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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. No it's not, however what is essential is to tell boys that they treat girls well and leave girls the f*** alone if the girls don't want anything to do with them and never hit nor touch girls inapropriatelly.

    The single person in charge of this country says, girls in bikinis deserve all they get.

    Generally the BiB seem to feel it's OK to hit a girl, if she deserves it.

    So I don't think Thai culture, Thai law and Thai parenting is really gonna help here.

    Your culture and the tourists culture and laws don't apply in Thailand,

    And if they aren't prepared to adapt to life here, maybe they should just stay in their own country where they can be safe (maybe).

    Maybe i'm dreaming in "la-la-land" but it should be a goal for all humanity to embrace the fact that boys and girls are "created" equal and that girls have exactly the same rights and responsibilities as boys. But i realize that it's pretty much a pipe dream... unfortunately.

    Some cultures just are superior to other cultures but there isn't anything anyone can do about that.

  2. Why aren't we forcing muslims to eat pork or non-halal? Because they are doing exactly the same to us by forcing us to eat halal. For instance most schools in Sweden only serve halal food and if you as a non-muslim parent complain to the school, municipality (they "control" schools) or Department of Education that you do not accept that your children are forced to eat ritual food you are either ignored or thrown the RACIST-card.

    You don't have to go to Sweden to find halal tuck shops. They all are in Australia. Forget about any mention of Christmas or Easter at schools. 1.9 per cent of Australia's population are calling the shots.

    I can take other examples as well...

    When the schools end for summer around beginning of june it has been a long, long tradition that classes go to church (Sweden has been christian country for about a millennium) but even this has stopped as to not "offend" a certain very vocal minority. Which minority it is i can imagine any thinking person can figure out. But then again, there are schools in Sweden that don't actually have a single ethnic swede anymore... statistics say that with the current immigration flow and birth rates Sweden will actually have a minority ethnic swedish population in about 40-50 years.

  3. Walking around alone at night anywhere in the world carries certain risks, you might get attacked if you are male or female. This is common sense and people know this. The question is not "should somebody walk around alone at night after a few beers" but how can a government make areas safer, especially around popular tourist resorts, where people are on holiday ; definition they are relaxing and letting their guard down along with their hair. The danger of all this "she should know better" stuff is that we are ceding control of those areas to criminals, we are accepting the tourist-friendly areas are 'no-go zones' at 1 a.m. or if you are alone or had a few beers etc.

    While there will always be gang-controlled slum areas allover the world, which are accepted as no-go for tourists, there should not be no-go zones in tourist areas where there are convenience stores that encourage late-night tourist business. In England for example, in recent years there have been moves to make pavement areas more brightly lit, the police will now stop and check groups of young men who hang around at night, and request that they move on to a club or go home. The idea behind that is to make the streets brighter, clearer and safer for people to walk to the 7-11 or walk to the taxi areas. The point is that it is the task of government to work hard to keep the main public or tourist areas safe for law-abiding citizens, if those citizens have had a few drinks or not. Increased lighting, increased police presence, and most importantly properly-trained officers who dutifully follow the same laws they're paid to enforce.

    This is the kind of practical government action that is needed, not this wikipedia links tennis match, with random partisan academics saying that rape isn't an act of violence. Those are the same academic bracket who have tried to normalise the idea of rape as an extension of natural behaviour, and to say that rapists are just too manly and just need counselling and to meet the right kind of wife etc. I'll take the Pepsi Challenge with any of those quackademics any day or night, I can offer large empirical data, direct research on real events and real interviews with unrepentant rapists who will never stop and they do it because they like to hurt women. The only way to stop them is lock them up, and to stop ceding control of popular citizen-areas to lawless brutes.

    The issue i personally have with "police randomly stopping people" is that i do not like the idea of a quasi police state (papieren bitte! comes to mind). Infringements on freedom doesn't happen "overnight", it happens very slowly and gradually.

    I think that it's impossible to eliminate crime and especially the worst crimes such as harming other human beings so my solution for that would be atleast 30 years prison without parole for rape, driving while drunk and killing someone 50 years, driving while drunk and hurting someone 30 years, murder or ordering a murder would be death sentence and so on. Of course all who were sentenced to prison would have to do penal labour (if they refuse an automatic 20 extra years in prison). And a public searchable Internet site where all crimes that lead to prison and a picture of the criminal as well as name, address and so on. Deny the prisoners to vote in elections and a block on them getting a passport up to 5 years after they were released from prison. And a "three strikes and life sentence" wouldn't be a bad idea either.

  4. You're saying that teaching young girls to avoid these situations is not an essential part of parenting ? Are you mad?

