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Posts posted by simtemple

  1. 1 hour ago, HuskerDo said:

    They don't like us here, their logic is to squeeze and milk us or to drive us away. They don't care which one. 

    The Philippines requires an initial bank deposit of US $10,000 and it can be used as a deposit to purchase a property.  The added bonus is that there are no greedy Thais and the Filipinos generally speak good English.

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  2. Australian weasel Scott Morris will intervene on behalf of a political dissident from Bahrain, but does nothing for an Australian citizen held illegally by evil British fascists in London, on behalf of the Evil Empire for 8 years.

    He worries about Thailand not complying with International law, but the loathsome scumbag recognises the unelected American puppet, Venezuelan death squad organiser Jullio Gauido, in the CIA's illegal attempt to overthrow the legitimately elected government of oil rich Venezuela.

    Hypocrisy on stilts. The Thai Government should listen to this Australian slime ball.

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  3. 19 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    Not to mention overtaking on hills, driving on the wrong side of the road and against oncoming traffic, making u-turns where they are not allowed, turning onto main roads without looking left or right, blatantly disregarding any and all speed limits, "forgetting" to set the indicator before swerving or turning, checking social media messages or make-up/hairdo and taking phone calls while behind the wheel, driving at night without lights turned on, running red lights, disregarding any road signage, tailgating and keeping no safety distance whatsoever and regardless of traveling speed, and, and, and.

    In the land of (vacuous) smiling recalsatrants, road safety means nothing and driver courtesy means even less.

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