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Posts posted by intune53

  1. I am referring to the date stamped Thai security cameras of the rich Thai kid that was taking an exam at university the day of the murders.

    You may wish to look into the credibility of the evidence that you are highlighting - and not just drink the crap they are putting out?

    Do you really think two migrant workers with nothing, who were in a foreign country where they didn't have proper command over the language would commit this terrible crime for apparently no reason, you know, just ruin everything that one night....just because?

    I think as has been mentioned a gazillion times, the actual wounds on the victims are so terrible and so strongly suggest that this was not a random act of violence - this had something far more substantial that motivated the killers....motivation I simply don't believe the 2 migrant workers have been claimed to have had.

    Other serious concerns John, before you go off believing all the 'evidence'.

    1. The crime scene was seriously contaminated from the beginning

    2. Certain people were allowed to refuse DNA testing, others were not

    3. Like it or not, the island is run by 5 families and they say what goes

    4. There would be no chance for these Myanmar men to get a fair trial in the US/UK etc due to certain official's comments and the rest

    5. Quite clearly someone was very very very angry with the David and Hannah, and had means to do something about it

    I hope the truth comes out to provide closure for the families - scapegoats don't provide closure.

    So you suggest a rich and powerful Thai had a reason to be more angry than the suspects?

    There is absolutely no evidence anyone was allowed to refuse DNA testing. Not one mention from the police of them not getting DNA from who they wanted.

    You suspect the contamination at the scene somehow put these guys semen in the vicitim?

    What in the world are you talking about a fair trial in the US/UK? Lots of people confess without lawyers and whose DNA is tested and all this info made public before the trial.

    Rape is an act of rage and power over another.

    Based on what was being said originally I thought the same thing in regards to this being a personal attack and the only person I could think that could be this close and angry is David's friend if he has something going with Hannah.

    However, it appears I was wrong and seemed clear when the DNA came back as Asians and now as it has come back as these two, and I also accept this. But if you suspect the two beat off the next day in the crime scene and wind blew their semen into the victim then maybe I should go back to suspecting it was somebody close and very angry with them?!?!?

    Like it or not, them doing it makes sense with the evidence. They took David out from behind to get to her and after raping Hannah, they knew they had to take her out too and did it in a similar fashion they did David but didn't have to sneak up from her behind. They may also have been disgusted with her over what they had done and why they went after the face like that. These are just two sick individuals. One likely very violent and sick and the other with other issues that allowed him to follow the other. Just speculation except for the fact it looks like there is little doubt these two did this terrible crime.

    But please tell me why you believe the rich and powerful son may have done this?

    Hello Johnthailandjohn.Earth to Johnthailandjohn. Please respond to my query about how you know the "timestamped video" of the son at uni is rock solid and why conflicting evidence suggesting other suspects are being concealed can be "set aside" ?????

    Your silence is deafening.

    Why do you believe the rich and powerful did not do this? Unless you yourself are rich and powerful. Or living somewhere in an alternate utopian universe ruled by a benevolent elite who are neither self-serving nor maintain their wealth and power by nefarious means as a matter of course....

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  2. New here and still working out how to reply with quotes etc so please bear with me.

    @John on page 2 you told me that the video of the suspect in the middle of the night that has two minutes edited out of it presumably to conceal another as yet unidentified person and the video of the three dark haired suspects at around 11pm that night should be "set aside" in favour of the "timestamp video" of the son at university.

    Set aside by you?But why? Do you have an opinion on this conflicting evidence? Conflicting evidence requires more attention, not less. At least when finding the truth is one's intention....

    Do you have a link to the timestamped video, I would be curious to see if it is authentic from a technical point of view.

    I would also be curious if any one single member of that particular family has been or will be DNA tested for if they were all this conspiracy business would fade away, would it not?

    Actually it would reveal the innocence/guilt of not just the known members of that family but DNA would also show if any extended family(conspicuous in their absence from media to date) were involved.

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  3. Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

    No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

    While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

    You sound like you're buddies with or connected with the Headman's son. Pardon me if my suspicion is wrong. It's just that the son should still be a prime suspect. Same goes for his uncle and the uncle's cop friend. Unfortunately (for the Burmese and for the truth) there is no continuing investigation by officialdom. Case is closed because they have scapegoats.

    And why should they be suspects? Especially now they have these suspects whose DNA matches, admitted to the crimes, were the ones in the video and were the ones seen playing and singing that night near the crime scene and whose friend will be testifying against them.

    Pardon me for suggesting it is time to accept your original suspicions were almost certainly wrong ... I know mine were.

    Sorry, can you clarify which video you are actually referring to? is it the one from the middle of the night with two crucial minutes edited out of it to hide the identity of the other person who was walking ahead of the suspect or perhaps you mean the video of the three men with dark hair on the moped around 11pm that night?

    You know the three men , all with dark hair, none of whom have dyed blond hair as the police have said.

    More than one guitar player on koh tao John.

    Sean Mcanna played guitar. He said he was threatened as he was a witness.Hmmmm.

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