    So telling girls "you have a vagina and you have to be careful of retards with penises "just because"" is better than telling boys "do not take out your penis and show it to people without them wanting to see it and never ever touch a girl who doesn't want to be touched oh and raping girls is bad. Very bad mmmmkaaay"?

    Maybe time to update your archaic views and realize that girls are equal to men and men have no rights whatsoever to control women (once again excluding many muslim nations).

    Of course, telling young men to respect women is also an essential part of parenting, but no right minded parent of a daughter is going to stop teaching their daughters how to avoid these situations on the premise that all the other parents have taught their sons how to behave properly and those sons will comply. Again, another 'PC' poster living in a fantasy whose ideas would put a young girl at risk.

    No, my post was very much "anti-PC" because i''m actually putting the blame on the part that are doing the rapes and not the victims (as many are in this thread). If i was actually to teach my daughter to avoid "dangerous" situations i would tell her (if we lived in Sweden) to never ever have anything to do with Middle Eastern men as they are way way way overrepresented when it comes to gang rapes or rapes* in Sweden. There is for instance an epidemic in swedish schools where blond girls are called "svennehora" (swedish wh*r*) and you can just by that word figure out who are actually calling blond girls such vile things right?

    *about five times according to latest SCB statistics. But they stopped publishing those after outcries of "wwwwhhaaaaaacissm".

  5. In my experience in this country teaching in many many different ares I have found this to be prevalent i many many government schools and I will not even elaborate on International schools, If you have been a long standing teacher you know the corruption that goes on in every government school, and I could give example that would fill 50 pages on this forum, but thank you for your comment.

    That's a lot of examples, fire away!

    OK, Here's another

    Started my 3 1/2 year old in what's supposed to be the best kindergarden school in Udon Thani.

    3,000 baht per month school fee.

    after one month, teacher takes the nanny to the side and says for 3,000 baht per month to her my son will receive "special" treatment.

    I just ignored it and the matter dropped.

    Previously out in the countryside it was normal for the teacher to do the same in the playschool

    Doesn't suprise me

    you actually thought you were getting the best schooling possible at the rate of 100 baht per day?

    Even though swedish schools are pretty damn bad nowadays they are still light years a head of Thailand and when i did pay taxes in Sweden i paid less for each day at school/daycare for my child. I could in theory move to Finland, get the best education in the world for my children, and still pay less than that each day.

  6. Why aren't we forcing muslims to eat pork or non-halal? Because they are doing exactly the same to us by forcing us to eat halal. For instance most schools in Sweden only serve halal food and if you as a non-muslim parent complain to the school, municipality (they "control" schools) or Department of Education that you do not accept that your children are forced to eat ritual food you are either ignored or thrown the RACIST-card.

  7. It doesn't seem to make sense if you are talking about a buffer zone against IS for Israel to have a one state solution as a realistic option annexing the West Bank, placing Jewish settlers in harm's way and the IDF on the front line. There would be no buffer zone. Israel becomes the front line if Jordan falls.
    The Palestinians are no fans of IS as evidenced by their fighting them in Damascus refugee camps recently. They no more want IS occupying them than Israel. Wouldn't it be a more effective buffer for Israel to have Palestinians with their own state and a sense of ownership and defense against IS. Of course they would need the IDF as allies to help them defend against IS. How amazing that would be to have Palestinians fighting alongside the IDF because it was in their mutual best interest.
    Maybe that would be a catalyst for cementing the peace.

    Unlike the rag-tag hillbilly "armies" currently fighting against IS Israel wouldn't have much trouble defending Israel from them. And there will never be peace between two groups when the other group has "divine" right to wipe jews off this planet.

  8. You're saying that teaching young girls to avoid these situations is not an essential part of parenting ? Are you mad?

    So telling girls "you have a vagina and you have to be careful of retards with penises "just because"" is better than telling boys "do not take out your penis and show it to people without them wanting to see it and never ever touch a girl who doesn't want to be touched oh and raping girls is bad. Very bad mmmmkaaay"?

    Maybe time to update your archaic views and realize that girls are equal to men and men have no rights whatsoever to control women (once again excluding many muslim nations).

  9. ^Bluespunk....Nothing to the misfortune of a young lass listening to you and taking on board your attitude to this, to find out that you're wrong as she files a rape report.

    Teaching young girls to stay out of harm's way is an essential part of parenting, and your attitude would put a young girl at risk.

    No it's not, however what is essential is to tell boys that they treat girls well and leave girls the <deleted> alone if the girls don't want anything to do with them and never hit nor touch girls inapropriatelly.

