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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. Divorced from my childrens mother but both children were born in Sweden while we were still married and in Sweden i have sole parental rights over daughter (looooong story, not taking that up) and 50-50 over son. Marriage was never registered in Thailand. Both son and daughter have swedish and thai citizenship and they are in the "house book".

    So my questions...

    Who has the parental rights over my children in Thailand (she has not remarried)?

    Do i have to legalize my parental rights in Thailand at amphur (not a problem as ex-wife and i are still good friends)?

    If so, what do we need to take with us to amphur and how much is the fee to register?

  2. I need to get a new visa at Savannakhet so me and my friend (his car and in his name) would make the trip together. The car is on a finance so technically it's not his car yet so i'm asking for him:

    What papers does he need to take with him?

    How much is the "fee/tax" at Mukdahan border to be allowed to drive inside Laos?

  3. Why do threads like this always devolve into a gun debate? I mean really, guns are a fact of life that is not going to change no matter what your opinion is on the topic and no matter what laws are passed in any country... So for the sake of sanity and saving several thousand useless posts, let's agree that guns are never going away and deal with it...

    Strange logic Loptr.

    Anything that anyone could possibly have a debate on involves something that is a fact of life that is never going to change. [Rape, paedophilia, incest etc]. Are you suggesting we should never have debates about anything?

    If you mean that the in this one particular instance that debate is not going to change people's attitude to gun accessibility, then I don't agree and I would posit that history is not on your side. Any number of countries have tightened up on gun accessibility in the last 100 years. I'm not going to open the debate about whether that has a beneficial effect on the rate of murder as I don't have access to stats, but would be happy to see such a debate.

    A few cities in the US are among the deadliest cities in the world. Weapon of choice is probably a gun.

    US and third world countries on the top list.

    Either you are lying or you're ignorant as USA is 111th place in homicide rate per 100K capita[1]. And if you can't bother to Google here is a Wiki link[2].


    [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate

  4. Only police and the military should be allowed to carry guns. Because there are too many unstable, mentally challenged, mentally ill, criminals, drunks and people on drugs, or normal people finding themselves in extraordinary stressing conditions.

    Those are the exact reasons why law-abiding citizens should be able to carry a concealed gun on them if they chose to.

  5. This guy is an atheist who hates ALL religion. His Facebook "likes" included the Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Gay Marriage groups and other similar progressive sites. He seems to hate Christianity worst of all. This man is hater and he was going to go off eventually.

    So you are saying a so called "liberal" is the killer? And are you saying athiests generally "hate" religion or just this guy?

    Besides, what anyone "likes" on Facebook has nothing to do with their views. I "like" several Facebook groups i do not agree with only because that way i can "keep an eye" on what they write there out of curiousity.

    • Like 1
  6. So i have this issue i have been pondering about. My passport is valid until 24th September 2015 and my current non-imm o visa (child) 90 days have already ended and i'm on the 60 days extension which means i have to leave Thailand 28th March.

    I'm going to leave Thailand for Europe around end of july so what i'm basicly asking about is this...

    Am i correct in that i can leave Thailand 23rd March 2015 (monday), get new single entry non-imm o visa (child) from Savannakhet and enter Thailand on that same day? Because between 23rd March 2015 and expiration date on my passport (24th September 2015) is 185 days (6 months). As to my knowledge a passport has to be valid 6 or more months from the entry date?

    Can i also extend the non-imm o visa by 60 days without any issues even though by the extension date my passport would only be valid around 3 months?


    I could always renew my passport in Bangkok but i rather not spend 20k baht "for nothing" if the above works "just fine" as i would have to make two trips to Bangkok involving air plane fares and the 500% more expensive passport.

  7. You will only need the residency certificate from Immigration when it is time for your 5 year license

    They consider the 1 year license to be a temporary one and I guess they figure that if you survive the first year, then you should be rewarded with a 5 year license

    The office that issues the license in Ubon have twice said i need residence certificate from immigration. But TiT... no one really knows what's going on :)

  8. Now that i have a non-immigration visa i can actually get that "address confirmation" from immigration so i can get a 1 year thai drivers license.

    My questions are:

    How much is the fee for this "address" paper?

    Can i go alone to the immigration office or does my child have to go with me ("used" my child as reason for non-imm visa)?

    What else besides passport do i have to have with me to immigration?

  9. You don't have to remain in Thailand for the 3 years. You just need to be on extensions of stay for 3 continuous years or more.

    This confuses me even more. One would need three calender years of paying monthly taxes on 40k or higher salary working inside Thailand. If you are not in Thailand you are not working and paying taxes which means you would have a gap in the three calender years of taxes... or am i just tired writing this 02:23 thai time?

  10. How does one get naturalised in Thailand? I'm not talking about the final steps with interviews in Bangkok and so on but about the three calender year taxed income and marriage to thai woman. Is it as "simple" as having three 1 year extension due to marriage to thai woman, having contributed to thai society with charity (temples etc) and have three calender years taxation on atleast 40k baht salary (work permit)?

  11. Don't go to places where you wouldn't like your photo taken.

    How easy is that?

    So if a person just doesn't like having his photo taken, you expect him to stay home.

    Normally only hear of such logic from smokers.

    You have no issues being filmed by CCTV anywhere and everywhere without (especially London) and sometimes with* your consent but still feel "offended" when a person takes a picture of you?

    *like walking inside a shopping center that clearly says "we have CCTV in this building"

    • Like 1
  12. General comments (not to richusa below): If you are out in the public you can't possibly expect any kind of privacy. If you see someone taking pictures/video the best thing to do is just turn your back to them and not engage them. Reason is simple... no one watch boring videos of a guys back on Youtube. They (videos) do however go viral when the guy starts to behave like a dumbass because he is filmed.

    My hobby is photography, I carry my camera everywhere, taking photo's of everything.

    In a bar, I would not walk in and start snapping away........

    Open bars are a different story. If somebody gets upset.....@!$$$@% them.

    They should stay home.

    Well, if you are actually standing inside the private property (open bar) you can expect to be told to either stop taking pictures or leave the property. Now, if you are standing on a public road and taking pictures of the open bar... yeah... ¤!"#!! them.

    Being told to stop by management -- not by a patron ...

    Oops, missed to add that :)

  13. General comments (not to richusa below): If you are out in the public you can't possibly expect any kind of privacy. If you see someone taking pictures/video the best thing to do is just turn your back to them and not engage them. Reason is simple... no one watch boring videos of a guys back on Youtube. They (videos) do however go viral when the guy starts to behave like a dumbass because he is filmed.

    My hobby is photography, I carry my camera everywhere, taking photo's of everything.

    In a bar, I would not walk in and start snapping away........

    Open bars are a different story. If somebody gets upset.....@!$$$@% them.

    They should stay home.

    Well, if you are actually standing inside the private property (open bar) you can expect to be told to either stop taking pictures or leave the property. Now, if you are standing on a public road and taking pictures of the open bar... yeah... ¤!"#!! them.

  14. I have done three trips from Ubon ratchathani -> Mukdahan -> Savannakhet leaving at 06:00 from Ubon with a minibus from the main bus station. It arrives about 08:00 at Mukdahan bus station, buy ticket (45 baht if i recall correctly) for the bus going to Savannakhet. Clear both immigrations and take tuk tuk from Lao immigration directly to consulate. Each time i have done this i have had "plenty" of time left (as in 1-1.5 hours) before 11:00.

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