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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. Excuse me? IF you were in Thailand? "...That includes your wife but if we were in Thailand i would not utter a single word about..."

    You are on a Thailand centric website.

    You do not live in Thailand.

    Now I understand it. You see, Thailand is a respect based culture, and Thai People are remarkably good at minding their own business. You are simply rude, and go out of your way to be so.

    Stay where you are, where people put up with that sort of nonsense. You rnegative and condescending attitude is not welcomed on the Kingdom .. and no .. Keyboard Warrior .. you most certainly would NOT mouth off to my wife about her love for Lord Buddha.

    I find you to be the very type of egocentic, rude and off putting types I make it my life's work to avoid. Our conversation is ended. If you want to puke up your ridiculous and self serving Bullcrap you will need to find someone else to play with.

    If you ever do come to the Kingdom, please feel free to get up in your taxi driver's face about Lord Buddha or his King. Then you will learn a bit of Thai. Som Nam Na !

    It was a hypothetical remark that IF i ever meet you and your wife AND it was in Thailand then yadda yadda (guess logic is not your strong side). Never said anything about not being in Thailand right now (but i am) or not and that is besides the point. And no foreigner that doesn't have either PR or citizenship are living in Thailand, they are just longer or shorter stay tourists. And who made you the spokesman for who is welcome to Thailand and who isn't... egotrip much?

    Not saying anything about the king in Thailand has nothing to do with fear or anything else from "Somchai X", it's the very real fear of ending up in jail because of your thoughts about said thing.

    Buddha isn't a "God", stop calling him "Lord". It's especially stupid as you yourself proclaim to be an atheist.

    And it's hilarious for you to even suggest that Thailand would be a "respect based culture". Respect is to be *earned* by person X not demanded by person X or "shown" out of fear of person X.

  2. OK, for the last time .. let me "speak" more slowly and be more clear.

    There are people in this world who are complete pains in the arse. They are a tribe of people who define themselves by what they do NOT do.

    They do NOT believe in God, and spend countless hours ranting about it.

    They do NOT eat meat, and if you meet them, within 30 seconds .. you will hear ALL about that!

    They do NOT drive a car, and always want to know how we got here .. OH! You drive !!! Well, let me tell you La la La La.

    They define themselves by what they do NOT do.

    My favorite question for these people is, what DO you DO?

    The answer is always the same, a completely narcissistic rant about how they maintain their diet, yoga, exercise routine ... as though we actually care.

    Just want to let you know, there are a lot of people in this world who "need to suddenly check their phones" "use the bathroom" "tie thier shoe' ... "Check please" ...etc

    When they see the "Holier than thou .. via what I do NOT do" lecturer enter the room.

    All I know is this, getting back to the original thread.

    I am an atheist. My wife is Buddhist. She is SO HAPPY in her religion, and in her daily routine. She smiles all the time! She loves Lord Buddha, she loves her King, and because I respect her and am invested in her happiness . she loves me too.

    You know, to a Buddhist, you would fulfill a saying I invented:

    "Every silver lining, needs a cloud .. thanks for showing up."

    If we ever meet, and I introduce you to my wife, I strongly suggest any thoughts or feelings you have about her God or King .. would best be kept to yourself.

    When did i say that i go around saying anything to any religious people before they open their mouth? If someone starts talking about "pink unicorns" then they will get a "rant" from me regardless who they are. That includes your wife but if we were in Thailand i would not utter a single word about the king as i do like my freedom and prefer not to sit 5-50 years in a thai prison because of my thoughts. Have a discussion with your wife about buddhism, rebirth etc and ask her "what if she was born in Saudiarabia to arab parents, would she still be a buddhist or a muslim?".

    The only reason (basicly) why there are buddhists, muslims, christians, jews, orthodox yadda yadda is because their parents are forcing (brainwashing) their children into something they have absolutely no clue about and make them believe "it's the real thing".

    Eating meat, driving a car etc are actual things that exist and happens and i can't see how atheism has anything to do with those things and why atheists shoul be associated to "anti-those-things" or even "they do not do". You can't "not do" anything that does not exist or is void of something.

    Not sure if Oscar Wilde really said this or not but it's very stricking about religious people: "Religion is like a blind man looking in a black room for a black cat that isn't there and finding it."

