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Posts posted by BoristheBlade

  1. I think he is totally ware what is going on, and if he is not then Thailand is in big trouble.

    enior members of the men in green are part of the gang....if you follow my drift....

    I honestly don't think Prayuth is aware of police incompetence in this case i think he has been fed bs and believed it , it's time the embassy officials from both countries involved to call a meeting directly with him.

    I am certain he knows exactly who is responsible for these crimes and why they are protected from prosecution.

    do you have time to shoot an email off to him ?

    When the Prime Minister of GB personally intervenes on a murder case in my opinion it says alot.

    When the Chief of Police of Thailand personally chosen by General P becomes deeply involved with suspects in this case it says alot.

    But what do I know.

  2. I think they should put these two on a boat to the main land, truck them to the border and release them. Then get busy finding the real killers. If it is part of the Mafia down there, then send the Army in and clean up the whole island.

    Great comment, but I fear that senior members of the men in green are part of the gang....if you follow my drift....

    I honestly don't think Prayuth is aware of police incompetence in this case i think he has been fed bs and believed it , it's time the embassy officials from both countries involved to call a meeting directly with him.

    I think he is totally ware what is going on, and if he is not then Thailand is in big trouble.

    I am certain he knows exactly who is responsible for these crimes and why they are protected from prosecution.

  3. I think they should put these two on a boat to the main land, truck them to the border and release them. Then get busy finding the real killers. If it is part of the Mafia down there, then send the Army in and clean up the whole island.

    Great comment, but I fear that senior members of the men in green are part of the gang....if you follow my drift....

  4. Perhaps we should be asking why so many on this Forum seem to care so much about this case, to the extent that there are pages and pages

    of, sometimes salacious, detail and pointless speculation?

    It's a horrible murder and there has been plenty of typical mishandling, cock-ups and potential corruption or malpractice, but that's hardly

    unusual in this part of the world. Is it just because the victims were British and attractive?

    Ganged raped by at least 3 men, then battered beyond recognition...I would not call that a usual murder in any country.

  5. Is Thai murder trial set to collapse?

    KOH SAMUI: -- Families of British backpackers fly home as defence lawyers call for suspects to be acquitted over claims of missing evidence and crime-scene blunders

    The families of murdered British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller flew home from Thailand yesterday as the legal team representing the accused claimed the case was on the verge of collapse.

    Burmese migrants Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo face a possible death penalty if they are convicted of sexually assaulting and killing Hannah, 23, with a hoe, and clubbing David, 24, unconscious before leaving him to drown on a beach on Kao Tao island last September.

    Hannahs father and brother, and Davids parents and brother last week flew to neighbouring Kao Samui for the three-day opening of the trial, where they were visibly shocked as photographs of the bodies were casually handed around the court.

    The case marred by claims of missing evidence and crime-scene blunders was adjourned yesterday until July 22 while the defendants lawyers prepare to call for their acquittal.

    We hope by the end of the prosecution case, we will have destroyed it and we will show that it is completely lacking in credibility, said Andy Hall, a British migrant rights activist working with defence lawyers.

    Mr Hall said the defence held incredibly significant information from an independent authority with which it would discredit the prosecution case when the trial reopens. He declined to give more details but the information is believed to relate to DNA samples obtained from Hannahs body after it was returned to the UK.

    Kao Taos migrant workers were subjected to mass DNA testing before Zaw and Wai, both 22, were arrested amid global media attention and intense pressure on police to find the killers.

    The pair confessed to the murders but later withdrew their statements, claiming police had tortured them. Police insist they have DNA evidence linking them to the murders but said key samples could not be independently tested because they had been used up by forensics teams. They also admitted the crime scene had been contaminated, and that the hoe was removed before it was forensically examined.

    Police have been accused of making scapegoats of migrants amid claims that the real killers were Thai men linked to powerful families who are said to run Kao Tao.

    Davids father said on Friday the families were keeping an open mind. The trial is due to last until September, with a verdict expected in October.

    --Mail Online: 2015-07-12

    Absolutely as they have nothing except for scapegoating evidence which will now conveniently disappear due to the British having their own forensic evidence now....

    There has been mention of a tourist took photo's of Hannah with a person connected to AC bar hopefully this may be some of the evidence the defence team are holding.

    IF, and it's a vey big if....a picture was presented of one or both of the victims in the presence of a certain person who was a prime suspect at the start of the investigation.....wow that would blow this case sky high

  6. I truly believe the RTP are digging there own graves.

    This is not a normal case. In any other case of this type in Thailand, the two Burmese patsies would be dead already.

    But this case is very , very different, these were no "ordinary" murders. This was a brutal, savage attack.

    This was an attack carried out by several very seriously disturbed individuals. Individuals who need to be taken out of the public domain, regardless of colour, creed, nationality, wealth or INFLENCE.

    The people on that island need and deserve protection from these evil bastards.

    The people who did this have murdered and raped before and are 100% certain to do so again.

    And god help the people and authorities who have helped them escape justice when they do strike again.

  7. to an overly posted above: So if the leased land on Koh Tao is worth hundreds of millions, then the land on Koh Samui must be worth billions. Why would those those people with just as many if not greater connections and with properties worth into the billions allow this guy to run the show on their island just to cover up for his little brat?

    I totally agree, but the little brats connections must be very, very high and I mean much higher than the mad monk.

