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    chiang mai

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  1. No need to, police report is enough to show at any traffic stop, had the same experience last year. The number plate has to have the official stamp on it, do so at your own risk, they could empound your bike for a fake number plate
  2. 'Local authorities have pledged to increase monitoring and enforce stricter regulations to prevent similar occurrences in the future.' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. Absolutely, I buy the ordinary white loaf, 55bt, good for toast and sandwiches
  4. needs to keep it on the back wheel longer, 7 out of 10, but a good effort 👌
  5. Did a decent breakfast there.
  6. Never miss a chance of a prezzie
  7. roo860


    That's her fault then. COD every time.
  8. VID-20241220-WA0010.mp4
  9. Isn't that excuse exclusive to Thailand?😊
  10. roo860


    I've turned them off, only get updates on my order

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