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Posts posted by BoristheBlade

  1. Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

    Having dark skin is generally not a trait of beauty.

    That's why white skinned people flock to beaches to get darker skin?

    Thailand John talking sh1t, who would have guessed that!

  2. Some of you cnuts should hang your heads in shame.

    A 20 year old kid has had a tragic accident, and has had his life destroyed.

    All you A** holes can do is quote insurance, Thai bashing and general young people bashing...shame on you.

    I hope one day you are put into the position this poor guy is in today. lets see who comes to your aid,,,,nobody.....

    To the kid himself and fellow Manc....keep strong mate........you can get through this and make something of your life.

  3. At the end of the day its the defence teams job to make sure there clients are found not guilty, it's not there job to solve the case.

    I am sure they have in their possession numerous "revelations" which would shock and devastate many large ego's. I don't think Scotland Yard came to Thailand to sit on there <deleted> in Thailand. The Police the Brits sent were the cream of the crop, and I am sure the British Embassy did lots of "work" before the UK Police arrived on Thai shores.

    I am sure the Brits and the Defence know who was involved and by forensics , probably know the names of the perpetrators.

    The RTP are daft, but not stupid, a deal will be done at the right time d\for everyone involved.

    If you think the Brit authorities know who did the crime, then why did they lie to the victims' families?

    I think Brit officials were unaware of the depth of corruption in Thailand, and opted to go along with their RTP silver-tongued minder. I'll be glad to be proved wrong. But until the Brits step up to the plate and do what's right, they will continue to look like easily duped dummies.

    You don't know what they have told the families and we all don't know what the families have been told to do or say,

    I think the views of the families will be after the trial and I think they will be damming.

    And if you do'n think the Brits are aware of what the real Thailand is about, you got to be kidding me!

    Just talk to the Ambassador in Bangkok in private, you will get the real story....

    British ambassador Kent was shown smiling and all-chummy with RTP chief - early on in the investigation. If I was the Brit ambassador, I sure wouldn't be giggling with the RTP chief and slapping him on the back like an old chum. I'd be saying, "Hey. We want to see a professional investigation. Here's an old English expression, and it's your study phrase for the week: 'Leave No Stone Unturned.' That's what your guys have to do, if they're able. If not, you're welcome to learn how to do crime investigations from a crack British team. They can be here in two days. Is that ok? "

    Then I might go and tell the RTP chief about a time when a small group British and HK soldier/climbers got lost in a giant ravine in Malaysia. The Malaysians didn't have a clue about mountain rescue, so they allowed a British team to fly in on a military helicopter to lead the search. The Malaysian police made one caveat: The British experts must teach the Malaysian police all they know about mountain rescue. The Brits said, "fine', but first we've got to get cracking and rescue those boys who've been lost in that ravine for five days."

    Mr Kent also has to follow diplomatic procedure, that's his job.

    Like it or not, politics also plays it's part, on both sides!

    That's also why I don't understand why the Thai's are going to so much trouble to protect persons of interest. And the reason this is far bigger thn taking care of the "headman" this go's far higher than him.

  4. At the end of the day its the defence teams job to make sure there clients are found not guilty, it's not there job to solve the case.

    I am sure they have in their possession numerous "revelations" which would shock and devastate many large ego's. I don't think Scotland Yard came to Thailand to sit on there <deleted> in Thailand. The Police the Brits sent were the cream of the crop, and I am sure the British Embassy did lots of "work" before the UK Police arrived on Thai shores.

    I am sure the Brits and the Defence know who was involved and by forensics , probably know the names of the perpetrators.

    The RTP are daft, but not stupid, a deal will be done at the right time d\for everyone involved.

    If you think the Brit authorities know who did the crime, then why did they lie to the victims' families?

    I think Brit officials were unaware of the depth of corruption in Thailand, and opted to go along with their RTP silver-tongued minder. I'll be glad to be proved wrong. But until the Brits step up to the plate and do what's right, they will continue to look like easily duped dummies.

    You don't know what they have told the families and we all don't know what the families have been told to do or say,

    I think the views of the families will be after the trial and I think they will be damming.

    And if you do'n think the Brits are aware of what the real Thailand is about, you got to be kidding me!

    Just talk to the Ambassador in Bangkok in private, you will get the real story....

  5. At the end of the day its the defence teams job to make sure there clients are found not guilty, it's not there job to solve the case.