  3. Do many Thais ...

    Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

    Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

    Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

    In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

    If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

    Who are the "marginalized" people you are refering to?

  4. At the start of the year when my iphone updated and got the new fangled health tracker, I discovered I was exercising much less than the average person - too much sitting at a desk... Since the start of the year I've endeavoured to take an average 3000 steps a day minimum (which is low average, 20 mins reasonably intense on the cross trainer every day) and also to drink 2 litres of water a day.

    Lost 10 kilos in 6 months just doing the above. Have always had a slim build and wasn't especially overweight - skinny fat, but have gone from 74kg to 64kg and to be honest it has been really easy.

    I think in fact that the water is the main thing, I was dehydrated, probably only drinking less than a litre a day, and also it fills you up so I eat smaller portions. Haven't modified what I eat aside from perhaps portion size. As a first step - make sure you're getting a minimum of 2 litres of water spread out across the day.

    Apparently the dad bod is now in vogue though, which sums up my life.

    Dad bod... the body for women who are extremely insecure about themself.

    Surely at body like this[1] (or "way" less muscular) is preferred by most (as in >99%) women compared to this[2]. And i'm just comparing these two as "which body would you like your man to have".

    [1] https://goo.gl/SsW2aA

    [2] https://goo.gl/pphxJw

  5. So you absolutely do not care, but go out of your way to talk about other people's business and just keep posting.

    Thou does protest too loudly, me thinks!

    You see, I am an atheist, most people do not know that.

    It is not my place to judge others if they believe in the Tooth Fairy, God .. or whatever.

    To me, the "radical atheists" are just as annoying as any bible thumper, perhaps more so, for they are thumping the "I do not believe!!" bible.

    Can you see how silly that sounds?

    So it's "annoying" to you if someone point out that believing in "pink unicorns" is basicly very dumb? Because if any adult really believes in heaven, hell, ghosts, God(s), afterlife, karma, nirvana, destiny etc then they surely have to be little bit "challenged" or severely brainwashed.

    The less religious people there are in the world the better world we will eventually have (and no, i do not like Marx & Co. even a little).

  6. Maybe i'm a "militant atheist" but if you allow "pink unicorns" to rule your life then so be it but you shouldn't expect other people to care about your "pink unicorns" and really accept that they will make fun of you because of your "pink unicorns". And least of all should you expect people to "respect" your "pink unicorns" just because.

    good news ... those people do not care what you think.

    you must be a delight to have a cup of tea with.

    not judgin' ... just sayin'


    Even better news is that i wouldn't care that they didn't care :)

  7. If you really want to know how many calories you eat or drink each day then you really must have a digital scale to measure everything you eat and this is the only way to assure that you gradually lose weight (fat that is). Anyone saying anything else is either lying or ignorant. You can't continue to eat "just like you used to" just because you happen to exercise. Two beer for instance equals about 45-60 minutes on the threadmil. Furthermore if you are really planning to lose weight i would say that weight lifting is far more important to do than say running or walking as the strength training will help you preserve your muscles.

    What you have to do, as i already wrote, is to start weighing your food (all of it!) and eat a certain amount of calories each day (start atleast on 2500 each day) for a few weeks and check your weight each morning after the usual piss and mark down the weight. If nothing has happened then you are most surely eating just enough calories to maintain your weight and should drop the amount of calories by about 500 each day. And you should eat atleast 1 gram of proteins per kg of body weight to combat the muscle lose while on diet.

    Thanks for this info and i do think about what i eat and can almost guarentee that i dont eat anyting liket 2500 calories per day i would guess it to be more like 1500 maybe less. The exercise i do is road cycling and i do around 80km per week at a decent pace (not just pottering along, i push myself hard). I have cut out alchohol completly just now also. I am also in the process of putting a gym into my house so i can weight train also as you have mentioned. I am 6ft and 120kgs and am naturally larger built. I would like to be 100kgs.

    If you really were eating 1500 kcal each day then that would be way way too little and it would eventually really mess with your metabolism and hormones. Not forget that eating fat is life essential so eating something like atleast 60 grams fat is very important. But it's impossible to know that you are really eating 1500 kcal a day as "guestimates" around kcal have been proven to be way wrong in studies.

