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Everything posted by roo860

  1. https://pattayaone.news/drunk-aussie-steals-impounded-motorcycle/
  2. 2 originals of both are required in Chiang Mai
  3. Yep, stuff the others, they don't matter 😁
  4. Me as well, ride it on my KTM, it's a wide road!
  5. And those pictures prove what? The woman has no fashion sense?
  6. There's quite a few Thais on that page that say, 'at least he didn't run away, as alot of Thais do'. He's actually not admitted any responsibility, just sorry that someone has died, so there's nothing else to add to the English version of events.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 77 seconds  
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 84 seconds  
  9. And practically no meat in it, fat and gristle on a stick.
  10. Him and Liverpool Lou 😅😅
  11. Exactly, I remember Diana Ross and McCartney, neither of them could hold a tune, backing singers had to pull them out of the <deleted>, Young would be no different, embarrassing really
  12. Absolutely, can't argue with that😆😆
  13. According to another news outlet the driver was 74yrs old.
  14. 'The incident has raised concerns about road safety, especially for tourists, and local officials have pledged to review safety measures and improve oversight of tourist transport services to reduce the risk of similar accidents in the future ' And improve the standard of morons driving them.🤔
  15. I don't think the pilot deliberately ploughed into a brick wall.🤔
  16. Bus driver ends up on his arse, lost face, rams the car.
  17. I prefer Pakistani women, most of them have nice moustaches, just like their mothers 👍🏾
  18. 3 sisters, Ann, Jan and Fanny who all had big feet. Ann was a size 9, Jan was a size 10 and Fanny was a size 13. Ann and Jan went on a double date. Amazed, one of the boys said, "God, you two have big feet". Ann replied, "u think they're big, u should see our Fanny's"...😂😂
  19. Checking his John Thomas for burns.
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