    I am sure they have in their possession numerous "revelations" which would shock and devastate many large ego's. I don't think Scotland Yard came to Thailand to sit on there &lt;deleted&gt; in Thailand. The Police the Brits sent were the cream of the crop, and I am sure the British Embassy did lots of "work" before the UK Police arrived on Thai shores.

    I am sure the Brits and the Defence know who was involved and by forensics , probably know the names of the perpetrators.

    The RTP are daft, but not stupid, a deal will be done at the right time d\for everyone involved.

  6. Virtually everybody has a mobile phone, surely looking at phone activity my hold some clues.

    I bet the perpetrators made a call to at least one person after the murder...

    How many boat owners got a call in the early hours? and then their phone signal was registered within two or three hours on the mainland or Samui?

    surely there must be software/systems available to detect from the phone companies records any phone that was on the island at the time Hannah and David was seen alive and appeared on the mainland or Samui before the first ferries.


    No one in power wants to look M8. Not at the CCTV not at anything that wouldn't support their theory.

    Sit back and wait for the next round. You will see some revelations coming that will shake the RTP to the core

    I wish we could hear the revelations but I honestly don't think it will happen. The defence is Thai and they have already had reported confrontation with the RTP and prosecutors outside the court room. They know if they go to far, they are putting themselves at serious risk. And by serious I mean the ultimate sacrifice!

    Face is number one in Thailand, and when it comes to the Prime Minister and the Chief of Police face simply won't be allowed to be lost. Both these "gentlemen" have stated their reputations on the RTP case, do you think it will be publicly shown to have been incorrect? NOT A CHANCE.

    Tragic, disgusting but true, after all this is Thailand!

  7. All very true. Is this sufficient reason to disallow DNA evidence in all trials in Thailand? If not, give the grounds, with specificity (not a general they did not do it properly) why all the DNA evidence should be discarded in this case.

    Who said not to allow DNA evidence in all Thai trials?

    The prosecution case has shown a complete and total disregard for the DNA in this case.

    The RTP are confused within themselves about what DNA they have checked and what DNA is still available to re check.

    If that is not a clear and total case of gross incompetence, I don't know what is!

    Again, I completely agree with you, but

    The police did a grossly incompetent job, and have not properly explained what they did. Disallow all the DNA evidence your honor

    is not a sufficient legal argument. I am not saying a motion to discard much of the DNA evidence is not possible. I am saying that the defense will have a hard time compiling the grounds for such a motion. Remember, the defense has no access to the chains of custody, and the RTP is doing a fine job of obfuscating what they did.

    In a Western court, this would be sorted out with the judge insisting on clear answers to how, where, when and by whom the DNA collection and testing was done. In Thailand, the police can just act dumb and the judge will most likely let them get away with it.

    Agreed, but even in a Thai court, especially in a very, very high profile case like this, a conviction made on DNA evidence alone would be a huge risk to take for Thailand.

    Lots of "face" has already been lost by the big chiefs who think this is the perfect investigation, will they risk loosing more?

    The best we are going to get here is the case thrown out, and no new investigation launched.

  8. Again, all this talk of DNA is now totally irrelevant. The RTP clearly will go to any lengths to convince the scapegoats.

    It would have been very simple for the RTP during the violent interrogations of the two Burmese to extract DNA and then put it on to the relevant hoe, cigarette butt or whatever other evidence was lying about.

    The defence must insist the judge ignores all DNA evidence as it clearly has no credibility.

    If the judge does that, the case collapses, there is simply no evidence or intent.

    Burmese DNA on the cigarettes is to be expected. No one is denying that they smoked cigarettes that night.

    There was, according to the current police evidence (and thus subject to later explanations of mistranslation) no DNA on the hoe.

    The individual who tested the semen samples said he was given a DNA profile to check against. We do not know how that DNA profile was derived.

    The defense cannot just say ignore the DNA without giving clear arguments why. A general "we do not trust the police" is not sufficient for the judge.

    The handling and care of duty of DNA samples is very relevant.

    The RTP has previous concerning this, there was a high profile case in which the RTP forced a semen sample from an "accused".

    All very true. Is this sufficient reason to disallow DNA evidence in all trials in Thailand? If not, give the grounds, with specificity (not a general they did not do it properly) why all the DNA evidence should be discarded in this case.

    Who said not to allow DNA evidence in all Thai trials?

    The prosecution case has shown a complete and total disregard for the DNA in this case.

    The RTP are confused within themselves about what DNA they have checked and what DNA is still available to re check.

    If that is not a clear and total case of gross incompetence, I don't know what is!

