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Everything posted by roo860

  1. How did they find out about where he was living or did someone bubble him?
  2. Hope it's a total flop, FIFA, corrupt bunch of <deleted>.
  3. All you have to remember is they're all a bunch of <deleted>
  4. I didn't know what to get my 9 year old scouse nephew for his birthday, so I put 20 quid in his Nan's purse.
  5. Bloke in the pub asked me last night " name 3 Qatar Players" I said " Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and George Harrison"
  6. Tell them nothing mate, you've paid in to it, stuff em.
  7. Wouldn't trust that building.
  8. Wash your mouth out young man!????????
  9. Nice thing to do, with a few family and friends.
  10. Apparently no alcohol sold in the stadium. IMHO should never have been held there, FIFA, corrupt load of <deleted>. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-11442203/Qatar-want-alcohol-sales-World-Cup-stadiums-BANNED.html
  11. Seems like smoking causes fatalities. quote 'His vehicle was badly damaged in the front and there were cigarettes spread over the road.'
  12. VID-20221118-WA0007.mp4
  13. How do you know he'll have men queueing up, strange statement, sounds like a bit of projection.
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