@Mac Mickmanus shows how old you are by calling it a disco! Oldest guy in the club at 51 in Thailand, far from it. and who said i was in a club? plenty of bars still open at 4am+
@Harsh Jones JESUS!! You sound like a barrel of laughs i bet you've never partied in your life. anyway each to their own i say, shame you can't. cuz what harm is it doing you exactly? that people want to stay out till after 2am.
@BananaStrong I think the low proficiency would be down to the Thai teachers. they still teach the bulk of the English the thai students learn and not the FAKE teachers as you call them.
What's up with Thai men anyway? have they all got very weak bladders. always see them relieving themselves in broad daylight. can't they wait till they get home for gods sake
Anutin is a right joysponge. same as the people on here moaning that they shouldn't be allowed to stay open till 4am. miserable old gits don't like the idea of people having fun.
@kingstonkid I don't know why posts on here keep this myth going that Thais were wearing masks before. Nonsense! a small percentage maybe 5 % were, 10% absolute maximum (and that was only in Bangkok) but not the 99% now.
A crazy Education system is a factor. As I don't think anywhere else in the world do you have a system were the students get a pass mark no matter what, even if they haven't turned up. absolutely nuts! way to go about things.
Funny how most of the comments are from non football fans on here. Just don't watch it haters. its easy.... you just get ya remote and change the channel or switch it off. simple as that
They wanna start in schools. all the classrooms have the lights on in broad daylight. enough natural light to see, I don't know what up with Thais, I think a lot of them don't wanna admit they need glasses. too vain.
That's not just a Thai thing. people like doctors get away with things like that all around the world. I can think of two doctors who got away with it in portugal????