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Posts posted by Badrabbit

  1. 3 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    Had a bout of E. coli recently. The pain wasn't too bad, but there was never any relief, it just never let up and it wore me down over a few weeks. 


    I can certainly sympathize with what you are going through.


    Hope you get it sorted!

    I'm coping, money is the problem as with most I guess, I know at some point a situation is coming and I am fuffed, just live day to day!

  2. 13 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    Try a PPI.....omeprazole, 40mg to begin with. Take one in the morning with plenty of water, half an hour before you eat anything.....might alleviate the pain. If it does it could indicate an ulcer.


    I've been on them for over 14 years.

    Is that for Acid Reflux?

  3. 1 minute ago, Will B Good said:

    Duodenal ulcer......not helpful, all of us guessing like this, but if the liver, kidney and gall bladder are all in the clear???

    Yes mate I'm confused but not enough to spend a fortune trying to find the cause, I'm sure I can cope with it, it's just annoying as it is constant.

  4. 2 minutes ago, EricTh said:

    Do you drink alcohol a lot? If you do, your liver might be destroyed because it is under the rib-cage as you mentioned.


    Do a check on your liver.

    No I'm not a heavy drinker, have a couple of beers now and again.

  5. 4 minutes ago, dj230 said:

    Famous last words


    You have any other symptoms than pain? What causes it? Any reputable hospital would have at least done bloodwork with liver panel, any chance you get a copy or can request a copy? 

    I've got a copy of the bill, blood test was done.

  6. 2 minutes ago, dj230 said:

    doesn't sound like you went to a very good hospital if they couldn't find out what was wrong, i'd go a different one


    under right rib cage is the liver/gallbladder, can't remember where the appendix is, i think it's in the same general area

    you say your kidney area, do you just mean the back?

    Yea the rear rib cage area, they checked Gaul bladder, Kidney but not sure if they checked Liver, oh well put up with it untill I can't put up with it.

  7. 6 minutes ago, mvdf said:

    Psychosomatic? Guessing if differential diagnostic methods all turned out nil.


    Best approach is to seek a second opinion. 

    I'm sure the hospital would rub its hands in anticipation of a huge hospital bill trying to find out what is wrong whrn they have already said nothing is wrong, the pain is real and its constant.

    I'll have to put up with it as I can't afford anymore especially if it is OPD!

  8. 1 minute ago, Shoeless Joe said:

    Sorry to hear you are in pain but seeking advice on clinical matters on this forum really is fraught with danger. Perhaps you should consider going back to the hospital for a second consultation or going to a different hospital for a second opinion.



    Cheers mate, they charged me a small fortune when I went for to my.local top Private hospital, my OPD is only 2500, I can't go back to the Private hospital but will go to Mission if I can't stand the constant pain again, the only thing that brings relief is laying on my back.

  9. Have this pain just under rib cage(kidney area) I've had it a long time, last week it was so bad I rushed to the hospital at 3am for check, CT scan with contrast, Ultra sound, X Ray, Urine and blood test, nothing shown, why is this pain still persisting, what could it be? 

    I'm at my wits end knowing what to do.

    Any helpful advice would be much appreciated. 

  10. No idea but it actually looks like a protective shell, was watching it walk along then flying, it left safely.

  11. 35 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    That's quite a substantial decrease, and I have recently used that hospital and also commented on the high costs, for example I queried a cost of over 20,000 baht for a cystoscopy, and it was reduced, but not by much.


    Just a few years ago I met with Dr Art and he suggested I had a colonoscopy as he wanted to have a look around inside, so we booked the appointment for for a week henceforth. I asked him for a quote there and then and he stated a price of 12,000 baht.


    I went through the procedure and he wasn't in his room when I finished, so I went to pay the bill and was presented with a bill for 20,000 baht, which surprised me no end. So I asked why it was so high and the receptionist asked if I had insurance, and I said that I was paying myself, so she consulted someone else and they produced another bill which was reduced, and when I also stated that that Dr Art had quoted a basic price of 12,000 baht, this again caused quite a bit of consternation and paper shuffling between the staff, and they eventually presented me with a revised bill which came out to around 15,000 baht, but that included a few extras, and I was happy to pay it.


    Every time they ask if I have insurance and I tell them no, but they must have it on file that I do have insurance as I used it once in the past for an inpatient procedure.


    Now when I visit, I endeavour to buy the medicines from outside, however at the moment they can only be bought at the hospital so I'm pretty well stuck paying exorbitant prices at the hospital.

    I'm now thinking maybe the 28k was a package price, did they decide that I would need CT Scan, X Ray's, Ultra sound, Blood test, Urine test and Medicine as a package, if that is the case then I suppose it was not that bad, bad for me as my Insurance only pays 2500 per day for OPD.

  12. 22 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Badrabbit, hope your feeling better .... anyway.

    But I have to admit,  i am still confused as you mentioned the comment below .....



    so was the CT scan  15,000 baht,   or  13,000 baht or  what  ??      thanks, 

    Again sorry, 2 yrs ago my CT Scan with contrast was 15000bht, this time 13000bht.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 42 minutes ago, mvdf said:

    Yes, the safest comment. Just remember the guy who posted something acidic on Tripadvisor about a certain hotel. Quite remorseful after what ensued. Best to just say you're ecstatically jumping for joy after seeing the bill. 

    This is not Trip Advisor, as stated I was happy with the service and treatment, the only thing that upset me was the non compassion shown by the girl regarding the cost of the CT scan but it was 3am so maybe in hind site she could be forgiven, the Hospital has always given me great treatment including a broken Leg one month ago.


  14. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    CT with contrast always costs more than plain CTR and, most impirtantly, is nto really safe to do at an imaging center here (risk of rare but potentially life threatening reaction to contrast media)


    CT with contrast does cost about 26k these days at the top end "international" hospitals e.g. Bumrungrad. Can be had for about 18-22k at less expensive hospitals


    I can't figure out form your post what the final CT cost was, but  28,000bht total for "CT, X Ray's, Ultra sound plus blood and Urine tests" and presumably also doctor consultation, is not at all high for a Thai private hospital these days.


    Not knowing all the clinical details, I can't comment on the necessity of the various test.

    Cost for CT scan with contrast was 13000bht total cost of everything was 28000bht. 

    That is very worrying about CT contrast they said nothing about the risks involved.

    The treatment I received was excellent but the girl with the clip board was very miserable and blunt when asking "are you okay with 28k for CT Scan., I was not happy as 2yrs previously I had CT Scan with contrast for 15k which I told her, guess that worked.

    Whatever the pain was it has now gone, they gave me Norgesic(Orphenadrine 35mg) plus Counter pain cream, I'm happy with the service overall.

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