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  1. It is a failed model on short and long term.
  2. From an economic POV, Isolationism is an failed model. It would mean that the U.S. economy would be less efficient. From a geostrategical POV, that's short-termism. China will dominate the world. The only question is when. The U.S. can currently oppose China alone. It won't be able to do that forever. One day, it will need strong allies.
  3. The EU and individual European countries have provided around 2/3 of aid to Ukraine. The main problem of Europe is industrial. It has not the capacity to produce enough weapons on short-term.
  4. 😆 Maybe you could read what I posted. I did not claim the U.S. would die without the EU. I claimed it would have economic and electoral consequences.😆 And please stop splitting hairs. I changed the link (not the source). The first one was the link when using Google. The second one was the direct link. I am surprised you don't understand that.
  5. I changed the link to make it less frightening. 🙂 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=USA-EU_-_international_trade_in_goods_statistics My claim was not about the structure of EU's trade with the U.S., so I'm not going to waste my time looking for information for you. If you want to make a point about it, feel free to use your time for it. What a joke! You rant about others not providing facts, but you don't provide any! 😆
  6. That will surely get the MAGA rubes excited! 🤣
  7. Are you unable to use Google? 😆 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=USA-EU_-_international_trade_in_goods_statistics How does that change the fact that a trade war between the U.S. and Europe, would trigger economic turmoil. You know the kind of economic disturbance which usually leads to a defeat at the next election for the ruling party (midterms come to mind), smartass? 😆
  8. What Americans "paid" to Europe and others was what they cannot competitively produce. If they don't buy it from Europe, they will buy it from other countries...same same! 🤣
  9. It probably could live without anything from the EU, but not at zero cost. It would just trigger some economic turmoil. You know the kind of economic disturbance which usually leads to a defeat at the next election for the ruling party....
  10. And, in order to keep the dollar as world currency, the EU created the euro!
  11. More Russian propaganda, as usual...
  12. Do you believe this fake amount made up by Trump? Repeat after your master: $350 billion!
  13. Suure! In the ridiculous MAGA alternate universe, it's the left which started the Ukraine war!
  14. Trump's m.o. Show strength to the weak, and show weakness to the strong (Putin)....
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