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Everything posted by pegman

  1. Sounds like a money maker. In desperate times people are willing to take any old concoction
  2. It will be the Red Shirts that lead the way against the thugs in control.
  3. It's those at the top of the food chain running Thailand that are splitting the country not uniting it.
  4. Similarly what I can't reconcile is the junta appointing a member of the Kunplome clan to the mayor's chair if it truly wanted the sleaze controlled or eliminated. Putting the mafia in control of the whore houses same same as fox in charge of the chicken coop. Thailand has hundreds of beaches and beach towns so why shutdown the main attraction of your biggest resort beach town? My take is Walking St will be about the first attraction in Thailand to recover from the pandemic. It's customer demographic will be more prepared sooner to travel than family vacationers or sightseers.
  5. No, Vatican City is more BoyzTown than Walking St.
  6. At the pathetic rate vaccines are being given in Thailand there will be a long road too travel befiore trade picks up again
  7. The local manufacturer will not tolerate competition. End of story.
  8. Tons of people left Thailand the last 18 months but for some unexplained reason she couldn't? Not the full story here.
  9. Contracting by 12% would have to mean things go back to normal tomorrow. Realistically loss of retail sales will be much more by year end.
  10. It could also be the case that these reinfected people were just as careless the 2nd time as the 1st.
  11. How about the coup gets reversed and the last democratically elected gov gets back their rightful place running the country?
  12. There is no shaming a gov that is illegitimate and therefore has no shame to start with.
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