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Posts posted by BoristheBlade

  1. Alcohol is just a dangerous drug some can't handle it.. its legal.. never heard of someone on marijuana going berserk and killing people. Crazy laws.. just because its easy to tax alcohol. People who can't handle their drink should not drink.

    Have you forgotten about Charles Manson and his cult? When they murdered Sharon Tate...they weren't smoking Marlboro!

    cheesy.gif you take a serial killer as an example while on the other hand there are countless examples of people killing others when drunk. But none for marijuana. Bit bias don't you think. Alcohol is just a dangerous hard drug that is known for causing aggression. Far worse as many other drugs but legal.

    There's no coincidence that marijuana is linked to the peace and love movement of the sixties. The overwhelming majority of pot smokers become mellow and peaceful. Those who become aggressive would probably get angry by drinking water as well.

    If pot was allowed and alcohol prohibited world wide we would see a significant drop in violent crime and road deaths.

    Agreed, but can't see people smoking a big joint on Surkunimit happening anytime soon!

  2. They will end up been tied up somewhere and will become a

    place for schools to bring the kids and Thai tourist attraction,

    most likely next to that other waste of money .the aircraft carrier.

    with the Blimp trying to fly overhead.

    regards worgeordie

    Maybe they could combine the airship and submarine,

    Just tie a parachute cord from the submarine to the airship, that way the submarine will not be able to dive too deep in the shallow Gulf of Thailand.

    Admiral Somchai will love it!!

  3. So 60 are missing, 20 already left the country! Typical Thai. Tell the people to give them time to escape. And throw in a scapegoat. To carry the can.

    Cancel their passports.

    They'll turn up sooner or later, somewhere.


    .....And what is up w/ Somyot's hat? Last time I saw a hat that tall I was looking at a picture of Abraham Lincoln.

    Somyot could crawl under a snakes belly wearing a top hat.

    How may offences have been carried out under this mans watch?

    Too many to count, is he totally unaccountable?

    A man who has hundreds of millions of baht in assets has far to many distractions to be a police officer.

  4. I am in Ban Saen, our house is under 2 M of water, lost both our cars.

    Not one offer of help from the authorities, and there are over 100 houses in the same situation as us!!

    Water level is rising and we have had no rain since last night!

    So much for all the bullshit PR from the government agency's, terrible and disgusting reponce

    I hope things improve for you, the wife and I were watching the scenes from around Rayong on the news last night so you have our commiserations.

    Thanks for the good wishes, things are getting worse sorry to say, and still no help...incredible.

    There are many old people in this estate, no water, food etc.

  5. Wow finally, justice is too slow in Thailand especially when rich people are involved. Its good that the guy finally has to go to jail. I always thought it was a farce when he did not have to go to jail. Finally some justice.

    Next on the list red bull and the teenager that hit the minivan with people in it.

    Vorayuth Yoovidhaya, the Red Bull Heir, will NEVER serve time for his crime.. And was it really a crime or an awful accident ? Shit happens in life and I think this spoilt young man hit the motorcyclist by accident and then panicked ..

    when he realised the driver was a policeman. The policeman's family accepted ten million bahts in compensation. Will help to fill the space left by the dead policeman. This is Thailand and it's the way it works here. Let the young guy alone and let him live his life. He has to have that on his conscience forever. wai.gif

    "let the young guy live and let him live his life"

    Are you his coke dealer?

    This evil bastard should be hanging from a very high tree in the RTP headquarters.

    He was drunk, high and made a feeble attempt to cover up his crime, courtesy of his Gardner.

    And the most important part....he murdered a POLICE OFFICER.....the RTP can't even take care when one of their own is taken.

    Do the crime, serve the time.

  6. There are no samples left for a simple, but very important reason.

    They could and almost certainly would implicate people who are at large on Koh Tao and make liars of the leader of the country and the police.

    In any civilised court if the prosecution was to tell the court that all samples were lost or "used" I would expect the judge to dismiss the case immediately and probably humiliate the prosecution publicly.

    But this is Thailand....

  7. Judges in a fair and civilised courts would indeed make judgement on the evidence placed before them.

    But this is not a civilised or fair country.

    This is a trial for the murder of two ferangs, allegedly murdered by another two foreigners.

    This is a case which the Dictator of his country, the Chief of Police, the British PM have personally intervened.

    This is no ordinary case and the judgment in my opinion was made long before the trial began.

    My only hope is if the two scapegoats are found guilty, the British , with Mr David Cameron as the spokes person blow this case sky high.

    Will that happen ...NO ,,,,Politics

    SHAME on all involved

    Following the completion of this trial and the announcement of the verdict, human rights organizations are going to make their views on the fairness of the proceedings clear. My opinion is that, in the event of a not a guilty verdict, the assessment will not be complimentary. If a guilty verdict is handed down, the rights organizations are going to be outspoken in their criticism. Some will say Thailand does not care, but there are real consequences. Things like the US annual Reports on Human Rights Practices influence policies that impact on Thailand both diplomatically and economically.

    Thailand may not care (much) what we think, but they very much care about what the human rights organizations like Amnesty are going to say.

    I am sorry but Thailand not only does not care, it does not give a flying *uck!

    Historical events are imminent in this country, hence the present military government, NOTHING will be allowed to interfere with the real reason power was ceased by the military.

    You are witnessing an enormous fight for money, power and privilege and the opinions of Obama, Cameron the UN,. Greenpeace, amnesty and Co mater not a jot!!

    This is a evil and wicked nation run by and for money...nothing else...and they have the shame to call themselves Buddhist...please

  8. From the overly nested post above: I would suggest that there is NO basis to form any conclusion either way.

    The Judges will make that decision most likely without ever hearing your suggestion.

    Judges in a fair and civilised courts would indeed make judgement on the evidence placed before them.

    But this is not a civilised or fair country.

    This is a trial for the murder of two ferangs, allegedly murdered by another two foreigners.

    This is a case which the Dictator of his country, the Chief of Police, the British PM have personally intervened.

    This is no ordinary case and the judgment in my opinion was made long before the trial began.

    My only hope is if the two scapegoats are found guilty, the British , with Mr David Cameron as the spokes person blow this case sky high.

    Will that happen ...NO ,,,,Politics

    SHAME on all involved

  9. David and Hannah and their familys will never get justice.

    I just hope karma comes to the fore, and the real perpotrators and the many people who have lied and help cover up this hideous, evil and violent act suffer very, very badly.

    I for one will never forget the utter contempt that these two victims have been treated by the Thai authorities and for that matter previous victims of violence against foreign visitors to Thailand.

    General you should be ashamed of your nations police including the head of the police whom I believe you personally chose. They are an insult to the people of Thailand and a danger to thousands of foreign visitors.

    RIP David and Hanna.

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