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Everything posted by roo860

  1. And a friend of Miss Witheridge's ex-boyfriend, who did not want to be named, said the couple had split just four months before she went travelling and he had been left "heartbroken" at her death. She declined to name Miss Witheridge's ex-boyfriend but said he had criticised the police investigation into her death on Facebook.. The above article from The Standard newspaper.
  2. Were they staying at the same hotel or guest house and the same room?
  3. The Royal Navy is now assigning females to quarters in a separate private "OFF LIMITS" area on all warships and aircraft carriers. Addressing all boat personnel at Plymouth, a senior Admiral advised: "Female sleeping quarters will be "out-of-bounds" for all males. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be fined £50 the first time”. He continued: "Anyone caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined £150. Being caught a third time will cost you a fine of £500. Are there any questions?" At this point, a boot-neck from 45 Commando (Royal Marines) stood up in the crowd and inquired.. "Sir, how much for a season ticket ?" 😁😁
  4. Not a British thing at all to put fried eggs on burgers. I was in Bangkok couple of weeks ago and that Nana burger is bloody lovely.
  5. My home town, Congleton, he was a regular in the boozer I used to go in before all this came out.
  6. Yesterday on Ch32 it reported this, there was a video of the responder performing CPR on him also interviewing his wife, she said he was drunk. My post at the start of this topic I failed miserably to say it was a video. I hope this clears the confusion.
  7. The reason why I said that was it showed a close-up of the responder performing CPR, clearly showing the guys face, water coming from his mouth and no signs of life. Hope he pulls through!
  8. Channel 32 news yesterday morning said he was drunk and his wife confirmed it. It showed him having CPR, he looked in a bad state.
  9. It's actually confirmed what I was thinking, the majority of posters on AN forum are total muppets, triggered by a topic that was obviously a wind up from the start, brings a whole new meaning to 'special needs'.🤭🤭
  10. Ch32 news this morning, one foreigner was so upset about hearing the news that he attempted to swim back to Aus, totally drunk and at 3am in the morning in Pattaya, fortunately was revived by emergency responders. This is a true story by the way, will filter through to AN news shortly.
  11. I can confirm this, just walked into my local 7/11, not wearing a mask, I was verbally threatened by staff and locals, seems its been taken very seriously.
  12. Nice to have you back in the fold mate!
  13. My condo is round the corner from CMU on Canal Rd, every evening around 5pm bikes are heading up to Doi Suthep!
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