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Posts posted by PhillyBoy

  1. They are not forcing you to pay or you don't get it right? If the 1000 baht speeds it up and you want it fast then pay it. If you don't want it fast then just wait for the process. They are not extorting you. If you just wait it does not cost any more. Sometimes I wish I could have paid someone to move a little faster back in the homeland. They are government employees and they just don't move fast unless there is a reason. In your case, they can move fast if you give them 1000 reasons.

    If it was me I would just wait.

    • Like 2
  2. What??? Why aren't you all jumping on this idiot? YOU ALMOST KILLED YOURSELF!!!!

    And thanks for not driving like a madman on the roads I drive on. I would have had bad dreams that I killed somebody....even if he was a lunatic!

    Laughing? That's good! Lets get a bigger bike and let me know when you do and let me pay for your life insurance policy if I can be the beneficiary.

    Are you kidding me.....

    • Like 2
  3. I don't understand what you did wrong to Thailand? For most of us we came to retire here to enjoy life and take it easy and you can have a companion at any age.

    At 24 you moved to Thailand? And did what? A teacher? A vagabond who received money from home? Or are you independently wealthy? Whatever the reason you could not have possibly known what the world had to offer. So you have now found a new experience. Lets see what you say after 4 years in OZ, wherever that is. You say you have more FRIENDS in a short time than you found in Thailand in 4 years? You might need to know what a real friend is. Try calling those new friends to come help you at 4 am, and see who comes. I have found after many years that you only have a few who will really help when needed.

    Finally, everyone has different needs. Right now you need money, OZ and friends. I need a companion, warm weather, friendly people, nice golf courses, freedom, a great choice of foods from around the world, inexpensive housing, low taxes, and all for about 1/3 what it would cost me in my home of birth.

    Good luck in OZ. I am in HEAVEN!

  4. I heard people say 8 years ago and then again four years ago before I purchased my condo that things were bad. Don't invest. I bought because I had the money, wanted to live here and own my own place. All the negative prone people will eventually be right, maybe in 10 or 20 years.. Currently my condo has increased in value by about 1.5 million baht. All of the new condos being built are mostly 25 or 32 sq m in size. Nice if you are a cockroach. Prices are actually pretty stable and costs have not gone up all that much per Square meter outside of BKK.

    I think most of the people making comments about buying a condo or not simply just don't have the money available to make a purchase. Good luck waiting for the bubble to burst.

    Bubble boy

  5. I heard people say 8 years ago and then again four years ago before I purchased my condo that things were bad. Don't invest. I bought because I had the money, wanted to live here and own my own place. All the negative prone people will eventually be right, maybe in 10 or 20 years.. Currently my condo has increased in value by about 1.5 million baht. All of the new condos being built are mostly 25 or 32 sq m in size. Nice if you are a cockroach. Prices are actually pretty stable and costs have not gone up all that much per Square meter outside of BKK.

    I think most of the people making comments about buying a condo or not simply just don't have the money available to make a purchase. Good luck waiting for the bubble to burst.

    Bubble boy

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  6. C'mon.....you are in Thailand and you killed the dog. Besides the bad luck that will fall upon you that my missus says Thais believe you have to settle. That is what the police will do with you most likely. Offer her 1K baht and if she does not take that, offer to get her another dog, if she does not accept that tell her to call the police. They will probably do that anyway. If the dog was such a menace then you should be able to get people to back you but if your story is BS then maybe you will have more problems.

    Chok dee!

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