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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. Why do they refuse fares? I've never understood it. the same people who will be moaning they got no money.
  2. Not just the monks in Thailand that could do with the exercise, the majority of Thais could do with some exercise, I've never known a nation that do such little walking and that's saying something considering most countries don't do a lot. I don't think Thais even know their legs can do the motion of walking.
  3. @Berkshire in the majority of countries when the mask mandates were dropped people stopped wearing because it wasn't a law, yet in Thailand they have carried on wearing them, because no-one wants to be different. even though its not even a law. ok most countries there is a lot of sheep but Thailand have got be one of the worse. religion is another one were they're just brainwashed into it.
  4. Well if you live in Thailand you're in a nation of sheep.
  5. @starky your first link the children who died were under the age of five and the 2nd link none of the kids died, so as i was sayin a 7! year old dying in a van doesn't add up. and even the parents are questioning the school's explanation. so what was your point???????
  6. don't know how anyone can believe its a simple case of she got trapped in the van and died. that doesn't add up. but we will never know the truth, as people will be paying their way out of it.
  7. Most Thais could do with some exercise especially since covid and this proofs it, as he shouldn't be injured after doing exercise at his age. i could do that at my age and not be injured Also its a good punishment as i bet he wouldnt do it again.
  8. As far as know I don't know any other country where compensation is paid out so quick, there's usually at least a full proper investigation before compensation is even talked about. Is this because they know Thais are brought off easily and happy to accept blood money and so then won't kick up a fuss????
  9. They have just announced it will be an endemic in October, before that it was going to be an endemic in july. bunch of clowns
  10. @RichardColeman JESUS! You talk like you and your wife are about 90! 58 isnt that old and talking about falling apart at 44, at 44 she should be fairly healthy.
  11. outraged at someone fishing, but not bothered about being In lockdown for 2 years over a cple thousand cases of a cold. it beggars belief!
  12. another law the police will no doubt not enforce and there's no way thais will bother, all they're worried about when there in a vehicle is having their masks on. it beggars belief
  13. JESUS! Thailand calm down! its only been three years, surely wait another 3 years before you start taking this sort of risk????
  14. most Thais are much more worried about catching a cold than dying on the roads. very strange logic
  15. What is with posters on here? speaking like Thailand is the only country making kids wear uniforms in school, have you lost your minds!! every country as far as i know and at the very least the majority, make you wear uniform at school. Thai bashing at its best.
  16. @RafPinto My home country wouldn't do that, cuz they can think for themselves and dont need the government to tell them what to do.
  17. no way on this earth are thais removing their masks on public transport, that wont happen for at least 10 years, if ever. even though its only a low percentage, there is no way they're nearly 9% not wearing them on public transport. ive seen thais without masks but never ever on public transport. wearing them on public transport is here to stay. cuz in an accident a mask will save you, were as a seatbelt will do nothing and is pointless. Thais should know, they have got some of the safest roads in the world
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