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Everything posted by roo860

  1. And all the other countries that holiday there.
  2. 'The mayor of Maria de la Salut and president of the Felib federation of town halls Jaume Ferriol also commented on the new proposals, saying individual councils should be able to set the rules, as some areas rely on tourism more heavily than others.' So, a non story really.
  3. Wasn't it a Swiss guy accused of kicking a Thai? And a Russian woman kicking a Thai?
  4. Was on the news the other morning with a video of the incident, he also damaged or attempted to damage a foreigner's motorbike in the same location, I fight ensued and the Egyptian ran away.
  5. I'm all for it, especially if she has big t!ts. 😘
  6. Some of these <deleted> actually say they are experiencing period pains, and want tampons as well, they want putting in an asylum.
  7. Chiang Mai Transport office, if you have a yellow house book you cannot transfer ownership of a motorbike or car without having a pink card, as I found out 2 weeks ago when buying and selling a motorbike. Bit off topic I know.
  8. So would you need a new pink card every year for your extension to be up to date?
  9. Unfortunately they always have to try and get the smart arsed comment in before reading the whole story. 🙄
  10. Well said!!! She'll be complaining about not having her nails done and another tattoo.
  11. 'Sunak isn't bad and I wish he was better as he's from my home city' Bombay? 🤭🤭
  12. Only problem is with those places that supply slippers is what the previous user had, Verrucas maybe?
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