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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. For a start, in Europe anybody can ask an employer/previous employer to reveal the salary details of one of their employees, but unless the individual concern has signed an agreement to release that information the employer would be braking the law if they release the information.

    Of course in Thailand there is little or no protection of personal data.

    That aside, I think you are getting distracted by pennies.

    You have a candidate in front of you with a great resume who you presumably wish to hire.

    Offer her what you think she is worth to your business.

    Don't know which "Europe" you are referring to but in Sweden anyone can call the "swedish IRS" and ask how much person X taxed income was last year and from that it's not very hard to figure out their monthly salary. And you can sign a million "agreements" about prevention of releasing information about salary to no avail as it will anyway end up as "offentliga handlingar" (roughly means "public documents") when you do your taxes in Sweden.

  2. Yes, I read it too.

    But his behaviour was confrontational and he kept asking why they had stopped him.

    They have a right to do so.

    After 25 years he should be more competent in Thai language.

    My later point was the one I would like to emphasise.

    Stop spreading misinformation.

    They (RTP) do not have any kind of right to stop anyone walking on the street without good reason. It quite obvious from the video that they didn't have a good reason. Furthermore the "confrontational" (your words) guy has every right to be just that to the police for stopping them.

    And thai language skills have nothing to do with this video.

  3. Have to agree with , if this was an American city, the guy would likely be cuffed face down on the pavement in no time flat for talking as aggressively and confrontationally to officers as he did.

    That doesn't make it right, of course, but there's not any suggestion of a shakedown in the video.

    In less visible and public circumstances I'd say the American, by challenging the authority of RTP officers, would have run the serious risk of having his phone smashed, being roughed up a little and spending a few days at the King's pleasure, with a large contribution to the RTP's welfare fund at the end of it.

    He got lucky, IMO.

    I agree with Asdecas - We all know how aggressive the US cops are - videos are all over the web that show this, including videos that show the cops infringing the rights of individuals. I can understand the American being aggressive because he is programmed that way - it is the only way in which a white guy can interact with police officers in the USA. (A black man should put his hands in the air and keep repeating, "My hands are up - don't shoot."

    But in more civilised countries, when the police stop you to check something, like ID or politely ask a question, you politely comply.

    I somehow doubt that this pair of numpties would be up to forcing a pavement piss test on a pair of foreigners let alone extracting any cash from them.

    No, in a civilised country you do not have to provide an ID if you are stopped while walking /driving is different) without reasonable suspicion of have committed or is about to commit a crime. This kind of mentality "oh oh oh, the police told me to lick my boots so i did it" is what's wrong with societies in the west.

  4. Why do people think they have the right to 1.) film someone without permission and 2.) question and badger and film the police? The guy deserved to be put face down into the pavement.

    In basicly all civilized and non-civilized (such as Thailand) countries in the world you have the right to film who you want on public property. This right extends to filming public officals such as the police and so on. Now, if a country has banned filming in public that country should be categorised together with cesspools such as North Korea & Co.

    It's quite amazing that many people actually believe they have some kind of RIGHT to tell other people what they are doing on public areas.

  5. whistling.gif But it is not all "fun and games" for Mr. Cameroun and his Tories.

    He made an election promise to have a referendum in 2017 on renegotiating the terms of keeping the U.K in the Eurozone..... and now he's got to abide by that promise.

    A lot of countries in the Eurozone are NOT happy with the idea of the U.K. renegotiating their contract with the Eurozone, and they may not be willing to give further concessions to the U.K.

    And the right wing of the Tories..... those that seem to think Baggy Maggie was a saint is unwilling to make any compromise on what they believe is the holy word as issued by Baggy Maggie.

    So the next two years may be rather troublesome.

    As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for, you may end up actually getting it:.

    And not even to mention the "minor problem" of Scotland and the SNP controlling it.

    To enter, or stay, in EU as a richer country is like anyone saying "here, you can have my money and you can freely come to my house and sleep there and eat what you find in the fridge oh and you can use the car how you like".

    Two things can't co-exist: massimmigration and welfare state (which all of the northern european countries are).

