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  1. Daily? What do you look like? Are you wearing prison garb?
  2. Please not Phuket!, Please not Phuket!, Ahh Sheeeeet.. And CM?, how to ruin culture in one stroke, at least Phuket was ruined already.
  3. Any transaction that goes through the Visa or Mastercard system incurs a fee, regardless if its a debit or credit card. The fee depends on the arrangement with with merchant. Typically about 1.5% to 2%. When a vendor tries to tag on 3%, they are breaking the terms of service for accepting card payments, and in theory will lose the gateway. But they don't care.
  4. Not sure thats true. Sending and receiving are different things. Sending money, ie scanning a QR code requires no registration, receiving requires setup as you describe with a phone number etc.
  5. I'm sure this is exactly what this guy did. So what's illegal about that? I'm confused.
  6. It's standard equipment on all t7s. Has to be. Only certain short range aircraft can get away with it being optional. MTOW and all that. The guys talking rubbish.
  7. I'm a migrant. You sound like an expat. He's a part-timer.
  8. Sorry. That's so wrong. ALL B777 have it, it's mandated.
  9. Scum. Seems they thought Thailand was an easy country to continue operations. Well done Thai police. More of the same please, there are many. My next door neighbours seem up to no good also, can't believe no one has come knocking. 10 odd males with a lot of computer equipment, a fair few bob in cars, awake 24/7.. tourists they are not, a company they are not. If they are digital nomads, that description needs refining, they don't look like your average horticulturalists.
  10. Fly all the way to Russia with landing gear that hasn't retracted properly? Yeah nope.
  11. All 777s like this one will have dump capabilities though.
  12. Thanks. I've have written a letter as per advice above and in it have said my mother has deteriorated quicker than expected and I had to go immediately. I also said I will be in arrivals should they wish to speak to me. Hopefully that's enough. My wife has excellent English, but will be quite lost for words against a Brit IO if she gets a grilling. The letter can be the backstop. But she's with our kids, so I'm not expecting too much friction.
  13. I have to go back to the UK for my mothers last days. My Thai wife and my kids(with dual passports) will travel behind me later. She was just issued a 2 year visa, just wondering what i need to plan for when she arrives in the UK, she has been 4 times before and has always had a grilling and I have been summoned to her at passport control to verify her story. This time I won't be with her. Is there anything I need to be aware of? She did state on the visa application that I would be accompaniying her and my kids, but the plan has changed. Will it be an issue, any experiences? EDIT: We have no return flight booked because of rhe circumstances.
  14. To be fair, it is done like this. A chanote won't be transferred until all payment is made, that's standard if your paying in installments or based on construction conpletion tranches. The developers would face risk otherwis. The weird thing is why they were paying the agent and not the developer, I wonder who the contract was with?
  15. At 7:14 i suspect he was doing something inbetween walking out of a bar and getting on a bike.
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