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Everything posted by roo860

  1. A whole new meaning to 'bringing home the bacon' 🙄
  2. There's been a parade of 'influencers and celebrities ' on the TV, some 'crying ' of course, Thai style, when they're all as guilty as hell!
  3. Seems like now they are allowing very bookings I've tried everyday within the 45day limit, given up now, will just go very early.
  4. Just started using Temu, spot on, all in English, can track orders, excellent.
  5. Hope the UK follow suit, but then again with this present government they'd probably give them a knighthood.🙄
  6. There are now women only buses in India
  7. Weather still looking good for rest of the week, My favourite Burmese restaurant, Cherries is open now on Changklan Rd!
  8. When I was in Goa many years ago, Indian men on the beach would approach unaccompanied Western female tourists especially those wearing bikinis asking for a photo with them. They thought putting their arms around the female was acceptable, was surprised the number of women that allowed this, they just thought the men were being friendly. Later on I travelled extensively in India, some of the stories I was told by Western women about travelling in India especially on buses and night trains was pretty shocking.
  9. Seems like she isn't the only one intoxicated!😅😅
  10. The egg shop owner had to 'scramble ' for safety.
  11. Come on, we've all forgotten about the gun in our carry-on bag!😁😁
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 61 seconds  
  13. Sam Smith says he is now in a relationship with a ‘French Baguette’ and ‘hopes to get engaged’ later this year. The vegilesbian said: ‘True love always hits you when you yeast expect it. We hit it off straight away and we’ve just been on a roll. I think the best is yet to crumb’.
  14. Last time my wife visited the UK she had around 20kg of food, they put her luggage at Manchester through the X-ray, she was convinced there would be a problem, nothing, wished her a good stay, bye bye.😀
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  16. If the weather forecast is anything to go by next week is looking pretty good.
  17. He was bitten 4 times?😁😁
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