  6. To call the current system in the UK as "democratic" is a slap, and a spit, on the face of true democracy. UKIP got about 3,5 million votes and they get 1 (one!) seat. SNP got about 1,5 million votes and they get over 50 seats... yeah.. that's democracy for you all right. Well, the kind of democracy we got in Zimbabwe, North Korea, ****land and Venezuela.

    "You couldn't make this s*** up"

  7. "Mix" is a decent disco with western style music and thai live music. U-bar was also decent at the old location (haven't been at the new one). Any taximeter will know where to take you if you tell them "mix disco" or "u-bar". Sadly Ant/Gee has closed (or was closed like a month ago) when i went passed it.

    Not far, a few hundred meters from Mix, there is a karaoke place (Starlight). About 2-300 meters from Robinson (which in turn is like 500? meters from Mix) towards Warin chamrap (basicly opposite Toyota shop at junction) there is a good open barish place (can't remember name) that close like 12-01. All of these place are either directly at Chayangkuun rd (main road) or just a short walk from the main road.

    And there are dozens and dozens of "restaurantish/barish/pubish" place where you can sit and drink a few beers while listening to live music.

  8. There. If you are going to try and play smart and use "difficult" words it helps your case if you know the difference between their and there.

    So called "black" people can very well be racist against so called "white" people as racism has no "color" restrictions, nothing is "invented" regarding that. Stating anything else is pretense of knowledge.

    Furthermore, you'll get much further in life if you dont defame/libel everyone who doesn't agree with you.

    So to some up, apart from pointing out a typo you haven't a single relevant thing to say on the matter except and instead resort to a rather weak ad hominem attack?

    I'm a bit concerned you find plain logic "smart" though.

    Clearly not a typo. A typo would have been for instance "theer". Or is that "some up" also a typo? Surely you meant "sum up"? If english is your native language i fully understand why you don't understand things written in this thread.

    But it's not me that don't have any kind of relevant things to say as you are saying that only white people can be racists and anyone not agreeing with you are racists.

  9. " a person of colour" Really?? Is that what you say? Is that how you see the world?

    As you have no way of defending a "black" persons racism against a "white" person (because according to you only "white" people are racists) you resort to that kind of reply. How very... "liberal" of you.

    And their you have it a classic racist response and an attempt at a false dichotomy. How can inventing a racist stereotype and then accusing them of being racist possibly mitigate your own racism in any way?

    There. If you are going to try and play smart and use "difficult" words it helps your case if you know the difference between their and there.

    So called "black" people can very well be racist against so called "white" people as racism has no "color" restrictions, nothing is "invented" regarding that. Stating anything else is pretense of knowledge.

    Furthermore, you'll get much further in life if you dont defame/libel everyone who doesn't agree with you.

  10. " a person of colour" Really?? Is that what you say? Is that how you see the world?

    As you have no way of defending a "black" persons racism against a "white" person (because according to you only "white" people are racists) you resort to that kind of reply. How very... "liberal" of you.

  11. Forget the torture and time wasting of the gym unless you really enjoy it and you've got plenty of time on your hands. Eat less, cut out the booze completely and eat rice only once a week, and walk a bit more. Might help.

    Ths is probably the worst advice i have read on this forum.

    Going to the gym to do strength exercise, especially on a diet, is crucial so you don't end up being skinny fat as restricting caloric intake will lead to muscle loss but that muscle loss can drastically be lowered by strength exercise (and enough proteins). And in what way would it help his sweating or diet if he ate rice just once a week?

    And who in the world doesn't have an hour to spend at the gym every other day or even every third day?

  12. I have never been in USA (which i'll correct in the future) and i haven't had much contacts with US citizens but i believe, even though i was born, raised and brainwashed in the last socialist bastion Sweden, that it truely is the greatest and important nation ever on this planet. I don't really understand the so "popular" USA bashing...

    With that said Thailand is still very high on my list where to permanently park my butt when i'm "old". If i was forced to stay in Sweden for the rest of my life (such as no pension outside Sweden or some other BS they might come up with) then a skydive from the balcony would be a really tempting option.

  13. Slightly OT, but it's easy for a skinny person to chastise a fat person by insisting that it's a matter of choice. It's not that simple. I'm a skinny person and have never had to worry about my weight. But for a person predisposed to obesity (yes, genetics), it's much harder. They would have to sacrifice a lot more than me to keep their weight down. So you shouldn't make it sound so black and white because I'm pretty sure no one "chooses" to be fat.

