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Posts posted by Petchou

  1. I'd be interested to know how this works here if anyone knows.

    1. Thai police ID IP address overseas - Common knowledge to be able to Id the country or even the city of the IP address but not the name of the person or their address.

    2. To my knowledge only the IP service provider can divulge the actual name and address of the person IF they have broken the law in the country of the IP service provider or international law (Where extradition treaty exists).

    Criticising Thai police is not a breach of international law or law in most countries so therefore they have no way of finding out who the hackers are.

    Does that sound correct or have I missed something?

    Yes you are missing essential facts. It's has nothing to do with criticizing the police, it's about hacking to court systems. Such actions are considered criminal activities everywhere in the world.

  2. We hear lots of talk of alcoholism being a disease as opposed to s self-inflicted problem.

    Yet we never hear that people addicted to drugs, cigarettes, sex, coffee have a disease. We know full well that people are responsible for those addictions through poor life choices.

    The pioneer of "Alcoholism is a disease" was Benjamin Rush, who in the 1800's, without any scientific backing proclaimed that

    • Those who drank too much were diseased
    • That this should be used as a reason to prohibit alcohol
    • That dishonest and political dissention were also diseases
    • That being of African-American descent were diseases
    So a real stand-up guy, right?

    This is the basis of alcoholism is a disease.

    In addition many are told...

    • The disease has no cure
    • The disease can only be diagnosed by yourself
    • Following a certain program is a remedy for an incurable disease
    I think this is the only disease on planet earth that can not be diagnosed by a specialist. What a peculiar disease that only the sufferer can diagnose. How peculiar that this disease has no cure and can never have a cure, despite the world moving on, new medications and new approached to addiction treatment, alcoholism is immune to everything and is incurable.

    So what is the damage done?

    Well there's a few ways this hurts people

    • When they relapse, or if they do not like certain treatment approaches, they can give up because they first learn they are incurable and if the cure doesn't work for them, they lose hope
    • They are psychologically programmed to make alcohol
    • The concept of having a disease, effectively strips the addict of their personal responsibility - it's not their fault, they have an ailment - which in turn absolves them of responsibility in a relapse and the recovery process itself - hence the "higher power"
    In other words - the belief that alcohol is a disease can lead to worsening their habits because they are now no longer responsible or it's a hopeless task. They have been programmed to fail outside of the treatment program that taught them it was an incurable disease.

    Alcoholism is not a disease scientifically speaking because it has no physically measurable symptoms. There is no way to diagnose an alcoholic or test for the signs of the disease in it's development. For instance, if you took a Muslim that had never had a drink, there would be no test that would identify that person as an alcoholic. The only way to tell is when they start drinking - because there is nothing there to see.

    The dropout rate at AA us roughly 95%. That's 95% of people that make the first meeting are no longer going after 3 months. Many of these people leave with the belief that they have an incurable disease as opposed to the fact that they have a substance abuse issue. So whilst many people abstain through AA, it is by no means the "last resort" or the only means of treating the addiction.

    For those that got to recovery through AA, I salute you.

    For those that found it not for them, do not give up hope, you are in the vast majority of people that do not stick with that program. This does not mean you are stuck with something for life. You may well have to accept responsibility for where you are now, that you are not diseased but addicted.

    It's urgent to go consult.

  3. As a Brit, I wouldn't expect any foreigner to stand up for God Save The Queen.

    In fact, there are quite a few nationalities that we Brits have been rather beastly to, that if they did stand up, it could be construed as disrespectful to their own countries.

    Should a Burmese person stand up for the Thai national anthem?

    If they have good reason to disrespect a National anthem, then fair enough, dont stand .

    But the lady in question , had no good reason.

    I did ask her why, and she offered no reason at all

    It's none of your business, whatever her reasons are, good or bad ones.

  4. Who's claiming anything? Ok then, let me ask you: Have you known a bunch of Thai girls that are degenerate gamblers?


    They've gambled houses and cars away.

    Usually the houses and cars purchased by their white husbands.

    Cards, dominoes, lottery, they will gamble on anything.

    Was with a bunch of them playing dominoes when they were raided by police and carted away in a van.

    Lucky for me, I was eating lunch, away from the table at the time, the police left me alone.

    I did bail my (now ex) gf out later.

    Criminality seems to be widespread through the general population of Thailand.

    Thai people taking, dealing, involved with, drugs, alcohol (legal and illegal), prostitution, protection and gangs, hard to avoid unless you hide yourself away.

    Too extreme generalisation, and obviously false like all prejudices.

    I haven't met any Thai in my acquaintances who fit in your description.

    You should change the environment you seem attracted to and you may change your mind.

  5. And, no doubt they are looking at us, and thinking the exact same thing.

    And obviously, western men don't age well, big bellies and ass, bad skin, look old when in end of 40s..... Just nobody Tell them. Thai think farangs are Stinky and not clean, they are right to certain extent, I see daily some dirty ones, look they are living in 17th century.

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  6. It is easy, you don't necessarily need to go out of the country if you come on tourist visa here.

    I read that for retirement of couples, each of you has to proof he have 65000 baht per month means 130000 for both, they deal with separately.

    You should consider requesting multiple entry if you need to travel out of Thailand without hassle, the cost is 3800 baht per person and it's done same day once you obtain your non o.

    Good luck

  7. And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

    There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons. We should maybe send Christians back where they come from.

    Post some news clippings of the attacks please. It is complete nonsense.

    For your education


  8. Hmmm .... wonder how they would know that you are a Muslim? Would it be a circumcision test at boarder entry points? I guess the Jews would never stand for that.

    Not really because circumcision is very popular in the U.S.

    Among older men it's like 90 percent.

    "Kids today" it's about 50 / 50.

    But as far as "ethnic looks" yes Jews often look similar to typical Muslim ethnicities.

    Really. Where did you get these stupid conclusion. Majority of Muslims are in Asia, do you really a separadic look like an Indonesian?

    This is the most ignorant comment of the day I have heard. Muslims cand be be identified by a look. Or Jew too. A falasha certainly look like Ashkenazi from Poland. Lollllll

    Since when religion is synonymous of ethnicity?

  9. One of them has lived in Thailand for 10 years and has a wife and 3 kids. And he is on an overstay or waiting to renew his visa depending on what report you read.

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these guys where being questioned.

    Q Are you a member of ISIS ?

    A No.

    Ok you can go then. Next one.

    Do you think sometimes before writing?

    Is there any terrorist who is going to go meet police voluntary?

  10. Well.....Just to be on the safe side Immigration should frown more and create more hoops for extensions of stay. More paperwork and 15 day reporting instead of 90..............

    Absolutely right, because we all know that potential terrorists are meticulous in their reporting to immigration offices, and no terrorist would ever bribe a border officer and sneak into the country without filling in every possible report and providing 20 photocopies of his grandmother's driving licence......

    Still it makes sense to harass every vaguely arab-looking man at the immigration line at the airport, holding up the lines while the officers hold a conference and short interrogation.

    Personally I advise every arab visitor to put on a turban, then they will be ignored by the police.

    You may need to go consult a therapist. With your insane xenophobia sickness.

  11. You do not have be Syrian to be part if ISIS, I bet there are some Thailand Muslim's who are affiliated with ISIS, what about all the other countries, even U.S. Citizens are affiliated with them.

    We are entering a World War with ISIS/ISIL !! So, be careful !!

    There are more converted Christians who join ISIS than simple Muslim who are suffering from terrorism more than anyone. They should also open an eyes on mass killers from US who are not that different from ISIS terrorists.

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