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Posts posted by Petchou

  1. 1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

    No, I'm just tired of the nonsense puked up about foreigners because of the actions of an extremely small minority.

    What you call extremely small minority are those getting caught,  the number of those who are free is certainly big.  Thousands are working illegally,  many are abusing kids and....

    You can ignore the reality if it makes you feel good.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Yeah, all those pesky foreigners ruining Thailand. 


    All the ills here are their fault.


    Scum, eh.


    [sarcasm alert]

    Well.  You are stating something of creation of your distorted brain.  I am talking about the big number of foreigners who are only fit to be locked up in psychiatric hospital or jails back home.  Maybe you feel you are one of them.

  3. What is mentioned in the article may be partially true. But it sounds like the other side is greener like usual from biased farangs.
    Concerning Visa, try US, Canada and England visa, anyone who is not from Europe or Western countries will suffer, the decision made by embassy are irrational and process extremely difficult. Thailand visa is quite straightforward and given even to people who don't deserve it.

    Language, most farangs think they are entitled to everything, lazy, don't make any effort to learn, if someone make decision to live in a country, it's normal to learn the language.

    Internet connection is not the best in the world but far from being poor connection, I have never experienced any problems and can stream football games, movies,Conn is always on.

    Some are born complainers.

    Get a life

    Try Los Angeles, Paris and other big cities before talking about traffic.

  4. YES, The MOST!!!!! I am currently in Nigeria and they treat me like a King!!! I bring food to Venezuela and they treat me like a King!!! i am women in India and they give me many kisses!!!! I am Pakistan, so maybe that helps!!! Haiti is also on my list......

    2nd most dangerous......Canada. Then Finland, Sweden, and Norway!!!!!!!!!!


  5. I'll make it a simple question.

    Has anyone arrived in Thailand on a tourist visa, converted it to a non-immigrant visa and then a retirement visa without leaving Thailand?

    That is all the info i require right now. Due to my rather complicated situation obtaining a non Immi visa before I arrive will be difficult.

    The answer is YES. you can do non o without leaving Thailand while on tourist visa.

    I did.

  6. Sometime ago I there was a report thais are the second bigest cheaters in the world after some african country.

    I had 3 gfs who had other relationships when we were dating and having sex, 1 was married to a thai.

    When I moved here I also thought they were the best, years on and after dating many I can assure you they are not. They have a very different mentality than us westeners. Today I would never marry a thai women. I dont know how long the Op has been living here but u will realize soon or later

    Oh yes. We westerners are angels and naive people, we are the best. We are so different, the world should follow us.

    What the <deleted>....

  7. Quite amazing.

    Farangs living in meegre pensions, who would be considered poor back home throwing generalizations about Thais. There is definitely poverty here, but there are middle and upper class Thais living better than all those writing here. There are lot of young and less young people who are processionals, educated, they earn good salaries, travel, buy houses and condos, have businesses. Only stupid farangs who knows everything can't see this obviously.

  8. I guess it shows how far behind western standards Thailand really is

    A job like that should be advertised and open to any applicant that fills the criteria and the best candidate selected for the position after all applicants have gone through a fair and proven selection process

    but TiT

    The same is happening every day in Western countries, old school friends, network of people from same political parties, friends, family members are offered jobs even when an apparent transparent process is in place. It's just an illusion of this not happening in West.

    This said, I am not in agreement with this way of doing things.

  9. Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

    That shows how misogynic people can try to validate violence against women. You should go consult urgently. This was a citizen getting beaten by a sick politician. If you don't get it, it means you have really serious problem.
    A woman beaten,? He hardly touched her even me a Brit who cares nothing for American politics see that is utter <deleted>
    Oh you are a Brit, nobody is perfect. I sympathize with you and any woman you may meet. Lol
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