    What makes you think i have always been at ~10% bodyfat and not been say... ~30-35% bodyfat at one point in my life? Because i have been fat in my life and the only reason i was fat because i was lazy, didn't give a f***, didn't understand and blaimed other people for my fatness until one day i saw a picture of my on a beach in Thailand weighing 105 kg (at 180 cm) and the only thing coming to my mind was "who is that pig?". I took care of that "pig" in the picture by informing myself about diet, exercise and lost 20-25 kg.

    But nonetheless being fat is black and white. Either you "manage" your caloric intake or you don't. If you don't you'll eventually be fat.

  14. Well said.

    I did not choose to be over weight yet I am.

    Part of it is I use food to ease tensions much as smokers, drinkers and drug users do.

    Also it seems to run in my family. I believe part of it is the surrounding culture and the ease of obtaining not good food for us on demand at the various stores and fast food franchises.

    One other thing about over weights who says what your proper weight should be. I am a large framed man and at my best operating wait would be considered about 15 Kilograms over weight by the various scales people use.

    Don't want to be harsh but you are still making the choice of not eating "better" foods (as in not eating McDonalds and pizza "all" the time). Don't take this the wrong way but this is your "problem", you are blaiming your fatness on "family (genetics i assume?), tensions, and fast food chains" all the while you can force (yes you can) yourself NOT to eat that crap.

    And going by BMI and other such measurements doesn't work as a 90 kg bodybuilder would be "morbidly obese" according to them.

    People in general have no idea how many calories there are in stuff they eat (especially drink). For instance a 50 cl beer (about 5% alcohol) has about 8-10% of a normal males caloric need for a day in it. Coke/pepsi/etc has about the same amount.

  15. I don't see how there possibly can be any shortage of labour, not atleast when it comes to "simple" work. I mean, every single shop i go into in Thailand there are way, waaaaaayyyyyyy, too many employees considering how small the shops usually are. For instance a 80-100 sq. m. coffee shop with ~10 tables can easily have 8 working there. For instance a similar coffee shop in Sweden rarely has more than 2 employees. Or the restaurant, which has like 20 tables, near my apartment in Sweden has 3 employees. The best equipped gym i go to now in Ubon has like 10 employees and 6 of them are "personal trainers". Sure, the gym is open like 16-18 hours a day but even then you wouldn't need more than 3 or maybe 4 employees.

    Now i have never owned a business in Thailand but my only guess is that a very large majority of the "simple work" employees are very bad at what they do, lazy or just don't give a f***.

  16. Geez, man, give it a rest. I've been around Thais long enough to know when someone is making stuff up (quite common on TV). Firstly, a darker skin Thai girl will want lighter skin just like a fat girl in the west wants to be skinnier. It's a feminine beauty thing, nothing to do with racism as we define it in the west. I know plenty of darker skinned Thais and by their title and position, they certainly do not get looked down upon. Now among friends, a Thai girl will certainly tell her friend "hey, you're getting darker. Did you hang out in the sun?" Or "hey, you've gain some weight. Maybe you need to cut down on the som tum." The MaeJo dude has an agenda, always has.

    Being fat is a choice as no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to eat too many calories while being "light or "dark" skinned is not a choice as "you" were born that way.

    And "definition of racism" in the west is basicly this: if you are "white" you are a racist regardless of what you say or do. If you are anything but "white" then you are never racist regardless of what you say or do.

    "Being fat is a choice as no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to eat too many calories"

    That statement alone makes anything you have to say very questionable.

    Being "fat" as you call it, is very rarely, if ever a choice.

    Two people can consume the exact same number of calories and one may gain weight and the other may lose weight.

    Metabolism can have a lot to do do with your weight.

    The causes of obesity may be genetic, medical, psychological or just a matter of a lack of control, self discipline or control.

    I have never had a weight problem, but I can understand those who do.

    I truly believe that most "fat" people do not choose to be fat.

    Why do you think there is a multi billion dollar weight loss industry?

    There may be a few, but damn few people who choose to be overweight and unhealthy.

    I don't think you think....

    Yes it is a choice as you choose not to lose weight by controlling your diet and nobody said anything about anyone wanting to be fat. In the end of the day people are fat because they consume more calories than they burn under a given time period.

