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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 5 hours ago, impulse said:


    You mean like Edison did when he tried to bury Tesla and his A/C power grid in favor of Edison's inferior D/C distribution plan?


    And the 7 dwarfs did for decades to bury the science that said that smoking is addictive?


    There's good science, there's junk science, and there are outright lies.   We get fed all 3.  It's good that scientists have to prove their science, especially when new information pops up and shows that someone famous was wrong decades ago, and we've built an entire genre of science on a bad foundation.


    That's what parts "science" from "fundamentalism"!

    It evolves!

    It is not too proud to say "Oh look at that...seems we were wrong!"

    It can be demonstrated and experiments can be repeated, showing the same results over and over!

    Where as flat- earthers can't even decide on one-fits-all model of the flat earth and creationists always go "It is so, because a 2000 year old book teld me so!"


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  2. 6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    And this is where it led....


    Them: Please explain any other use for a gun, than killing or maiming!

            You:  Hunting

    Them: Are you sure, you thought that point thoroughly through?!

            You: Um I dont know, you mean... The critters just fell down when I looked at them?


    A use other than killing would be a use that does not involve killing.


    Let it go!

    He is "devastated" already!

    I would have used a different word, beginning with "d"...but...I like my posting rights!

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