  9. Again, all this talk of DNA is now totally irrelevant. The RTP clearly will go to any lengths to convince the scapegoats.

    It would have been very simple for the RTP during the violent interrogations of the two Burmese to extract DNA and then put it on to the relevant hoe, cigarette butt or whatever other evidence was lying about.

    The defence must insist the judge ignores all DNA evidence as it clearly has no credibility.

    If the judge does that, the case collapses, there is simply no evidence or intent.

    Burmese DNA on the cigarettes is to be expected. No one is denying that they smoked cigarettes that night.

    There was, according to the current police evidence (and thus subject to later explanations of mistranslation) no DNA on the hoe.

    The individual who tested the semen samples said he was given a DNA profile to check against. We do not know how that DNA profile was derived.

    The defense cannot just say ignore the DNA without giving clear arguments why. A general "we do not trust the police" is not sufficient for the judge.

    The handling and care of duty of DNA samples is very relevant.

    The RTP has previous concerning this, there was a high profile case in which the RTP forced a semen sample from an "accused".

  10. Again, all this talk of DNA is now totally irrelevant. The RTP clearly will go to any lengths to convince the scapegoats.

    It would have been very simple for the RTP during the violent interrogations of the two Burmese to extract DNA and then put it on to the relevant hoe, cigarette butt or whatever other evidence was lying about.

    The defence must insist the judge ignores all DNA evidence as it clearly has no credibility.

    If the judge does that, the case collapses, there is simply no evidence or intent.

  11. The Gentleman who described this case as "perfect" must be feeling rather upset at this time.

    Lets hope he shows he really is a man, and takes charge and end this utter and totally farce.

    Also show the real Thai people that there is real change in Thailand by starting a new investigation into the crime and arresting and bringing justice to the real perpetrators.

  12. I have donned my tin hat and am now ready to throw out my theory based on innuendo, conjecture, misunderstanding, and a total lack of knowledge concerning the thai legal system.

    I think this is all headting towards a big version of UP TO YOU!

    I think those of us that have been around thailand have experienced the UP TO YOU ! scenario.

    It happens when you catch thais in a lie, or shown how silly there argument is, or uncovered their web of deceipt and b-shirt.. /

    UP TO YOU resolves nothing, but is the ultimate way to remind you that this is thailand, and your foreign ideas just really don't matter. In other words, if you don't like it, then go home to your country.

    There has been WAY to much logical grilling of these policemen. Where's the DNA, why didn't you look at the CCTv, is a magnifying glass sufficent to spot fingerprints etc etc.

    I mean come on, these guys are not cops like OUR perception of cops. These guys just want to get backto their real jobs of extorting money from migrants, planting dope on foreigners to get big cash payouts, etc. It's heading towards an up to you.

    No killers will be caught, hopefully the burmese will get to go home, the police and officials will get back to there real work. Plane loads of clueless tourists will keep coming.

    Too cynical? UP TO YOU!

    Tragic but very, very true

  13. Followed this since day 1, So many confusing and conflicting reports to make a true representation of the actual facts. One thing is for sure, whether you believe the B2 are innocent or not, if this was in many other countries it would of been thrown out due to the total incompetence of the Thai Police force.

    Sky news now reporting Police Colonel Cherdpong " His inquiry had not investigated rumours of an altercation between MS Witheridge and the son of the Koh Tao headman, a local politician in the early hours of Sept 15th. Neither he nor his officers interviewed the headmans son, who is nicknamed Dodo, who was captured on CCTV in Bangkok later that morning "

    He also said " He did not have the results of DNA samples taken from Dodo, and had not received a report from Bangkok of an interview with the youth. "

    Police Colonel Cherpong stated after the defence team pointing out the two suspects were not wearing the same clothes as the alleged suspects caught on camera, allegedly running from the scene as " HE did not see that as relevant "

    He was unable to confirm if the DNA samples collected from the scene, or from the bodies of the victims, had ever been sent to SIngapore for independent testing.

    Seemingly officers also stated there were no viable fingerprints on it, and NO DNA EVIDENCE TO COLLECT - I can only think this must be a mistake otherwise well it takes the biscuit

    If all of the above is true, I cannot fathom how this can be deemed as a competent and just investigation.

    Money plain and simple.

    What we are witnessing is a case of total evil.

