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Posts posted by simtemple

  1. 6 hours ago, cliveshep said:

    Nobody seems to be querying the obvious - and while I am in agreement with all of you about the treatment of paedophiles how did the Thai police find out about this unless they are snooping on people on their internet use?


    I mean - how private are my emails to my bank or accountants, or children, or anyone? Are my internet movements tracked secretly?


    Am I paranoiac? 


    Well, I use geo-location block and a VPN habitually as I value my privacy. Not that I do anything wrong but it's like the feeling of being violated when you come home after a burglary to find the thieves have gone through your underwear drawer and your wife's underwear.


    Based in Chiang Mai Nvader is actively assisting the Thai Police apprehend pedophiles and sex traffickers. 

  2. 2 hours ago, onthesoi said:

    All western countries have defamation/libel laws, including the UK where the BBC adhere to the letter, but they come to Thailand and think they are above the law.


    JH is a professional Thai basher... So som nom na!

    Yes  all Western countries have libel/defamation laws but only in utterly corrupt Thailand are they applied by Thai elites to prevent exposure of their criminal operations/activities.

    Please provide proof that JH is  a professional Thai basher or prepare to be sued for  defamation.

  3. Whether you are eating, applying make-up or talking on a cellphone while driving, you are four times more likely to have a road crash. Conducting such activities while driving taxes cognitive abilities and powers of concentration to the point that it is tatamount to driving drunk. 

    The Thai Policeman who thinks it's acceptable to eat or apply make-up while driving, shows why there is no effective road safety strategy in Thailand. There is not even a basic understanding of what road safety is.


  4. I used to work for the New Zealand Road Tansport Agency. The reduction of road fatalities was achieved by a strategy developed by Tony Bliss. Tony's strategy was internationally recognised as best practice and he went on to promote this strategy through his employment at the World Bank.

    The stThe Government Transport Agency just sits on its balls and does nothing but congratulate itself for achieving wonderous new targets

    This strategy works on the princials of safe engineering - Cars and Roads. Education - hard hiting TV commercials etc and Strict Enforcement by the Police.

    This is undepinned by an understanding of the economic cost of a life and government willingness to establish and fund a road safety organisation mandated to reduce road trauma.

    I don't see Thailand ever being able to adopt this strategy. New Zealand was able to cut its road fatality toll by half in a very short time.

    New Zealand also has the benefit of an educated population which demonstrates high levels of road courtesy. I don't see any level of road courtesy in Thailand from the Thai. I don't think they know what courtesy means.

  5. Life means nothing to the Thai. It is a great pity but true. If they knock your off your motorcycle instead of rendering assistance they will try and สวัสดีคะrun over you and kill you. That is my personal experience. Fortunately a taxi bilke driver witnessed the Thai scum attempting to kill me and prevented my certain death. The Thai scum I am referring to is a 55 year old woman . I am now recovering with a broken pelvis and a fractured spine . No assistance was rendered by the Thai. Police

  6. Thai run prostitution dens, using underage Loa girls were uncovered by NVader investigators some months ago. Nvader is a New Zealand based Non-Profit Organization that combats sex trafficking through professional investigations and targeted interventions. The prostitution dens were exposed by NVader and reported to the Thai Police. It was the subject of a documentary shown in New Zealand. The investigators appear to be mostly ex New Zealand Policemen, working in association with Thai Nationals in areas like Bangkok and Pattaya. Whilst sex traffickers can be tracked down with relative ease, it is not so easy to get the Thai Police to act, and as was shown in the documentary corrupt Thai welfare officers or the police, are happy to tip off offenders/Thai mafia before the raid took place.

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  7. Thailand has one of the highest road fatality/road trauma rates in the world. They have received expert advice, from the World Bank, on how to reduce road trauma, but they blatantly choose to ignore it.

    A road safety strategy that strives to achieve zero fatalities, hinges on three E's: Engineering, Education and Enforcement. This requires safer motor vehicles, safer engineered roads, targeted road safety education, and rigorous police enforcement of road user laws.

    Anyone who has a rudimentary understanding of Thailand, and the mentality of it governors, will understand why this strategy has been largely ignored. The statistical cost of a life, it would seem, is meaningless in the land of scams.

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