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Seen all,learnt nothing

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Posts posted by Seen all,learnt nothing

  1. Ray,

    You have not given full details

    As you say this was posted on udonmap by someone who is genuine. The thread appears to be done to death there. Bloated outrage, threats to involve British embassy.

    He says he returned the completed form to the police (well fool him) and was told it was orders locally from on high to investigate weathly farang. So despite what you say UDON police were involved and their motives must be suspect.

    However, the website Administrator quite rightly states police have no right to be intrusive.

    My "wife" would have sent them on their way.

    I would have binned it.

  2. Fairygurl.

    There is information on this website giving details on how to initially obtain Thai birth certificate abroad, which is your first step (but it may be unreliable because it refers to Belgium of all places).

    You will need more than you mothers birth certificate. That doesn't prove you are her daughter.

    This is too serious an issue to be left to armchair pundits like me. Take Samrans advice. Phone then write - better still visit -the Thai consul (passports are consular matters) responsible for you state. DC embassy site will tell you which consul.

    Because of your age and your mothers condition I am sure with the correct paperwork you can achieve your objective without her active involvement.

  3. Raybkk,

    Play safe go for the work permit.

    Don't forget you can't start work until you get the permit. Insist on this.

    You'll need to go back to the Judge (your employer) and get copy of Govt registration papers, accounts, details of other employees, salaries etc etc. Don't forget to try for the minimum wage (depends on your nationality).

    Judge may think the paperwork isn't worth and let you go with a slapped wrist or you could be jailed for contempt. But surely better than worrying out committing another offence. :o

  4. Endure,

    You've tricked me into replying. Now I'm set for having posting rights removed!

    However. YES and YES. Cahoot (an offshoot of Abbey National). It's an internet only bank -so ideal. Because I make regular transfers they have details on record but that is not necessary. So long as you have SWIFT Code and bank a/c details to hand they'll send it to any bank in the world without prior notice. I phone on a Friday (my pension is paid 4-weekly on Fridays) before 1100UK time and money will leave same day: can be accessed from BKK Bank on monday afternoon. CAHOOT phone back within an hour to ask security questions just to ensure I am not an imposter

    Cost fixed 25GBP per transaction to Cahoot (Phone call max 50THB using TOT 007 prefix -always reliable and never get put on hold). 1/4% deducted by Bangkok Bank (Min 200THB). Exchange Rate is very good. ALWAYS get within a fraction of TT exchange rate published on Bangkok Bank website (on 12 Sep got 74.9975THB/1GBP, 10 Oct 71.57 - should have delayed: GBP had nose dived but edging up again now). Any money I leave in CAHOOT gets 4% interest.

    Until a year ago I had my pension paid automatically & directly into Thai bank.

    Although I was charged only 9.75GBP per transaction I was getting an outrageously low exchange rate and it was taking up to 9 days before I could access the money. And I had to transfer all the pension. So I stopped.

  5. Buadhai,

    I have no doubt Korat is a very pleasant place to live. Relaxed, friendly and although it may be one of Thailands largest cities (I ain't going to get into the argument of whether its 2nd or 5th or whatever) it is not imposing. I rather liked it.

    But it ain't a tourist destination and thats the point I tried to get across and I bet most expat residents prefer it that way.

    When I finally decide where to settle down permanently it won't be Phuket or Pattaya - god forbid - OK for a short break. In fact Korat is on my shortlist.

    Surin, you say. I went there once. Didn't see too many people. Now I know, probably sleeping off the hedonist, drunken excesses of the previous night. It's difficult to think of how best to describe the level of intoxicating vibrancy and dynamism of the place....anyway that's insulted the Surin residents so not a bad days work.

  6. Never explain never apologize.

    I promised no more comments on this topic.

    However Indo-Siam sponsor this excellent site and deserve an apology. In an earlier post I implied Steve had not understood the OP question. I have looked again and I was WRONG. He gave an accurate concise reply.

