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Everything posted by roo860

  1. he got a bit of a thumping from other Thais, well deserved.
  2. If you saw the news video in the topic you would see there was no mention of a foreigner, all Thais involved in this incident
  3. I suppose emergency vehicles were 'scrambled ' 😅?
  4. I personally prefer a woman sporting one😘😘and a hairy chest 🫣🫣🫣
  5. A bit of Henna there? You should go for this look.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 97 seconds  
  7. The driver is Singaporean, Thai news yesterday morning, also said it's her husband.
  8. My wife's latest gastronomic atrocity, she deserves a good beating!🙂
  9. I've had to tone my accent down, American friends couldn't understand me.
  10. Don't be embarrassed about it, probably Kirby, that's a classy dump.
  11. Like I said it's an expression, even a Scouser would understand that, and don't tell me what to post, wannabe moderator now are ya?
  12. As you know being a Brit it's an expression, used when items seem to be overly priced, it's just an expression, so no need to be pedantic.
  13. Fried in batter, called Fritters in Chip shops, used to be very popular when I was a kid, don't see them alot nowadays. Chippy at the Gate for me is IMO the best in Chiang Mai
  14. The Singaporean driver registered over 100 on the intoximeter, just been on Thai news Ch32
  15. Thai news this morning reported, its her husband and he's from Singapore, so not a Farang.
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