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  1. Horse dewormer, hydrochloroquine, vaccines are not safe, etc... Are you serious? Your claims are not supported by the scientific community. You are just parroting the propaganda fed to you. Exoerts used by WHO are usually provided by their resprctive natioal health organisations. That includes countries such as the U.S., Germany Japan. etc... The experts you indirectly mentioned have been discredited in their own country.
  2. Already in July. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/talks-free-israeli-hostages-start-16-day-period-after-first-phase-hamas-source-2024-07-06/
  3. What are those mysterious diplomatic sources?
  4. To start with, no hostage has been released yet. There are ongoing negotiations involving Hamas, the Israeli government and the U.S. government. Trump is not at all part of these negotiations. Hopefully, it will succeed!
  5. So when did Ovama claim that the 2016 elections have been rigged and refuse to admit that Trump won?
  6. When did Biden claim that the 2016 elections have been rigged and refuse to admit that Trump won?
  7. It's still just a MAGA fairy tale that Trump caused the release of hostages....
  8. He didn't knew it wouldn't be approved. The bill with removing the debt limit (the second one), as required by Trump, was submitted and rejected. I see you also got fooled by Musk tweets claiming that the salary increase was 40%. Musk was shamelessly lying, as expected, and you believed him. 😆 https://www.factcheck.org/2024/12/congress-not-proposing-to-give-themselves-40-raise/ And here's one good reason for Musk to reject the first bill: The spending agreement released Tuesday included a bipartisan provision to limit and screen U.S. investments in China, among dozens of other proposals attached to the 1,500-page bill. As the CEO and largest stockholder in Tesla, Musk has extensive business connections to China. The company operates a major manufacturing plant in Shanghai and has sought to build deeper connections with Chinese companies. https://thehill.com/business/5051709-musk-delauro-spending-bill-china/
  9. You are making stuff up. The warning you pointed out was about faksified vaccines as clearly expressed. AstraZeneca was the second vaccine approved by WHO in February 2021. It was lso included in the COVAX initiative. WHO is by definition a forum in which what you claimed was not discussed was actually discussed. The functioning of the WHO was certainly not perfect, but it didn't happen as you claimed it did.
  10. You're just showing your ignorance https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/interactive-timeline#! https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports/situation-reports-archive
  11. Often quoted for saying: "is that a bone saw in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me"! 🙂
  12. How do you know that? 🙂 I checked the latest news about it and there's no mention of a sudden release of hostages. Just a difficult negotiation, in which Trump is not involved, which may (hopefully) succeed. https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostage-negotiators-returning-to-israel-from-qatar-for-internal-deliberations/
  13. I don't know, as I am not privy to the negotiations. My point is that the threats made by Trump are peanuts compared to the (more than) threats by the Israeli. What can Trump do which can be worse than the past and current decimation of Hamas by Israeli?
  14. Correlation is not causation.

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