    My excuse is I had spent 1.5hrs in a dentists chair late that afternoon and I think residual anaesthetic had entered my brain.

    Nonetheless I do not retract the last paragraph of my last post but would be happy to be shown to be wrong.

    Anyway, thats it, Lop, Steve, cancel my membership if I post again on this topic.


  7. Korat?

    stickmanbangkok.com wrote an excellent scathing article back in July about the place. Read it.

    I went there for a long (too long!) weekend accompanying holidaying friends who wanted to see the "real Thailand". In a word BORING. There is a monument to a local heroine (Suranaree) (5mins) and a pottery village a few klicks out (nothing much). Appears to be mainly an administrative centre although there are a large number of new factories in the surrounding area and not being curious I don't know or care what they were producing

    Anyway there are a large number of hotels in the central area, some best avoided, some probably OK for a night. I have a city map in front of me and have given up counting the hotels. Anyway Ratchaphruk Grand is pretty centrally located and is of a high standard about 1500/night and is the one I would recoomend if only because I sayed there and didn't have to pay. I have heard Sri Pattana recommended -looks OK from the outside. Sima Thani, Royal Princess and Galley White also apparently good to very good but not central (I've only seen the Simi).

    If you mean Bangkok style nightlife forget it. There are pick up bars but they appear geared to Thais and Japanese.

    There are discos of the Thai variety and I can recommend a large one located opposite The Khorat hotel. The singers were very good and a good sized lively crowd of mainly younger more affluent locals. Mostly drunk but happy.

    Western Restaurants. Two that we found. One run by a Swiss, excellent but expensive & not easy to find, and a very excellent Mexican (central). Otherwise as else mentioned there is the small Pasinee (Lebanese/norwegian) (which stickmanbangkok says is the only redeeming feature of Korat) and a couple of others along the same bit of road. Seem to be monopolised by english teachers and ageing american veterans who got stoned, forgot to go home, married a local woman who they now can't stand the sight of, so spend their days nursing a glass of tiger beer..

    The Mall (smart shopping complex) had the usual pizza parlour, MacDonalds and a sizzler steakhouse. 2 bars on the lower ground floor opposite each other. One had an outside patio area. I wouldn't call it a garden. Problem overloud live music. The two bars appeared to be trying to drown out the competition. Good for a couple of overpriced beers but not for an evening out. There are two other department stores both called Klang

    Otherwise a large number of bars but catering to Thais.

    Getting around. No taxis. Plenty tuk tuks but central area got very busy and air , to me, was polluted. Plenty of mini-buses but no route maps so unless you have a local companion not much use.

    Exception Ratchaphruk had taxis (not metered) and 10-12 seat minibuse. Cost for minibus with driver 1500/day plus gas -go anywhere. I thought good value but then I didn't pay.

    To be fair it doesn't purport to be a tourist destination and I got the impression of a thriving, happy, population. We weren't accosted, touted, or cheated once. I saw no begging.

  8. Koolrockski,

    Are you opening yourself to possibility of National Service in Thailand?

    Just a thought.

    Hmm... after 28yrs maybe your mother doesn't still have house registration.

    DC Embassy/Consular website is less than helpful. Confirms your eligibility for citizenship/nationality but doesn't tell you how to go about it.

    Suggest you contact or visit the Thai consul responsible for your state and ask exactly what is required.

  9. Damian,

    I have done a little reading and I am sure you need not worry about being issued a passport. The passport application does not require you to disclose such information, although they may, as a matter of course do a background check.

    The following is lifted from US Dept of State website.

    A federal or state law enforcement agency may request the denial of a passport on several regulatory grounds under 22 CFR 51.70 and 51.72. The principal law enforcement reasons for passport denial are a federal warrant of arrest, a federal or state criminal court order, a condition of parole or probation forbidding departure from the United States (or the jurisdiction of the court), or a request for extradition.