  10. I'm saying she shouldn't have been drinking illegally. Shouldn't have been out on her own.

    Did she never watch the news or read a newspaper ..... Koh Tao, etc.

    Underage drinking laws are to stop teens getting drunk then doing foolish stuff like having sex, driving m/cs., etc.

    My teen isn't allowed out on her own ever, day or night. Thailand's a dangerous place for young girls.


    If I get drunk then walk out in front of a car who's to blame?

    Me or the car driver?

    And when you turn 20 you magically can (or is ok) have sex while drunk? My experience is that 18 or 20 has no difference as they are all pretty damn naive.

    And a news flash to you, if "your teen" is 18 or older you got nothing to say about her goings as she is an adult (i'm excluding most muslim nations and Thailand).

  11. A very common consensus is that if a woman is young and attractive and ventures out in public places than she is sending out all the wrong messages and leaving herself vulnerable to rape.

    When I am out and about, I see many attractive and desirable young ladies, some even wearing slutty clothes and thick make-up, but my mind doesn`t say; she`s giving me the come on to rape her. If I were to begin having feelings like that, I would immediately book myself an appointment with a psychiatrist and seek professional treatment.

    No it's not common consensus to think like that. Only <deleted>tards would think like that.

  12. Every day Thailand is losing more and more tourist by these low life no respect for life barbarians. It is the governments fault for letting so many Thai men Beat and disrespect there wives and girl friends. I believe it is two late for the government to correct these people because it is normal in Thai and not enough punishment if they are caught. 500 baht fine bu-l shit!

    I think there is a lot of truth in this, I once attempted to intervene when I saw a Thai man punching his girlfriend but the Thais I was with thought I was insane.


    So if a woman came at you with say a broken bottle/knife and you couldn't run you would let her either kill you or hurt you pretty bad because she is a woman?

  13. Every day Thailand is losing more and more tourist by these low life no respect for life barbarians. It is the governments fault for letting so many Thai men Beat and disrespect there wives and girl friends. I believe it is two late for the government to correct these people because it is normal in Thai and not enough punishment if they are caught. 500 baht fine bu-l shit!

    Beating up on women is promoted in Thai soaps every night.


    I'm disgusted how women are portrated in the extreme s****y soaps they have here in Thailand. In one of them, because i was "forced" to watch for like 10 minutes one of the so called "luuk-krung superstars" (aren't all "superstars" in Thailand?) was raped and beaten by the male leading "actor". In the next scene the woman and the man are happily smiling and cuddling...

  14. Lets get some perspective here. This is a horrible, unfortunate event, but Thailand is not the world capital of rape.

    Statistically, it doesn't even make the top 20. The UK, the US, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Australia all have higher levels of rape per population.

    Yeah, you tell yourself that and do not even think about that all the examples you take up are highly functioning democracies where police actually do their job and prosecutors prosecute and judges give sentences and women actually report rapes/assaults to the police.

    Unlike "non-democracies" (guess any other word is not allowed on this forum) such as Thailand where prosecutors, police, judges and military are equally corrupt and wouldn't give a s*** if some cases didn't end up reported outside Thailand. Only reason for instance the Koh Tao case is actually done something about is because it made headlines basicly everywhere in the world. And even in that case the RTP showed how utterly incompetent they are.

  15. At risk 30 something year old Thai women find out too late that tattoo laden, truck-drivin', shaven-headed, beer-swilling former sex tourist British males over 55 don't make the best hubbies - so these fine British gentlemen have to downgrade to what they can hook up withsad.png "successfully"

    In other words - Issan here I come - ready or not!

    Nothing wrong with shaving your head if you are going bald :)

  16. Spidermike

    Well, the reality is that pork is filthy meat. Here is some info on the disease carried within pork. It was not about the lack of refrigeration. It was about the general filth.

    I have no idea as to the veracity of your statement regarding pork being filthy meat.

    What I can tell you is that a whole load of Muslims from the Iraqi Army had no qualms whatsoever about ramming pork and beans MRE's down their throat in 91.

    The hypocrisy is outstanding.

    Whether or not those guys eat pork means very little to me. I choose not to and feel good about the choice. But, to each his own. One must listen to their own body. I find the lack of meat makes the heat here far more tolerable. That is a practice that has been followed for millenia. It works for me. But, that is just one small reason. The environmental aspect of consuming pork, and especially beef is devastating.

    So protein from meat is somehow heating your body up more than protein from say egg or fish. Please enlighten me more as this is a finding that would give any scientist a Nobel prize.

  17. Better Isolationist than World Police No. 1

    What's the alternative? Russia? China? Because it's a pretty undisputed fact that when a void, in anything, happens something will take its place.

