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  1. No. This story's too tacky even for him.
  2. If you had read the articles you would have known that they had to break into his room.
  3. Likely he and his family are Catholic as he is from the Republic of Ireland.
  4. Practice what you preach, Frank. Up thread you referred to two people as c***s. Both of them read this forum.
  5. Most of the deaths were in Chiang Mai, weren't they? The two Canadian sisters died on Koh Phi Phi. The cause in all cases was suspected to be toxic chemical spray used to kill bed bugs.
  6. Frank whatsisname Koh Tao apologist doesn't want to say, apart from using obscenities to describe them, but I know who they are. 🙂
  7. Thanks. I didn't know there had been another tourist death just prior to the Irish lad's.
  8. A more accurate description is a "Black Comedy". Yes, it is very funny in a dark way. I've seen both Season 1 and 2 and look forward to Season 3.
  9. It's quite possible their drinks were spiked. The fact that the two of them passed out and were unable to be revived is an indication.
  10. Did the thought even enter your head that these two girls might have had their drinks spiked?
  11. Pretty obvious from the angle of the girl's top.
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