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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. You got too much money if you can forget 60,000 baht. i wouldnt let it out of my sight (not that id ever have sort of cash on me anyway)
  2. making a statement on this like it happens a lot. more likely to win the lottery
  3. Of course they're scrapping it because you don't have to wear masks anymore, so they can't fine you. ridiculous statement
  4. they was quite happy with lockdowns and actively encouraged them, so you reap what you sow I'm afraid.
  5. @wombat So you always worn a mask? pre-covid?
  6. @jonclark when Thais start being courteous to me I'll do the same but I think it could be a long wait. also if mask wearers think they work why are they bothered if I wear one or not? ????
  7. @Ginner you're getting funny looks cuz you're wearing a helmet.
  8. @spidermike007 I think them not wanting to be different from the crowd is a factor though. hopefully once a few stop wearing them it will have a snowball effect.
  9. Thais have got to be the worse dog owners in the world, just let them roam where ever they want cuz they're too lazy to actually take them out for a walk. and the amount of stray dogs about, make thailand look like a third world country. they need to sort this problem out if they wanna convince people they're a civilised country
  10. @steven100 first time out anywhere! by the sounds of it. you're likely to get a punch anywhere in the world if you get involved in someone else's argument.
  11. @Gweiloman Very presumptuous and pretentious of you. you sound like a right snob.
  12. @bananafish Also up there as the best is...all on their motorbikes with no helmets on but masks worn. oh the irony
  13. @Gweiloman I would say the same to you. as the russians ive seen are tight. drinking on hotels steps or outside 7 and not in bars. And every time I've spoken to Thais they've said the same that russians never ever tip and don't spend cash. here's a example..... a bar i was sat in... 4 russians came in and sat there for at least 10 minutes with no intention of buying drinks or food. eventually a bar girl had to take a drink menu to them. cuz they thought they could watch the band playing in the bar without buying a drink. and then when they was forced to buy a drink, they brought one bottle of water between four of them. So I've never seen the russians exactly splashing the cash. the complete opposite in fact.
  14. Not according to Thais they haven't. it's a foreign disease????
  15. Russians aren't exactly big spenders. tight as a gnat's ....
  16. Why do they refuse fares? I've never understood it. the same people who will be moaning they got no money.
  17. Not just the monks in Thailand that could do with the exercise, the majority of Thais could do with some exercise, I've never known a nation that do such little walking and that's saying something considering most countries don't do a lot. I don't think Thais even know their legs can do the motion of walking.
  18. @Berkshire in the majority of countries when the mask mandates were dropped people stopped wearing because it wasn't a law, yet in Thailand they have carried on wearing them, because no-one wants to be different. even though its not even a law. ok most countries there is a lot of sheep but Thailand have got be one of the worse. religion is another one were they're just brainwashed into it.
  19. Well if you live in Thailand you're in a nation of sheep.
  20. they are just a waste of paint in Thailand
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