    I really recommend you order a digital scale from say lazada (cost like 300-400 baht) and write down (or use smartphone) you caloric intake each day.

  8. Maybe i'm a "militant atheist" but if you allow "pink unicorns" to rule your life then so be it but you shouldn't expect other people to care about your "pink unicorns" and really accept that they will make fun of you because of your "pink unicorns". And least of all should you expect people to "respect" your "pink unicorns" just because.

  9. If you really want to know how many calories you eat or drink each day then you really must have a digital scale to measure everything you eat and this is the only way to assure that you gradually lose weight (fat that is). Anyone saying anything else is either lying or ignorant. You can't continue to eat "just like you used to" just because you happen to exercise. Two beer for instance equals about 45-60 minutes on the threadmil. Furthermore if you are really planning to lose weight i would say that weight lifting is far more important to do than say running or walking as the strength training will help you preserve your muscles.

    What you have to do, as i already wrote, is to start weighing your food (all of it!) and eat a certain amount of calories each day (start atleast on 2500 each day) for a few weeks and check your weight each morning after the usual piss and mark down the weight. If nothing has happened then you are most surely eating just enough calories to maintain your weight and should drop the amount of calories by about 500 each day. And you should eat atleast 1 gram of proteins per kg of body weight to combat the muscle lose while on diet.

  10. Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


    Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

    USA has a population of something like 320 million and everyone has a right to own a gun according to the second amendment. Thailand has a population of about 70 million and few own a legal weapon.

    Last year there were ~12.5K deaths related to guns in USA[1]. Now, i can't find any kind of reliable source (this is Thailand after all and nothing is reliable) of how many gun deaths there are each year but i have seen numbers of 20K+. For Thailand to have the same "death by gun" rate as USA they would have to have around 2.8K deaths each year.

    [1] http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/tolls/2014

    Facts and Logic not allowed, bro.

    That does not cooommmpppppuuuu.... bzzzzz...... [1]

    [1] https://goo.gl/DEzIA1

  11. Some 15000+ murders in the USA per year


    Those Americans seem to have serious refusal/rejection issues or maybe its just "anger management" issues in the "States" ?

    USA has a population of something like 320 million and everyone has a right to own a gun according to the second amendment. Thailand has a population of about 70 million and few own a legal weapon.

    Last year there were ~12.5K deaths related to guns in USA[1]. Now, i can't find any kind of reliable source (this is Thailand after all and nothing is reliable) of how many gun deaths there are each year but i have seen numbers of 20K+. For Thailand to have the same "death by gun" rate as USA they would have to have around 2.8K deaths each year.

    [1] http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/tolls/2014

  12. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who come to live here and can't understand it is a different culture. that means they may do things different and see things different than you. Go with the flow They were here hundereds of years before you.

    Well because some things in some cultures are just plain wrong or even worse, dangerous. Sure, calling someone "fat" isn't maybe that nice but other cultural "hobbies" in the world include mutilating the genitalia of children. It's very normal that children get beatings in Thailand. This is a cultural trait in Thailand and it's not ok for me just because i'm a white monkey in Thailand.

    It's quite clear that some cultures are far, far, superior in their behavior against other fellow human beings.

    I am quite sure you are rite. Thailand does have a better culture than where you come from. why else would you come here? Did you have your parents put in an old folks home before you left?

    Not sure why you are dragging my parents into this (lack of arguments i assume) but just to inform you my parents are still "happily" working and paying their taxes. Even if they didn't i wouldn't "put" them anywhere they didn't want to be.

    But it's interesting that you take up the fact that in western societies the parents either live alone/together or in "elderly care" (not sure the correct wording for it) and it would somehow be a bad thing. Since when is it a bad thing to teach your children to be independent thinking human beings? I'm going to make it crystal clear to my children that i under no circumstance will accept that they would "take care" of me when i'm old. And the very simple reason is that they have their lives and i want them to live their lives to the fullest without worrying about an old man in the house.

    And why would you have to accept, like or even love ALL the culture of a nation just because you like to live in nation X?

  13. Yeap, that's pretty much it. The OP bought it hook, line, and sinker. The irony of this thread is that farangs are always criticizing Thais about this "face" business...you know, not being honest and straightforward like westerners. Well here is a good example of Thais being honest, yet farangs still criticize.