    Thailand a Buddhist nation......crap utter and total crap

    An evil nation

    David, Hannah and Red Bull Grandson.....Thailand for you

  14. Yesterday emotional scenes were witnessed as the mothers of the accused wailed in distress and hung onto their sons who were shackled and wearing prison attire. Both mothers and sons, who have pleaded not guilty, were visibly distressed. The mothers, both widowed, have travelled to Koh Samui from Myanmar to support their sons during the trial.

    This trial is about human lives, isn't it? Whatever the outcome, both sets of families will have endured the most harrowing times that could ever have happened to them.

    So sorry.

    Yes tragic. Until this section of the trial is finished we really should concentrate on the proceedings and discuss those and for now leave out the speculation on Nomsod as its clogging up the thread and its been discussed thousands of times before.

    HUH - I respect what you are saying but the fact that it was deemed necessary by the prosecution to state that Nomsod's phone records prove he was not on Koh Tao has resulted in a refueling of speculation. He is now undoubtedly implicated in the proceedings as I see it which will no doubt be used in some way by the defence.

    That could also be a ploy by the prosecution in introducing such person hoping that the defense might use some of their limited time on (from their perspective) a wild goose chase.

    Again far too clever, we are talking Thai lawyers not Robert Shapiro

  15. If someone from outside of Thailand wanted a quick and simple take on what Thailand was truly like, then 5 minutes in that court house would suffice.

    Thailand from the outside looks good in fact wonderful at times, some nice buildings, lots of impressive flags, uniforms lets not forget lots of lovely uniforms, medals, ribbons, lots of wai's, lots of nodding, lots of smiles.

    The reality is a country of lies, bullshit and corruption, and the most serious of all.....

    A country that treats its people with utter CONTEMPT never mind the millions of foreign visitors and ex pats....they simply are treated like pond life. Disposable when the time is right ala David and Hanna.

  16. stephen Terry

    "I find it difficult to believe that RTP and local police have put all this time and effort into setting the B2 up without some financial incentive. What's in it for them, in convicting the B2? To protect a fire-dancer?

    Sorry, I don't buy it. "

    i thought Mike's post offered up some real insight , and fire-dancers would certainly fit the bill ...

    lets remember there was a big party at AC that night to celebrate the end of the football tournament . No doubt ,many different crews from the local bars and other islands were part of that party .

    Using the old adage "never s..hit on your own doorstep " i can perfectly see that the local boss would do all he could to cover up this graphic murder , even if it had nothing what so ever to do with him and his businesses , other than that the party was at his place . He would go out of his way to avoid a root and branch investigation to his business operation.

    The old man does not seem a pleasant person , but do not for one moment think that he is not a very bright spark indeed . You do not hold on to power in a place like KT without knowing all the moves . He has made a fortune over the years , and unlike some in my country that have fortunes thrust upon them , he has not squandered it ........ he has educated his kids to the highest level , he has used his wealth to gain influence in some very high places , he will have leant that just having a shed load of cash does not open all the doors for you , and that being part of the "real elite " requires an education that he was not allowed , but he has provided for his Son and heir.

    who can remember back early on the AC bar being raided , and narcotics being found ? what of that ..... clearly stamped on pretty hard , and no doubt put down to an employee... but in those early days the heat was on , and even for the old man it seemed a scary place to be . for all that he had gained could crumble around him because of the callous actions of some drunk / high party goers s ..hiting on his doorstep .

    so sure the panic button got hit , and the smoke and mirrors started .... self preservation is a very human instinct .

    Okay, you have an opinion. I don't think for one moment the headman would be concerned about any investigation into his 'business' - that's all been paid for. There's a party - so what? Why would he see the need to protect fire-dancers? And how can he cover it up - there's two dead bodies on the beach?

    My point is what I've written. What's in it for anyone to set up the B2? Think about that. Why are the B2 so much more special (to the Headman) than fire dancers?

    Agreed, I can see why the fire-dancers might be viewed as possible suspects, but as Stephen notes, why would someone with the power and influence go to these incredible lengths to protect the guys. If it is a cover-up, I am sure there is a firmer connection between the culprits and the up-coverers than just being some loosely affiliated drifters that are chummy with them and perform at their bars.

    There is no way the Prime Minister , Chief of Police , the British Prime Minister and any other high ranking official gets involved to save a fire eater or the like.

    After reading through today's proceedings in court, I am calling bull sh!t.

    This is one big, big cover up, which is going very, very wrong. This is a car crash of a set up and two of the above non Thai officials will, and won't loose face!

    I again deeply worry for the two scapegoats.

    The up coming long court break will be a perfect opportunity for certain authorities to bring silence once and for all.

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