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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 6 hours ago, Carib said:

    In the meantime the country has lots and lots of homeless and loads of people with no access to healthcare.. 

    Reaching out to the stars??? What a load of crap.

    Yeah...ahm...the current administration has cut funding for all of these problems and is taking away health care from everybody and NASA is getting a fraction of the money, they used to, so your point is....what exactly?

  2. Here are some of mine, from different genres:

    Princess Mononoke

    The Iron Giant

    Surf’s up


    SciFi/ Horror/ Fantasy:
    Snow Piercer 
    Children of men 
    The 13th floor 
    The Cell (not "Cell"!!! The Cell!)

    30 Days of Night
     They live

    Event Horizon
    V for Vendetta
    Reign of fire


    Shoot ‘em up 
    The 13th Warrior 


    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

    Dude- where’s my car 
    Weekend at Bernies
    Forgetting Sarah Marshall 
    The Invention of lying
    Get him to The Greek
    Pineapple Express 
    Mars attacks 
    Big Fish 
    Three Kings 


    Shutter Island 
    Romeo & Juliet (the Baz Lurman- movie with Di Caprio)
    The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 
    Murder in the 3rd   
    In Bruges  
    Gangs of New York
     In the Name of the father

    Dead Man Walking   
    The Fisher King- 


    Movies, Nicolas Cage made, before he went insane
    Lord of War 
    Raising Arizona  
    8 mm


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  3. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Imagine someone using their position to exert perceived power. E.g. a teacher. A mother would respect her son/daughter's teacher, want him to favor their offspring and not do anything negative to their offspring. The teacher fancies the mum so starts messaging her about the school, then starts including personal comments, flirting, and then more direct sexual references. 


    This is one simple example. Their are many sexual predators out their, grooming women of all ages and seeking to live out their fantasies. It is much more widespread than people realize as many choose not to complain as they don't want the negative publicity, gossip and reactions. In extreme cases this grooming leads to stalking and potentially sexual assault and rape.


    I know people involved with NGO's in the UK trying to combat this; and two people who were victims. Social media has provided the channel for many perverts who in the past couldn't act like this.

    Okay, but ...and I am not saying this to be clever or funny...it seems to me, that "online" is way easier to "fight" then "in the real world".

    Or am I missing something?

  4. When my gf is watching a soap (and luckily she doesn't do it a lot) and I am in the next room, it sometimes sounds like she is watching some "Hostel"- like torture- porn!

    But ...oh yes...please blur a bottle of booze or a cigarette!


    Thailand's morals and ethics are completely down the drain! 

    A monk, crying about a woman he once loved...how dare he!


    • Haha 1
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