  8. Sadly we shall never know... give the families some peace...facepalm.gif

    If one of my family had suffered what David and Hannah have endured, I would at the very least want justice to be served.

    I would want the murderers and conspirators jailed for a long time following a professional investigation by the Thai law enforcement agencies.

    This simply has not happened.

    The family must know this and MUST act.

    While I sympathise with your ideals, it is unlikely (unless there is a massive sea-change at the top of the Thai pyramid) that any further investigation would occur. Ask Kirsty Jones' mother who has campaigned for many years and got nowhere, not only with Thai officialdom, but also the FCO who refuse to release documents that could assist her in finding out the truth.

    Money buys justice here, and it's already been paid. Hence, the best you can hope for is a mistrial. Then hire a band of vigilantes (and I'm not condoning any such action) to go to Koh Tao, rattle a few cages, and meter your own justice. Because, if you rely on law and order here, you're going to be long dead before that happens.

    I totally agree.

    but what a fitting and lasting tribute to Hannah and David it would be, if the public outcry brought real change to the Thai justice system.

    The General who seized power stated that he wanted to bring real change to Thailand, to eliminate corruption.

    The General is now Prime minister, Sir now you have your chance. Show the world you are going to make Thailand a fair and honest nation.

  9. Sadly we shall never know... give the families some peace...facepalm.gif

    If one of my family had suffered what David and Hannah have endured, I would at the very least want justice to be served.

    I would want the murderers and conspirators jailed for a long time following a professional investigation by the Thai law enforcement agencies.

    This simply has not happened.

    The family must know this and MUST act.

  10. There is one question that no one seems to have asked yet.

    Is there any proof the Burmese bought L&M cigarettes that night ?

    Or are we just taking the word of the RTP again ?

    One would imagine a computer till would be able to tell which brand was bought and when.

    I think it was a video footage from 7 eleven that shows they buy the cigarettes.

    Does the purchase of a pack of ciggies make you a murder suspect?

  11. Thailand is the only country in the world, where the chief suspect for a serious double murder charge is given a televised DNA test in front of the country's police chief!

    That charade was simply incredible, even for Thailand.

    And the only one that lets a possible suspect, potential prime witness and possible target of Mafia intimidation leave the country. (Mcanna)

    With a smile, handshake and photo opportunity

  12. Were speedboats also on lockdown?

    Nothing on that Island was on lockdown, it was business as usual.

    15 September 2014
    Island On Lockdown After Gruesome Murder of British Tourists
    The bodies were found at around 6.20 am by a group of Burmese workers who were cleaning the beach, Pol.Maj.Gen. Kiattipong said.

    Maybe they didn't close down the piers soon enough so that those that committed these crimes left on the early ferry and have never returned.

    From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11724506/Controversial-trial-of-alleged-killers-of-British-backpackers-to-start-in-Thailand.html

    "Small, slight and baby-faced, neither Zaw Lin nor Wai Phyo look like killers."

    What do killers look like?

    You edited my post and removed the below there is a significant difference between cleaners finding the bodies or police it looks like the story is being changed maybe no phone records to verify the police initial reports maybe the person who notified him is not a burmese cleaner.

    "Its interesting that the police have not called the cleaners in as their first witnesses seeing that they were first on the scene , the defence should make sure police are telling the truth and the cleaners and police phones checked to verify."

    That's right -- I edited your post because all I was interested in was the headline and the URL as to when the island went on lockdown and maybe that the lockdown was not soon enough. That I left the first line of the story in regarding the bodies being found was just to not have a second snip. I'll be more careful next time.

  13. I reckon the boys also know who did it, and while they may have been brave enough to recant their confessions citing duress, they will certainly be too terrified to say who actually did it. I am sure they know how much influence and power is at the hands of the real perps, and being a stuck in that h there jail would not be a safe place for a witness to be.

    I agree, and would not be surprised a "deal" has taken place.

    The Burmeses go on a show trial, found guilty, but then released on appeal.

    No retrial, case dismissed.

    Real perpetrators free, and no loss of face for the Thai's involved.

  14. At the end of the day two young people were brutally murdered.

    Will Thailand sit back and allow 2 more young lives be taken, in the full knowledge they are scapegoats.?

    Even a hard nosed, arrogant General must know his and Thailand's reputation is on the line, is he prepared to let this charade to end in the most evil of ways....ie Burmese being found guilty and executed?

    The real perpetrators are known, but will NEVER face justice in a court, but please don't destroy the lives of another 2 innocents young men and their families.

  15. "I pray every night, and a part of me believes he has forgiven me," Anna told reporters and cried.

    ​Well Anna part of me believes, the dead RTP officer does not forgive you at all, in fact he is very angry and upset that he will not see his daughters grow up, never see his future grandchildren and never be able to hold his wife again.

    But don't let that worry you during your 7 day holiday in the wat.

  16. I hope and believe karma will take it's full course on this "lady"

    I hope her career comes to a sudden end.

    Her performance at the funeral was disgusting, what an insult to the victims family.

    Hang your head in shame Anna Reece.

    The only respect I have for you, would be to tell the RTP the truth and nothing but the truth.

    If you were under the influence of drink, I hope you are charged with manslaughter, and are jailed accordingly.

    Unfortunately this is Thailand, and after you have made the appropriate financial payments you will live a free life. But your life will never be the same, because YOU know the truth.

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