    FB is obviously among friends so friends can say anything. Not a huge deal. But let's be perfectly clear, OP: There is no way a 41 year old is hotter than her 22 year old daughter. Not in a million years. I don't care how much make-up you pile-on.

    So in which western nation is it basicly "forbidden" to critizise something "dumba** A" is doing or did because it makes him/her "lose face"?

    Just yesterday the neighbor child of about 11-12 was at my house with his younger brother (about 4ish) as the younger brother wanted to play with my son (about same age). As i was sitting on the sofa "watching" Thai TV (not really) i noticed that the older brother was sticking a sharp pen in the back of his younger brother. Of course the younger brother reacted as it hurt and i ask loudly in thai "(older brothers name), what are you doing?! Apologize!". His reaction was like i wasn't even in the room. Sure, children do stupid shit in all the countries regardless of ethnicity but i have never in my life encountered (in Sweden) that the child doing something bad didn't apologize. This is a core value in western societies that whomever did something does apologize and you learn this immediatelly when you are born.

  14. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who come to live here and can't understand it is a different culture. that means they may do things different and see things different than you. Go with the flow They were here hundereds of years before you.

    Well because some things in some cultures are just plain wrong or even worse, dangerous. Sure, calling someone "fat" isn't maybe that nice but other cultural "hobbies" in the world include mutilating the genitalia of children. It's very normal that children get beatings in Thailand. This is a cultural trait in Thailand and it's not ok for me just because i'm a white monkey in Thailand.

    It's quite clear that some cultures are far, far, superior in their behavior against other fellow human beings.

  15. I was being kind. In fact, your comment is moronic. English easy to learn? For whom? For native speakers of a closely-related language like Dutch equally with speakers of a language remote from all the Indo-European languages like Thai? Really?

    But the topic is the poor performance of Thai students at learning English, which is obviously the product of the inadequate Thai education system and not the result of supposed personal character defects on which the bar room philosophers of ThaiVisa so like to insist. We know this from independent measures of the Thai education system such as the PISA results from 2013 in which Thailand ranked number 47 out of 62 countries. So, Thai students' poor performance in English is not a special case, but consistent with overall poor educational performance.


    But I know these concepts are hard to grasp for those who know too little to understand just how little they know.

    I myself read, write, and speak several languages including Thai, thank you very much.

    If the poor english skills of thai students really was because of overall poor educational performance how come countries like Japan have very high score in PISA yet they suck just as much in english as your average Somchai in Thailand? Is the japanese education system also "inadequate" because of this fact?

    I know for a fact that if someone studies any language for 3-5 hours each day they will be quite fluent in that language after just 6 months. I have now forgot a lot as i never use it but i was semi-fluent in japanese after just 4 months and that was learning japanese in Sweden. For instance "all" of the thai women who move to Sweden get free swedish education called "SFI" (swedish for foreigners). And basicly none of the thai women who come to Sweden have university degrees with them and usually haven't been in school for decades but still they learn swedish enough to have casual conversations in swedish about things they know about.

    And your last sentence... i'm fluent in swedish, finnish and english, can i have a cookie or atleast a gold star?

  16. My feelings are that this sort of matter isn't addressed within their 'cultural rules'.. e.g. Don't lose your cool, respect your elders, don't point your feet, greng jai, etc. So, they either a.) feel like they can 'get away with it' in a similar manner to driving like a maniac behind your tinted windows, or b.) they somehow can't figure out that they are hurting the person's feelings..


    Not all Thais are the same... Most of them don't drive like maniacs, and many, if not most, are careful not to hurt people's feelings.

    ... Or i am just being lucky ?

    I guess you don't drive a car nor a "motosai" in Thailand and have your personal "beam me up Scotty!" transporter to take you everywhere to avoid the traffic?

  17. tell all the students to put google translate on their iPhone

    you can type in an English word and it will speak the word in American English ( not sure if it has British etc)

    it will also translate so input : house and translates to Ban , with accent over the "a"

    one other problem is using past - present - future tense......

    and how do they get to "my mother me"

    English is a hard language to learn , I am glad my parents grew up this side of the border !

    I would say that english is very easy to learn. I would go as far as to say that any language (even truely hard languages such as finnish and hungarian) in the world is easy to learn if you get to speak, read, write and listen it each day. But then again when are you good in a language? When you can order food at the restaurant or have an academic discussion about the current political situation in say... ****land?