    Also further to a previous post where I quoted Thai law I have done some more reading and it seems that once you are in Thailand in your case you cannot be deported on the grounds you should have been denied entry. You have to be thought to pose a threat and even then your individual case is referred to a commission. By the way, as I am sure you hve noted, if you have not been imprisoned the law it is not applicable.

    I don't profess to be an expert on any of the above before anybody contradicts me. I am trying to put your mind at rest.

    For info on English teaching and general living in Thailand try reading stickmanbangkok.com. He is a, sometimes controversial, commentator on Thai life who is also a teacher.

    I wish you the best of luck

  10. There are first class dental facilities throughout Thailand not just in Bangkok.

    There are also some dodgy looking ones.

    Yesterday afternoon I had 2nd of what will be 4 visits to a local 2 surgery clinic for root canal and crown. Immaculate facilities. They even adjusted the air-con to make me feel more comfy.

    1hr and 25mins in the chair.

    I was dreading it. But absolutely 100% pain free. Didn't even feel the injections because of the anaesthetic gel they use first. Only problem, naff piped soothing music with twittering birds stopped me from nodding off.

    Total cost 9000 for the one tooth including crown. Same price for Thais.

    About the same as I would have paid my NHS dentist in UK.

    Just felt the need to tell somebody.......

  11. Section 12 of Immigration Act BE2522 excludes from entering the Kingdom anyone who:

    6. Having been imprisoned by the judgment of the Thai Court; or by a lawful injunction; or by the judgment of the Court of foreign country, except when the penalty is for petty offence or negligence or is provided for as an exception in the Ministerial Regulations .

    I have no idea what is provided for in Ministerial Regulations but seriouly doubt you will be exempted. Your offences are hardly petty and involved drugs.

    But of course no one need know of your record. Indeed I doubt if you will be the only one here without a squeaky clean record.

    I know a gentleman who was imprisoned in UK for 3 years for beating up a peadophile. Aggravated by the fact he was a semi-professional boxer. Some may say good on him.

    Anyway he got into a heated drunken argument with a friend who said he was going to denounce him to the police (he was also working without a work permit).

    Anyway he disappeared.....overreacted.... his friend wouldn't have gone and anyway I doubt if police would have given 2 hoots..... don't know and don't care if he has returned. (But if he's reading this...WELCOME BACK)

    Moral. Keep quiet and you'll have no problems

  12. Lop,

    Are you sure your interpretation of regualtions corncerning minimum wage are correct. As I previously said I am unqualified to comment on this matter but if nothing else I am an avid reader of this site and quote:


    Minimum wages for foreigners hiked

    Companies have until July 10 next year to increase the wages of foreign employees to new minimum rates, Pol Capt Krissarat Nuesen of the Phuket Provincial Immigration Office, told the Gazette yesterday.

    The new minimum monthly wage rates, which vary according to nationality, will be:

    • Japanese, Americans and Canadians: 60,000 baht (currently 40,000 baht).

    • Europeans and Australians: 50,000 baht (35,000 baht).

    • South Koreans, Taiwanese, Singaporeans and Hongkongers: 45,000 baht (35,000 baht).

    • Malaysians: 45,000 baht (30,000 baht).

    • Indians and people from the Middle East: 35,000 baht (30,000 baht).

    • Mainland Chinese, Indonesians and Filipinos: 35,000 baht (25,000 baht).

    • Burmese, Laotians, Vietnamese, Cambodians and Africans: 25,000 baht (20,000 baht).

    • Journalists working for newspapers: 20,000 baht (12,000 baht). Wages of journalists working for magazines and other media are categorized by nationalities.

    Capt Krissarat said, “If companies don’t [increase their foreign workers’ wages] because they don’t want to pay their employees more money, they will have problems when they pay tax and when renewing their employees’ visas or work permits.”

    Source: Phuket Gazette

  13. Lop,

    My last and final post on this subject. I know if I enter into "combat" with you I will surely lose.

