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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Agreed... Its of no value to you and a number of other foreigners here..... Neither is an Aston Martin, a BMW or even a Ford Ranger..... You can argue you are fine getting around in TukTuks and Taxis... or even a Fino.... Recognise that you are part of a full spectrum of beings here, each with different requirements, needs and exceptions.
  2. Someone who uses the services... I now have a free life time Visa.... because I've already used so much Golf, Massage, AOT Transfers, airport fast tracks, and health checkups.... Nope... its not like that at all.. Its like that to you. To those truly interested, its not just about the Visa, but the perks that come with membership to. I don't have to ever prepare a load of Paperwork to submit for my Marriage or Retirement extension.... I simply go to Immigration, give them a card, sing something an its done. The annoyance of course is the frequency which which I have do do this (theoretically 4x per year) though in over 15 years of TE membership I've only had to do this twice as I travel so much.
  3. You mention the obvious as if its some kind of win... Pick one parent, one parent in the world who would not prefer a class size of 15-20 over a class size of 30-40... You present your argument as a virtue-signal, when really its simplistically obvious to the point of being dim....
  4. On the basis of probability they exist in the highest numbers amongst the students in State schools. Of approx. 9.1 million pupils in Englands schools, heres a breakdown... State-funded schools (including grammar schools): 93.6% .... Primary schools: 50.5% (4.6 million) .... Secondary schools: 38.5% (3.5 million) .... Special schools: 1.7% (152,000) Grammar schools (subset of state secondary): 2.1% (188,000) Independent (private) schools: 6.4% (581,400) You have assumed an equal standards across the range - the 'Brightest' prospects exist in those with the best opporinity. For example: Gramma Schools requires an entrance exam (11+) and interviews, and take in the top 5-10% of applicant.... the rest go to State School, or if the parents have money, to a private school were they are afforded continued 'better opportunity'... Thus: the weighting of the 'Brightest Prospects' is by no means proportionately represented equally across the board - its weighted towards the Gramma and Private schools for obvious reasons.
  5. Yes and you could also do it online Ralf is correct.. If you have the 5 year SE Visa thats renewed every 5 years for the rest of your life, then each 'entry' give you 90 days... You need to actually return to Immigration in person and get another 90 day extension. - This is one of (ok the one) flaw of the original memberships. Later memberships (i.e. 5 years) gave a 1 year visa which a member would need to renew every year... And obviously do the 90 day reports (online).
  6. Certainly 6 Million Thai Baht would be closer to a realistic price. The equivalent of what the Op Carries is the Thai Elite Reserve priced at 5 Million Baht and is available by invitation only. - Membership is only 20 years. - Only remaining years can be transfered over.
  7. There's no need to update the Passport number in your Driving License. There has been a thread on this before (last year I think) and the answers all fall on the general consensus of "Farang think too mutt" .... Your existing driving licence still has your Name, DOB, Photo - there is doubt its registered to you. I'm not sure why someone would 'want' to bother switching.
  8. How much (time) transfers across to the other Party ? Also I believe Thai Elite take 10% of the prevailing rate upon transfer. Mine is a Lifetime Membership (same perks)... But only 30 years transfers across. I know some earlier cards transfer lifetime across in which case yours is an excellent deal. The Problem is, a lot of members on here who may not have the money, don't see the value. ... those who may will try and lowball you. I've rejected 2MB a few times when trying to sell mine - its worth more to me than that. Best of luck in getting a genuine offer.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 155 seconds  
  10. Meanwhile... the other 948 cannabis shops in Phuket owned by Thai's are perfectly licensed...
  11. Thanks... from what we can see.... the report seems pretty spot on... Two lives, Two generations destroyed by reckless driving & speeding.... ... the father and son were simply riding their bike and doing nothing wrong at all... I would hope this results in a length custodial sentence for the car driver... this can't be called an accident....
  12. Its really nice to be able to get back and have reset... remember what we miss, remember what we took for granted, remember the silly stuff that pushes our buttons.... Then come back here and remember the issues we found irritating before... ... both home and here have great positives, they also have their negatives - but its how we handle those that matters.
  13. Its it (nothing more than a money making exercise).... Whether true or not, an awful lot of people are dying on the roads here due to 'brake failure'.... You make a valid point there - maybe the regulations for MOT need updating given the reliability of cars these days... MOT starts at what 6 years now ???? (instead of 3). OR... make the serving of cars non-optional, and have that as the MOT - but then that would increase the service costs.