    And of course two persons eating the exact same amount of calories can result in person A losing/gaining vs person B losing/gaining weight as you had absolutely no other variables in that for example person A is a 150 cm 40 kg thai lady and the other one is a 195 cm 95 kg male. Or does one of them have hard physical work say construction worker and the other one sits on his/her a** all day long in an office? Do they regularly exercise? But comparing this way is dumb as how many calories you burn has nothing to with how much someone else burn calories.

    And metabolism rate still has nothing to do with weight gaining because if person X is fat with the "greatest metabolism in the history of the world" then person X is eating more than he/she is burning.

    All this is very, very, very simple.

  17. Geez, man, give it a rest. I've been around Thais long enough to know when someone is making stuff up (quite common on TV). Firstly, a darker skin Thai girl will want lighter skin just like a fat girl in the west wants to be skinnier. It's a feminine beauty thing, nothing to do with racism as we define it in the west. I know plenty of darker skinned Thais and by their title and position, they certainly do not get looked down upon. Now among friends, a Thai girl will certainly tell her friend "hey, you're getting darker. Did you hang out in the sun?" Or "hey, you've gain some weight. Maybe you need to cut down on the som tum." The MaeJo dude has an agenda, always has.

    Being fat is a choice as no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to eat too many calories while being "light or "dark" skinned is not a choice as "you" were born that way.

    And "definition of racism" in the west is basicly this: if you are "white" you are a racist regardless of what you say or do. If you are anything but "white" then you are never racist regardless of what you say or do.

  18. If there is one supplement to be on......its not Whey or Creatine......But Glutamine......Skeletal muscle is comprised of 65%glutatmine, an amino acid......a building block for all proteins.....good for the gut as well. 10 g per day.....as a base.

    That has been debunked ages ago.

    Rob, can you elaborate - I see this stuff on sale but if it doesn't work, surely people wouldn't keep buying it and stores keep stocking it? Never tried it by the way on it's own.

    Marketing James marketing, actually much of the stuff for sale is crap and does not work. There was a nice documentary about the supplement industry. I keep buying whey even though I never felt it.. its the same with many supplements.. you don't feel or notice them work.. so we don't know. Often the effect is not world shattering so you could be taking stuff that does not work and never know it. That is why its important to research supplements a bit at times.

    Whey isn't used for "noticing or feeling" it. It's greatest purpose is that taking 20 g of whey "immediately" (as in within an hour) of your strength exercise it will upregulate your protein synthesis to a maximum. But yeah, i do drink whey 2-3 times a day (breakfast, after training and sometimes before sleep) and the reason for that is simply because i want the extra proteins.

    And yes i agree about creatine, it does work.

  19. It was essentially the colonial powers that "authorised" racism as a way to justify of their colonisations and treatment of the native inhabitants....including slavery

    Racism before then didn't really exist - it was largely based on xenophobia and tribal divisions. The underlying causes were quite different

    So you mean that the arab slave trading (which was about twice larger in human count) had absolutely nothing to do with racism? You don't seem to realize that even today black people are viewed as less than dog sh*t in arab countries.

    And to even state that racism didn't exist until "the white devil invented it" shows that you really have to go back to kindergarden.

    So your whole argument is that Arab racism is worse than white racism, so white racism is ok? Seriously? As an American, I know that what we did back in the day was not only wrong, but incredibly evil. Making comparisons with what other societies did is not only pointless, but demonstrates a huge amount of denial and ignorance. Just know that it was wrong and indefensible.

    English is my third language and english is surely your first (as you are american) yet you don't understand what i wrote. Maybe read what i wrote one more time? I can help you "get on track" if you then still don't understand my three simple sentences.

  20. It was essentially the colonial powers that "authorised" racism as a way to justify of their colonisations and treatment of the native inhabitants....including slavery

    Racism before then didn't really exist - it was largely based on xenophobia and tribal divisions. The underlying causes were quite different

    So you mean that the arab slave trading (which was about twice larger in human count) had absolutely nothing to do with racism? You don't seem to realize that even today black people are viewed as less than dog sh*t in arab countries.

    And to even state that racism didn't exist until "the white devil invented it" shows that you really have to go back to kindergarden.

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