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  1. Actually, it's not easy to find precise and recent information about the U.S.. In particular about IP rights. It seems Apple pays taxes on revenues in the U.S for sales in the U.S. However, it"s not clear about intellectual property rights. (Apple may or may not pay its Irish subsidiary for IP rights used in the U.S.) it's more precise about the EU because of recent investigations and decisions
  2. As you seem to be unable to find which people/functions are in charge of security at the Capitol, I will help you! 😆 Where is it written that the House speaker (whoever that may be), is in charge of security at the Capitol? Nowhere! Oversight: the Capitol Police Board https://www.uscp.gov/the-department/oversight Leadership: the Chief of Police Quote: The Chief reports directly to the Capitol Police Board https://www.uscp.gov/about/leadership
  3. Blah blah! You have nothing, as expected! 😆
  4. And it's not like GOP committees wouldn't show a successful track record about when they already investigated Biden. You know like the 2019 GOP Senate investigation, and the "Comer said" House investigation! Oh wait, 😆
  5. So still no proof of these made up claims from the MAGA alternate universe? That's what I thought! 😆 Poor MAGAs
  6. So no text stating that the House speaker is in charge of security. That's what I thought! 😆 https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-235651652542 Did she claim she was in charge of security at the Capitol?
  7. Baseless lies direct from the MAGA alternate universe. 😆 Fact is that Trump did not call the National Guard after the assault on the Capitol. Fact is also that he did not ask his supporters to go out of the Capitol ASAP. BTW, show us the official text stating that Pelosi, as House speaker, was in charge of security at the Capitol. You won't because you are just parroting The propaganda sent to you. 🙂
  8. Did they assault the Capitol in an attempt to steal elections?
  9. It is amusing that Trump, who wanted to use the National Guard against plain protests, refused to do it when his supporters assaulted the Capitol and threatened congressmen in an attempt to overturn an election! 🤣 Too funny!
  10. Read my post carefully. I was ironically asking if Pelosi was President. I know the President had this authority, and he did not use it on Jan.6
  11. What was the name of the President who did not order the National Guard to intervene after the assault on the Capitol? 🤣
  12. That would be an interesting case as Greenland is a NATO member. 🙂
  13. They have proven their honesty, ability to find reliable witnesses which were not foreign agents, as well as showing a track record of not distorting witnesses statements during the Biden investigation! Oh wait, 🤣
  14. I did not know she was President and had the power to give orders to the National Guards. Any source about it?

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