  14. Oh... yeah... I can understand why that was not published... I have perhaps what some would call a sick interest in how these incidents happen... not to see the gore and carnage, but because I both ride a motorcycle and drive a car - and such incidents are a constant reminder... but also a learning opportunity. i.e. was this one of those chaotic events caused by a lunatic driver, and completely unavoidable for the motorcyclists... Or were they stationary in the middle of the road or pull out without looking etc... I've had my fair share of near misses recently - motorcycles just pilling out across me - low speed stuff and I was able to slam on the anchors quickly enough to prevent impact - 100% the motorcyclists fault - they just carry on their way as if nothing happened, I'm not sure they learned a thing, I'm not sure it even registered that I've just saved them from a broken leg or similar....
  15. Too many sicko's have been too busy after wetting themselves a little in excitement after identifying some irony.... A tragic loss of two generations.... I'm wondering why CCTV footage was not presented with the article (if it was available) - which would clear up if the deceased pulled out across a car without looking, or if they car just rear-ended them at speed while driving recklessly..... Both are possibilities here IMO.
  16. No it doesn't only affect people who are dependent on alcohol - thats a puritanical myth spread from the virtue signalling soap boxers... ... its the same folk who will argue... "if you can't go without booze for a day you have an alcohol dependency issue".... The reality for many is somewhat different - we don't want the calendars to ensure we don't get caught out.... we just live a normal life, some days having a beer with dinner or mates, some days not... ...... then we decided to go out for dinner with mates only to find this 'booze ban' which then becomes an irritant.... as its nice to have wine with a nice meal or wash spicy Thai food down with a beer..... The 2-5 selling ban rule is just as ridiculous. I can't say the rule has ever affected me 'greatly'.... but its irritated me at times because its caused inconvenience or an irritation at having to scupper plans.... IF I were a tourist, had spent plenty of money on flights to Greece or Vietnam etc - stepped of the plane, showered up and got ready to go out for dinner only to be told... sorry no wine / beer... I'd be pretty dumbfounded, and I think its a fair point to understand that any tourist arriving in Thailand would feel the same under similar circumstances.
  17. Without any shadow of a doubt 'Political alliances'. Read other articles and we receive a complete different rhetoric - the truth is all the numbers are projections based and not based on any fact. We have some anecdote that family X is unaffected, that family Y had to move to a state-school thats outside of their catchment area, that family Z remains at their private school with state fees paid because their children can't be placed.... The reality is that no one truly knows - but another reality is that this government is undertaking a nationwide 'experiment' that could detrimentally impact the next generation the nations brightest prospects.
  18. Which is of course the correct thing to do. However, I'd still offer caution to any motorcyclist stopping first at a Pedestrian Crossing, with lights and particularly one which is not traffic light controlled..... ... The risk of getting yourself killed here when on a motorcycle giving way at a pedestrian crossing is elevated IMO... So I can certainly understand the sentiment of many.
  19. '..and the PENALTY is aggravated assault..' Really ? In the UK, aggravated assault falls under different categories of assault depending on the circumstances. The penalties can be severe, depending on the level of harm caused and intent.... But you knew that already I guess.....
  20. Fair enough I do give Malcy quite a bit of stick - its because of his comments... Openly admitting to drink driving, not caring if he hits someone, stating how tough he is, that he'd have beaten guys up so they don't get back up etc.... He lies, misquotes, makes up stories.... and With such a vacuum of redeeming features its difficult not to call him out.... thats my bad for just not ignoring an fool.
  21. Thats just life... some buy better cars etc... But... its a different model to education.... Private Schools ease the burden on state-schools. If private schools stopped this year, the state school system would collapse. Of course, that won't happen.... and I get your point about 'privilege' but this is not a simple business model as can be compared to other businesses.... Its yet to be full established how the numbers play out - but there may not be enough places in state schools... The state school system becomes more stretched, and those private schools which do survive become more 'elite'.... This policy creates a greater divide.
  22. I did... then you defended him ye daftie...
  23. I think you are correct and the better plan would have been to prostrate the body on the row of seats cover it up and move all those in close contact into other seats premium eco, business, or even first for the duration of the flight. I'm not sure that would work.... Apparently they tried to get the body into a more private business class seat... (area) but could get the deceased through... so they had to use the Eco Seat... Assuming it was the 'exit row seats' the arm rests would not have raised.... Assuming they couldn't get the body bast the 'bulkhead' into the business class area... I doubt they'd have been able to get the body into a 'normal' eco seat with raised armrests... Its seems the crew did the best they could in a poor situation.
  24. That was ironic that one. Thats not even my comment you've quoted.... Of course you are a boomer, you can't even use the internet properly !!
  25. he got up You'd have killed him with a single punch you are such a tough guy....
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