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Posts posted by AlQaholic

  1. On 1/27/2017 at 10:45 PM, worgeordie said:

    Never ,Ever get anything sent by courier,DHL,UPS,FEDEX, etc, they will rip you off,

    there are always charges to pay when you use them, always request EMS, China Post

    or if not expensive item just ordinary mail, I regularly get parcels sent from China,HK,

    UK and always get them sent buy mail,they all arrive no problem,and with no charges,

    and never even seem to be opened by customs. so next time you will know.

    regards worgeordie

    What worgeordie said, I also never use courier service, always the absolutely cheapest shipping, and I get items every month and not once have I been slapped with any fines or duties. Only once was a package opened by customs, and that was a little wifi dongle for my Samsung TV, no charges...

  2. That's strange, I have had TRUE fiber for a year now (not living in BKK) and the service has been excellent. Never any down time and all TV channels (family package I think). I never use the TV but family does, I get all my shows and movies from the net.

    And on the occasion I have had to contact their shop the staff has always been very well informed, knowledgeable and helpful.

  3. Never heard or seen of any motorcycle taxis operating inside the base, Only transport to the beach as I know is the pickup trucks going from the center parking area, as far as I know they have now changed the routines so you must use the pickup service, but on some occasions I have been able to negotiate to let me in with my truck, usually if I come very early in the morning, but later in the day that is impossible. The guys at the gate seem surprised every time I come with permission to enter with my truck. When I arrive at the beach there are always a lot of cars already there, I wonder how they got in? Some of course are staying in the bungalows but there are always more than would be if only bungalow stayers were allowed.....The pickup service is included in the entrance fee.....

  4. 58 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

    One must respond to a comment by Chiangmai about Trump having no political experience. We just went through eight devestating years of one of the biggest bullshit artists the world has ever seen. He had no resume whatsoever and has left the world in one gigantic mess both in terms of the world's economy and security. Stop watching the morons at CNN and do a little research.

    Lemme list just some of the things this pillar of mess did during the 8 years....

    Saved the Country from recession upon taking office with a 800billion stimulus package...

    High speed Broadband and high speed rail initiative

    Doubled fuel efficiency for cars, new regulation

    Make the FDA regulate tobacco, something Bill Clinton tried and never achieved...

    Regulation for Air conditioners that singlehandedly reduces US power consumption by 1%.

    Economy was bleeding 800,000 jobs/month when he took office, now it has 69 straight months with private sector job growth..

    Budget deficit has decreased by a Trillion dollars

    The Auto Industry produced 11 million vehicles in 2014

    Federal contractors can no longer discriminate against gays

    Women can now serve in combat

    The rich are paying higher taxes

    A new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is policing unscrupulous mortgage brokers, payday lenders and other rip-off artists

    Oil imports are down 60% since 2008

    a Third of all coal plants has shut down

    Student borrowers only need to pay 10% of their income to repay, and the loan is forgiven after 20 years

    Upgrade 42,000 miles of roads, 2,700 bridges and 6,000 miles of rail

    300 billion in tax cuts for businesses and families

    Finance to 9 of the worlds largest solar farms

    25 billion incentive package to drag the pen and paper medical system into the digital age

    an 800 dollar tax cut for most workers

    etc etc....



  5. If the pipe that goes down to ground level is shared by other condos i.e. a main pipe with branches connecting to that main, it is the condo managements responsibility to fix if it is blocked in that main pipe, however if the blockage is somewhere in the pipe from your condo to the main pipe then it is the condo units responsibility. If each condo has a individual pipe going all the way to ground level (highly unlikely, bad design) then it is the responsibility of the condo unit to fix it.

  6. 3 minutes ago, TGIR said:

    Not really on the topic but I keep wondering why drivers in Thailand insist on backing up to park their car.


    It seems like any person with a little tiny brain could figure out the two things that make backing up to park kind of dumb:


    1 -  It is much easier to see and judge where your car is going when looking forward.


    2 - backing into a small parking spot requires both skill and the ability to judge where the car is by inches in some cases.  If you back Out instead of In, you are generally headed into either a wide open space, or one that is certainly less confined by the restrictions of a defined parking space.


    I've been waiting a long time to bring this up................because it seems to me the definition of a good driver in Thailand equals someone who can back into a parking space.  None  of that other nonsense like not tailgating, signalling for turns, looking before you turn, not speeding etc. really counts does it?

    Yes, I see it even with those angled parking spaces where you are supposed to drive in with the front first. I have often wondered about it too. Some time it makes sense to back in when the view is obscured when you back out, but in most cases there is no advantage of backing in, and it irritates the hell out of me because it creates endless cues at the parking lot, backing in takes a long time. 


    I can only guess from the Thai mentality it is about the road hugging....look at me, I own the road, you all have to wait until I have parked.......

  7. 15 hours ago, oilinki said:

    I guess the story here is; war is where the money is made in. 


    Nobody really knows if the JAS Gripen is a good fighter plane. Nobody has seen it in real action. 


    Quite unlike Hornets and Mig's, which have proven to be effective during combat battles in the Middle East and Syria. 


    They did operate in Libya actually, during the EU bombings....

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