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Posts posted by AlQaholic

  1. When every single politician, military and government official in a country is so deeply to the bone corrupt, who should you vote for in an election? the ones who seems to be the least corrupt? Or the ones who offer 500 baht for your vote? But then if all of them offer you 500 baht, you just take 500 from all of them and vote with a blindfold?


  2. Sounds like you have some hardware problems.

    Disassemble the laptop and clean it inside (Vacuum, especially around cooling system area and fan),  if that does not help I am afraid your charging circuits and some other hardware probably is damaged. I would guess it relates to some power supply circuit for those particular components on your board. If that is the case, time to buy a new laptop.

  3. Who can possibly analyze the extremely murky waters of Thai society and Politics? There are so many different possibilities of Yinglucks fleeing, you need a quantum computer to compute it. She could have payed all or some of the security details enormous amounts of money to look the other way, hell, she could have paid some people very high in the govt. enormous amounts of money. Or somebody just let her go because having her in Jail is a nasty prospect for the future of Thai politics. Any number of other possibilities are all possible....and nobody will ever know because this is Thailand......

  4. 2 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

    Internet news sources are pretty poor these days, the original story goes on about the cut on his foot and the diphtheria as though they are related, he then says he didn't get any vaccinations prior to travelling.


    For those of us who didn't get around to reading the story.

    Well he did say, in the original article, that the foot got bigger and bigger and bigger, which any normal person would find rather alarming, but he still didn't do anything until his dad saw it and told him to get to a doctor??

  5. Actually this happens all around the world....A man flashing a knife or sword in a fight between two persons but where nobody comes to harm, even if the perception of the person not having the knife is that his life is in danger at the time. When it goes to court, for example if the guy who was attacked by the knife wielding guy (remember nobody came to harm) takes it to court, the court will look at prior records, the situation in which the knife came into play, the situation between the two antagonists. The court will conclude there is no cause for any conviction and dismiss the case or the guy with the knife will be lightly sentenced to probation. If he had killed or severely harmed with the knife/sword....then it would have become another matter altogether....that's how justice works.....in most places....Of course in Thailand we always have this special situation where cops are not really interested in doing their job unless there is some payback for it.

  6. In Thailand the law is not so Black and White as some are suggesting, one have to take into account following matters:


    1. Does the defendant have a sick water buffalo at the family farm or not?

    2. How many relatives to the defendant rely on her income?

    3. A background check of the accuser may very well reveal unexpected wealth, in which case she could very well easily afford to pay the 5,000 Baht, as well as some side donations to various police departments and justice functionalities. 

    4. The defendant may very well have an uncle in the military or police, in which case the whole thing becomes a nogo......


    Justice by banana........

    And who wants a crappy I-phone anyways? better to buy a new real phone......any Android will do.....

  7. Just assemble a big metal box, glue a monitor to it and put some fancy looking old pc motherboards into the box, install some old conveyor rolls found in a junk yard and sell it to the Thais, nobody will ever know.....

    And when someone complains the machine doesn't work, just tell them they didn't follow the manual correctly and the warranty is void.... 

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