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Everything posted by roo860

  1. Hey GOATY, what's going on here! Is she American?πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
  2. Isn't that why cowboys have sh!t on their moustaches, 'Cos they've bin lookin for love in all the wrong places' 🎡🎡🎡🎡😁😁
  3. Was it Mrs Ed? Perhaps the guy was after a marriage visa?
  4. Fortunately his throat was a bit dry so he couldn't leave a load of spit on the cop car windscreen, and wasn't a number plate lying around he could chuck at the car. 😁 Thai people are fed up with these antics, and rightly so, the 2 Swiss <deleted> as well.
  5. Absolutely, that Aussie spitting and vandalising the Thai lady's car, totally unhinged.
  6. You got it Columbo! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
  7. Transporting them to the range. Without his wife being with him.
  8. How's Oscar doing not seen any pics of him lately?
  9. Absolutely disgusting git, the spitting incident alone should be 12 months in jail, I'm sure I heard on the news he was 43yrs old, playing on skateboard and abusing drivers. Charge him, 12 months inside so he can reflect on what a git he is, then deport the POS.
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