

    Why do you need to ask this?

    15 years but things seem to have changed a lot. Some hotels don't care and others might not let you check in without it. Also, the weird stuff I'm hearing from Phuket made me wonder how can people actually go anywhere without a passport if they might be asked for it while sitting on the beach...just in case they can find had a few days overstay.

    I was going to take it all along but I don't intend to keep it with me so just wanted to hear some opinions on how others who live here long-term do it while travelling.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Or paper copies of the details page as well as the immigration stamp when you last entered Thailand.

    Both needed for TM 30 reporting and Samui IO do random checks for them.

    That's one of the things I thought of when hearing that there's some immi police checkups going on in Phuket to try and bust overstayers. So I wonder what would happen if you're requested to show a passport and you don't have one? Sad to hear they're harassing tourists in Samui too. Really would prefer to just carry my Thai DL as I always do. Maybe I'll take the passport anyway just in case of hotels requiring it and then keep it locked up in the room.

    • Like 2
  15. Hey, I have a simple question but I find the topic to be quite confusing at times.

    So I'm driving to Ko Samui from Bangkok with my own car and staying on the island for about a month. I can't think of any reason why I would need to carry a passport with me but what's the truth about this? Sometimes foreigners are requested to show a passport but is that basically just some scam to bust overstayers or what? If I'm travelling inside Thailand I should not require a passport or am I wrong?

    Either I'll take it anyway or take a copy with me, but I really wouldn't want to carry it with me everywhere I go or have to show it to anyone. Obviously I have never carried one with me in Bangkok either and I've lived here for 15 years but wondering if the rules are different in tourist spots? 

    • Haha 2
  16. 13 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    You mentioned 2 passports earlier in thread.


    At that stage you also seemed to indicate that you did not have equivalent of certificate of residence from embassy.


    Of course the passport info with current permission of stay would need to match up with embassy providing proof of address.


    So how did you obtain letter from embassy today on way to DLT.


    What does this mean....


     "I recommend just going to Mo Chit DLT since they seem to have available times even for the next day"....


    Next day for what? 

    Document check to book appointment.

    Surely not actual day to obtain license renewal. 





    Yes I have two passports from different EU countries and my visa is in the other one and certificate of address is for the other passport. This is because the other embassy won't provide the letter but the other one does. DLT Mo Chit didn't even want to try to understand it but it's always been fine at DLT 3. It should make no difference to them as long as your address is proven. The lady at DLT Mo Chit was grumpy from the start and turned her head to any complications.

    So I hope that explained it: obtained letter of address yesterday from other passports embassy but visa is in the other passport. Have done it before and all fine.

    You were asking "what next day?" So as I said DLT Mo Chit has available appointment times for the next day. The offered me a time on Feb 22 (today) but I didn't want to go the next day again so I took Feb 28. Then it was cancelled by the other lady because of the hassle explained above. It's a very simple system - you just show your papers outside in the "Foreigners line" and then choose an appointment date by writing your name, passport number and phone number in the schedule list. So yes I would have gotten my actual licence done the next day, if it wasn't for the grumpy lady's bad day.


    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Luuk Chaai said:
      On 2/19/2023 at 12:11 AM, Luuk Chaai said:

      I used Fat Boy's  Onut Soi 17    2 times    fatboys motorbike rentals onnut

    the only thing they do not do is take the physical test for you ..  fantastic service....

    and the  attending agents,,  wow !


    I'm trying to reach them to see what's the soonest time they would have. Tried Line for two branches and calling the Ekkamai branch but no response yet. 




    facebook messenger  gets a real fast response

    Same for me, no response on Line or by calling.

    If you have the required paperwork, I recommend just going to Mo Chit DLT since they seem to have available times even for the next day. There was a special desk for foreigners where they even spoke English so I really don't know what the agents can do to help. I mean I was going to use an agent too because I thought they could get me an appointment time quicker and I would have to go only once but they told me have to go twice and queue at Mo Chit 2-3 weeks so dunno. 

    • Like 1
  18. 11 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    You must have a good embassy.


    For example Oz embassy requires an appointment and that obviously has a time lag.


    Be aware that not all embassies provide letter.

    Oz embassy being just one example of not supplying letter. 

