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Posts posted by Petchou

  1. The new PM is all talk. This will not happen. Neither will a few of his other grand promises.

    How do you know? Do you have crystal ball or are you one of those crazy followers of Harper

    Harper never kept any promises either. Ive been fooled by this "democracy" thing enough times.

    Then wait and see if Trudeau is going to keep his promise on legalizing marijuana. It's too early to jump into conclusions.

    When it comes to Harper, we all know he is a modern replica of fascists and racists hiding behind conservatism and religion. Thanks god, he is in the history garbage now.

  2. Actually this is not specific to Thailand.

    Any foreign lawyer trying to practice in USA, Canada etc... Will not be allowed, he must eventually go back to law school, get exams to join lawyers association etc....

    Which may take him years, plus paying huge money to join the association to be able to practice. Same thing apply to engineers, physicians, dentists etc...

    All these jobs they try to protect their interests by putting barriers to foreigners to practice.

    Not even in the least similar. All of those "barriers" are there to make sure they can practice the laws of those particular countries. In Thailand you could have the entire code memorized and 30 years experience and still not be allowed to practice.

    This is fallacious statement. There were tens of foreigners practising in law firms in Thailand. Just do a little research and you will find out.
    "Exactly"do a little research and you will soon discover that there are very few foreigners attached to law firms in Thailand. They cannot represent their clients in the actual courts, even thou they may be able to speak Thai, have far more knowledge than the Thai ( so called ) lawyer.

    I am not sure of what you state, the chances they are high they don't master Thai enough to be defending their clients. It's not about speaking Thai to bargirls, it's about legal nuances etc...

  3. I am surprised why people are shocked by such thing. All western countries don't allow foreigners access to jobs. Except if you are legally permanent resident or immigrant and you still have to fill the requirements for said jobs. Most of the time difficult ones. To any Westerner, try to get legally a job in states and Canada when you are not permanent resident. Good luck.

  4. Actually this is not specific to Thailand.

    Any foreign lawyer trying to practice in USA, Canada etc... Will not be allowed, he must eventually go back to law school, get exams to join lawyers association etc....

    Which may take him years, plus paying huge money to join the association to be able to practice. Same thing apply to engineers, physicians, dentists etc...

    All these jobs they try to protect their interests by putting barriers to foreigners to practice.

    Not even in the least similar. All of those "barriers" are there to make sure they can practice the laws of those particular countries. In Thailand you could have the entire code memorized and 30 years experience and still not be allowed to practice.

    This is fallacious statement. There were tens of foreigners practising in law firms in Thailand. Just do a little research and you will find out.

  5. Actually this is not specific to Thailand.

    Any foreign lawyer trying to practice in USA, Canada etc... Will not be allowed, he must eventually go back to law school, get exams to join lawyers association etc....

    Which may take him years, plus paying huge money to join the association to be able to practice. Same thing apply to engineers, physicians, dentists etc...

    All these jobs they try to protect their interests by putting barriers to foreigners to practice.

  6. As an American, I am always shocked when I am disliked by people of other nationalities. I don't represent the American government and they wouldn't stereotype me as being an automatic representative of my country's policies, would they? Besides, my country only wants the present regime in Syria deposed for the good of the Syrian people. I'm sure that things would work out just fine for the generations of Syrian Engineers who have been educated in Russia and for the hundreds (thousands?) of Syrians who are married to Russians. Besides, the opposition in Syria wasn't fomented by us. It was just started by an innocent group of people who want to overturn what they consider to be an oppressive dictatorship. Their country won't fall into chaos. Just look at how well it's worked out for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and others. We are actually the world's good guys - championing self-determination and free speech. How could the citizens of any other country, especially Russia, dislike us? Now regarding SE Asia, uh.......

    Fox news and propaganda still have future and potential followers. You don't seem to live in this world or understand the policies of your own country.

  7. Paris is a lovely vibrant city, all my sympathies for the people of France.

    These murderous fanatics will eventually be defeated.

    Really, have you ventured out of the tourist areas....its a hell hole. Marseille that was once a beautiful place seriously now looks like Beirut, France, Belgium, Sweden and Holland are all too far gone to reverse the situation..Within 10 years Muslim majority will be democratically voted in power and then Sharia will be implemented. Where will the leftist PC brigades be then, probably loving paying their jizya tax

    Paranoia can be dealt with medically.

  8. Anybody surprised here? The Israelis have been for decades distorting history in order to claim as much land as they want and make sure that the Arabs are just hardly surviving.

    Are you having a laugh?rolleyes.gif

    Have you ever looked at a map of the Middle East/North Africa and compared the lands primarily populated by Arabs and/or Muslims compared to the TINY piece of land primarily populated by Jewish people?

    The horribly greedy and mean spirited side between Arabs/Muslims vs. Jews is definitely the Arabs/Muslims. As the majority can't seem to accept that there is this ONE state in the Middle East that is largely of Jewish people. Israel of course.

    Seriously. Wake up. Do you think Israel doesn't accept the existence of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, Lebanon, Iran, Syria (whatever that is these days), etc. etc. etc.?

    This notion of Jewish land is A very ignorant and weak argument. The reason is simple, most Arabs, Christians in middle East are originally Jews. We should maybe find out who was there before jews and give them the land.

  9. Where is the logic in Zionist propaganda?

    Zionists are asking for guarantee to be protected from people they occupy.

    Zionists are victims of people who have nothing other than rocks and knives and useless guns while they are the strongest army in region and only ones who own nuclear weapons

    Now this is new propaganda of criminal netanyahu who must be brought to justice as war criminal.

    These people are a big joke, have no values can still bring totally fallacious lies arguments to draw themselves as eternal victims while they are the aggressors.

  10. The last and not the least, netanyahu Israeli prime minister has said today in another distortion of reality as most Zionist do that (read well): Hitler didn't want or had any intention to kill Jews or commit holocaust. It's the Palestinian mufti who asked him to do it.

    It's really time for a collective psychological help for most of Israeli people. Lies, crimes, occupation, killing, spoliation of land, the devil is an angel comparatively to those committing these crimes and trying to find ways to make them look legitimate.

  11. Personally I would not have taken my daughter there in the first place especially as we all know immigration offices can be stressful. Secondly why shout take a chill pill sticks and stones ect ect. Thirdly I will reserve judgment as we only have your side of the story maybe some of the people in there you mention are on this forum and can verify the version of events.

    But in any case smile say please and thank you it gets you a long way here so I've found

    Thanks for wise words. This is the way to go.

    I have dealt with immigration many times, never had a slight issue. Thais will treat you well, but you have to be mutual and have an understanding of their way of doing things.

    Coming here and behaving aggressively and thinking of yourself superior to people here as so many TV folks do, you are definitely going to hit the wall soon or later.

    Keep in mind, you are a guest of Thais, not entitled to anything. You get better treatment here than any western embassy when thais go seeking visas.

  12. Simple answer to the OP's question:

    The Syrians are Shi'ites, heretics. The Arab countries are Sunnites.

    I also can not remember many followers of Paisley seeking asylum in Ireland...

    Religions, all the same.

    I don't know what are your sources of information.

    The Sunnis represented 74% of Syrian population, Shiites are a minority.

    The issue is political and has nothing to do with religion. Saudis and golfes emirates are financing the destruction of Syria. It's normal to not expect them to support its population. Bachar assad was only Allie of Iran in region and only opposed to isreal, it's in interest of many to get rid of him, Israel, Americans, British and their Arab conservative dictatorship regimes and puppies of West.

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