    A political system where life is valued higher than money. The UN.

    UN has like twice the amount of members that are dictatorships compared to democracies. And even if was 100% democratic members it would still be worthless to do anything at all as before they even took a decision any kind of conflict would have ended about a decade ago. And are you telling me that if Russia, you know a veto member, invaded nation X that they would vote for others to go to war with them?

  18. Dannyboy, the US bashers are perhaps not aware that all those stories about Russia invading the Baltics is probably scare mongering by NATO.

    Think about it - why would Russia invade the Baltic states? With Crimea and Ukraine, Russian action had some rational - especially from the Russian point of view. But the Balkans? That would be opening a can of worms Russia doesn't need.

    Repeating the mantra that Russia is about to invade the Balkans is as silly as claiming the US will invade Iran.

    Hmmmmm, Where Did All The American Bashers Go, Awfully Quiet Out There...

    Baltic states as in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania... not the area before know as Yugoslavia. And yes, Russia very much still see the baltic countries as their land. And each of them have a large minority russian citizens and only think stopping russian troops atm marching in is that they are NATO members unlike Georgia where they used the excuse of "protecting russian citizens".

  19. Here is what YOU are missing. I, like a lot of Americans, am sick and tired of hearing whining from Europeans who steadfastly REFUSE to pull their own weight. I'll be damned if I am going to spend American lives and money (Treaty or no damned Treaty) to save a bunch of lazy ingrates who have spent much of the past 40 years condemning the US and denying the danger from the east. Anybody who doesn't like it can smoke on something else for a while.

    There is a minority in Europe that actually understand the need, yes need, and greatly appreciate USA in the world as a world power. I'm finnish by ethnicity but born and raised in Sweden and i'm so ashamed to even have a swedish passport for many reason and one of them the utter deep hatred for USA in Sweden which i do not understand (well i do kind of as Sweden is the last socialist bastion in Europe). Sadly Sweden is cutting and cutting and cutting funds to the military all the while throwing more and more money into "immigration" (read: human flooding). Currently the cost for immigration is about three times as large as the entire military budget for Sweden... kind of shows that the politicians have no clue in what they are actually doing. And if i'm not mistaken the entire combat ready army of Sweden is like one division and that would take like 2-3 months to put together.

    A retired Lt. Gen. (worked at military intelligence) said in an interview a few years ago that Sweden has the capability to defend Arlanda (biggest airport in Sweden) for a few days so that CNN are able to fly in and film.

    Sure, Sweden isn't a NATO member but that doesn't matter anything at all as if any EU member (of which many are NATO members) is attacked then all of the EU members have to give military help. You can thank or rant about that thanks to the Lisbon treaty.

  20. Wow.

    Alrighty then!

    A happy little posting about taking cake has come to this.

    Really, I have no idea why people like you are here. Clearly you neither understand or enjoy the Thai culture.

    Goodbye. I am not going to continue to be the tool you use to spout off.

    I am so happy that we shall never meet. Could you possibly be more of a droning bore?

    Just write your reply, and then add mine to it .. in advance "F off"

    I guess ad hominem (your style) is the sign of a weak man.

  21. I tried to find a list of all countries and how many PR's were issued by each country as it seems TH issues very few for a country that has over 80 million people and millions of visitors. The only country I could find after doing a quick search was the US.

    >>>>>In 2013, 990,553 foreign nationals became lawful permanent residents

    Granted the US has 4 times more citizens, but something is seriously out of line here in TH on number of PR's issued. How many PR's did Norway, Sweden Germany, France, Malaysia, Singapore etc. issue compared to here. Really amazing how xenophobic things are here in regards to issuing citizenship and PR, whether that's good or bad I'll leave that up to you.

    Well for you information a very large majority of the people "moving" (very wrong word for what they are really doing) to Sweden have no education, 2-7 children (huge cost) and quite a few can't even read or write. For instance anyone and i mean anyone who says they are from Syria automatically get a permanent residence in Sweden. There are many many reports (anonymous of course) from Migrationsverket that people who aren't even close to Syrian (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon) are saying that they need asylum in Sweden and get it. The interviewer at Migrationsverket knows they are lying but they still get to stay. There are even reports of arabic people who have lived years and years in Europe already that come to Sweden and get a second identity this way... and about 92-95% of all the people seeking asylum in Sweden lack any kind of identifications yet they can stay. And what has happened because of this? Well, the third largest city in Sweden has a minority ethnic swedish population for a while now (Malmö).

    My point is... don't wish Thailand to turn into Sweden. I really don't want to start learning Khmer or Vietnamese in the future.

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