    Yes it's exceptional these days. I have dual nationality and my other embassy won't provide the letter. The other one does and used them last time too.

    Let's see how it goes. I will let you guys know what they say at Chatuchak DLT. Hope they don't just laugh me out of there. Oh well, if that happens then I'll go with BSR the next day.

  19. 7 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    That's a bummer.

    Previously it was just once.


    You best address the certificate of residence. Think to make the appointment you will need to have your paperwork ready. 

    That could mean medical and residence certificate. 

    The rest is simple.

    You mentioned earlier above that you have someone that can obtain that for you.

    I'm not aware of an agent that can do that in Bangkok.


    I'm also in process of doing the same. The residence certificate alone can take 2 weeks received via mail. 

    Well actually I decided to get the residence certificate from my embassy because that means that I get it right away so I will do that and go to check Chatuchak DLT on the same trip. This should then speed up the process because I don't need to wait longer for the residence certificate. 

    If something goes wrong tomorrow, then I will use the BSR Bike also. They seem very friendly and responsive. Thanks again for the tip DrJack. I mean I kind of decided to use them anyway but thought of just going to check tomorrow if I could get an appointment for a decent date myself. BSR said at Chatuchack DLT the queue is now a few weeks, which would be fine for me considering I don't need the renewal before the end of March.


    Of course if I'm extremely lucky I might be able to get it done as a walk in tomorrow but that's probably a bit too wishful thinking haha.


  20. 16 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    You are making easy difficult.

    You can contact BSK bikes via messenger and they reply fairly quickly.

    Alternatively call them by Google their website.

    The owner is USA guy and you can chat with him.

    Think named Mark. 


    As for your other question regarding expiry of TDL you can renew license even if it's expired.

    Some folk actually obtain it after birthdate as your 5 years starts from next birthday.

    Driving on your expired license would/maybe issue for insurance 


    Called BSR Bike and it sounded pretty optimistic getting the DL renewed in time.

    By the way they said you have to go twice now. First meet with them at Chatuchack DLT to get the booking time and then meet again on the day of renewal appointment. They did say they can get me a time sooner than if I go on my own which I of course don't know if that is true but I'd probably do it with them just to avoid any extra hassle.

    • Like 1
  21. On 2/18/2023 at 6:41 PM, DrJack54 said:

    Agents inform you what docs are required. 

    No you do not go to their office.

    You meet them one time at DLT.


    Your time frame might be ambitious. 

    I posted reply from BSR earlier re process 

    They indicated a month from me providing required docs.

    You don't even have certificate of residence at this time.

    As I mentioned earlier not sure how your agent obtains that on your behalf.

    Fat Boys, BSR etc cannot obtain certificate of residence in Bangkok.


    In any event I have outlined my advice few times in this thread.

    That's sufficient. 


    Yes you have given plenty of useful info, thanks. I'm trying to reach the agents to find out what the earliest available time would be. If it goes into April, I will have to just try the walk in at a few different DLTs because I'm planning on driving down south in the end of March. Also, I drive daily so having my DL expire would be bad. 

    I could have started to prepare earlier of course but I could not imagine that there would be this chaos again. Thought the appointment system was only for covid times.

  22. On 2/18/2023 at 6:42 PM, DodgerRodger said:

    I just had a go at booking, Bang Chak full until August, DLT5 at Chatujak is not bookable (greyed out)



    I just tried the app on Friday and most branches had the first available times in mid April. My DL expires in the end of March so I didn't book any. Have to just try the walk in. 

    With this queue system, do people just keep driving with expired licences. Like if it's really a 2 months wait for many, I guess they do. 

    I still don't get it why some foreigners have been lucky to renew as a walk in right away and some are turned away with an appointment time. Just according to their mood at the DLT?  

  23. So I'm in the same mess again of having to renew my DL and even reading about is quite a headache. 


    What's the latest for Bangkok? Is it just totally random whether they're going to accept a walk in or not? My DL is expiring in 5 weeks but I need to renew before that since I'll be driving south for April.


    I would like to avoid visiting the DL twice as usual. Heard using FatBoys service is a good option but not sure if they can speed the appointment time up at all. 


    Has anyone been able to get it done by walk in at DLT3 or Chatuchack lately?  

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