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Everything posted by IslandLover

  1. Yep, even the late Queen Elizabeth II's corgis were known for biting people. ????
  2. Domestic dogs are descended from the wolf. Sometimes they revert to type.
  3. I think some people seem to forget that the ancestor of the domestic dog is the wolf. Sometimes they revert to type.
  4. The Pitbull is a banned breed in the UK but the XL Bully is not. Guess which breed is now killing children and adults, including their owners? ☹️
  5. In the UK people have been jailed for having out of control dogs that fatally attack someone.
  6. Ironic that so many fatal dog attacks occur in Liverpool.
  7. I watched a programme on TV recently about the lengths people will go to to breed these types of dogs in the UK to circumvent the law. Some of them were drug dealers and other assorted violent criminals ????. They sell them for huge amounts of money and the transaction is usually done down the local pub.
  8. That's why I only have cats. They do all of those things and don't give a xxxx. ????
  9. Rubbish! Pitbulls are a banned breed in a lot of European countries, including the U.K., yet they are still being bred in the form of Pitbull crosses, or the latest "designer dog", the XL Bully, by backyard breeders. The owners may well be bad, if the thuggish types that own them are anything to go by, but the dogs themselves are lethal. Thankfully they are immediately euthanised if they kill a human being.
  10. I've got the "Rare" symbol on 4 out of my 5 badges. This is getting silly now.
  11. No, my name's Jimi. ????
  12. Yeah, me too and I've been subscribed since 2014 with quite a few posts to my name. ????
  13. I received the twice daily newsletter until Wednesday 1 February and then once a day until last Friday 3 February - then nothing until Monday 6 February. The appear to be coming only once daily now and not at weekends. Is this correct?
  14. Being constantly immersed in salt water is not good for the skin ????. Also, I read that he smoked.
  15. It's more correct to say the Netherlands. Holland is just a province of the Netherlands, divided into north and south Holland. ????
  16. I'll hazzard a guess - "the Low Countries". Euthanasia is legal there too. They have a rather cavalier attitude to death. I should know. I live there.
  17. Absolutely senseless killing. There is no defence for this. ????
  18. Absolutely senseless killing. There is no defence for this. ????
  19. Koh Tao, according to the article on the BBC's website.
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