    A particularly vacuous comment even by the standards of ThaiVisa.

    If you can't learn a language then you are either lazy, "challenged" or uninterested in learning the language. Don't know which of those three you place in but from your "vacuous" reply i assume first or third as obviously second is not an option as you know "fancy" words such as "vacuous".

    With that said, what's up with your hate?

  18. tell all the students to put google translate on their iPhone

    you can type in an English word and it will speak the word in American English ( not sure if it has British etc)

    it will also translate so input : house and translates to Ban , with accent over the "a"

    one other problem is using past - present - future tense......

    and how do they get to "my mother me"

    English is a hard language to learn , I am glad my parents grew up this side of the border !

    I would say that english is very easy to learn. I would go as far as to say that any language (even truely hard languages such as finnish and hungarian) in the world is easy to learn if you get to speak, read, write and listen it each day. But then again when are you good in a language? When you can order food at the restaurant or have an academic discussion about the current political situation in say... ****land?

  19. All information about PR here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/74654-cameratas-guide-to-the-permanent-residence-process/unread/

    It is regularly updated.

    If you leave Thailand you must return within 1 year of leaving, failure to do so will result in losing your PR status and starting all over again. If you leave Thailand on 1 June 2015 you must return before June 2016 and stay 1 day before you can leave again.

    As it's kind of related to this... does that also apply if you are aiming to get citizenship after just three years because of marriage to thai woman and having 40k or higher salary that you pay taxes on in Thailand? I mean, if you have an employment in Thailand with 40k+ salary can you leave Thailand for say 11 months, come back, stay one month and leave for 11 months again (and so one until 3 years has passed) without it affecting the citizenship chances?

  20. I've had many a fruitless discussion with Thai women where I say that natural is best, but I'm a foreigner so my vote doesn't count (or they think I'm lying - why I would do that when I would like to see her at her best I have no idea).

    Tattoos and silicone injections are the worst as I see it. I just couldn't be with someone that has the mental wetware programming to see such a distorted view of themselves in the mirror that they can't feel beautiful unless they hack themselves up.

    To make matters worse, the body changes as we age, but silicone doesn't go anywhere, so it looks progressively worse.

    There's a craze lately where they put on temporary black little stars near their eyes or their chin. it's gone viral. I say something about 'when did they get that mole', and next day it's gone.

    Fake braces, thickened eyebrows? Stop it, just... just... stop it! Oh, and the padded bra is a mis-sell too - small is fine if that's what you are, no need to feel inferior for having pert cute hua nom. I'm going to put socks in my speedos and see how they feel walking down the street with me.

    What i'm curious about is why do you care what other people do with their bodies? And why do you care if person X is walking around with a female that has DD cup (or whatever)?

    It's their body and in my eyes anyone should be able to do what the hell they want with it as no one owns it but themself.

  21. When did you take a stroll last time in a western city and saw "lots" of hot women? I can tell you that the myth of the "tall, blond, blue-eyed sexy woman" in Sweden i just that, a myth. Maybe it was true before i was born but not anymore. But on the other hand in Thailand i can drag my feet around any shopping centre and see quite a few very good looking women. But then again, i have a severe case of yellow fever.

    The trouble with Swedish women is that even if they are slim and pretty when young they invariably grow into female versions of Mr Cube. I guess that is why there are so many Swedish men in Thailand.


    And the thing with "many swedish men in Thailand" has also to do with the feminazism in Sweden. One party (Feministiskt initiativ), which basicly is a "castrate-all-the-men-and-we-are-crypto-communist-feminists" party, almost got into the swedish parliament last elections*. Millions and millions of swedish crowns each year are used in public (public!) schools an kindergartens to indoctrinate small children that there really aren't any genders because gender is a social construction.

    * They got ~3,1% of the votes while you need 4% to get into the parliament.

  22. When did you take a stroll last time in a western city and saw "lots" of hot women? I can tell you that the myth of the "tall, blond, blue-eyed sexy woman" in Sweden i just that, a myth. Maybe it was true before i was born but not anymore. But on the other hand in Thailand i can drag my feet around any shopping centre and see quite a few very good looking women. But then again, i have a severe case of yellow fever.

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