    I first referred to refusal in Post Number 14.

    I am fixated about when application is made because Endure specifically refers to applying during his 4th 90 day entry.

    I am not fixated on Hull. I have only made one reference. I am simply using it to help explain my position. I can quote other sources.

    Axels post rings true. I did also previously refer to having to make severals visits to Imm.

    I strongly disagree with you when you say if you meet the requirements you will get the extension on the spot. You have been around long enough to know that is not always the case.

  14. I am not qualified to answer your questions. Although I do know minimum wage depends upon nationality.

    I refer to your comments about Bangkok. I visit Bangkok on the occasions I need to pay my respects to Immigration. Otherwise once a month for one night to enjoy a decent pint of guinness and stock up at Foodland/Villa Mkt (as you're new to Thailand I'll explain it's where you stock up on decent foods from the old country). I don't know ANYONE who would choose to live in Bangkok unless they have to because of work (or an addiction to the nightlife which frankly soon becomes boring). It is ugly and polluted. On the other hand I now know only one person who lives there - he has to because of his work. Maybe one or two of the other 19,999,999 (figure picked out of the air, so no need to correct me) residents will disagree with me.

    I suggest old retired f*rts like me would soon succumb to respiratory diseases.

    We have enough to worry about waiting for the liver to pack up due alchohol. Not that we are alcholic: we all have medical certificates as proof. :o

  15. Lop,

    I for one am not disputing your statement. I concur 110%. I have already retracted my reference to 3 months - I became confused with my own completely different circumstances.

    However I think maybe you miss my point. Irrespective of when you apply for extension it doesn't guarantee you will receive the extension. That is my point. I am suggesting that if someone applies for a retirement in the 12th month of a 12 month O visa even with 100% correct documentation, they may very well be disappointed and I stick to this. If the extension is granted I agree with you it will be 364 days from the last entry stamp.

    I arrive at my view by a strict interpretation of what is on the Hull (and other) websites but, most importantly, discussion with other expats of their varied experiences with immigration. And believe me I have thought this through and through.

    Now if some one reading this thread has, or knows of someone who has, applied this late I would be happy to be shown to be wrong. I am specifically and exclusively referring to visa for RETIREMENT purposes.

  16. Sorry for replying twice but having read them they appear not to be contradictory. I lost internet connection having just pushed "add reply" button and assumed 1st reply had not been sent.

    Is anyone else finding that TOT are knocking you off after 1 hour at busy times instead of the usual 2 hours? OK don't answer that -wrong forum.

  17. Thanks Endure.

    Can I refer you to Hull consul web-site info about retirement visas. I can't lift the relevant clauses because they are PDF format.

    However it specifically states two ways to get this type of visa. In London, or in Thailand after having obtained a single entryO visa. It then goes on to say that multi O are available for those who don't can't meet the requirements of an OA visa.

    Now if you arrive on a multi one year O and apply for extension for retirement after a few months I have no doubt you will be successful.

    BUT, after a few hours sleep with your post going round in my head, my gut feeling remains that if you apply in the 12th month you will be sent away.

    Anyway getting extension after first 60 days is a doddle whether you have found permanent accommodation or are still living in hotels. Whats to get sorted? Get it over with. Open bank account EASY, letter from bank EASY, Standard letter from embassy EASY, medical cert EASY. Transferring money into Thai bank a/c easy for me (but not cheap). Just a 5min phone call (then wait an hour until they phone back as a security measure): but maybe not so easy with all banks. Trip to Immigration - used to be like going to the dentist but they all seem to have gone to charm school now.

    Gonna save you from hassle of visa runs and the niggling feeling at the back of your mind that I may be right.

  18. I have a friend who had been employed in Thailand continously and legitimately since 1989. Quite well paid but profligate. However he set his Thai wife up in a small business.

    In 2003 out of the blue he lost his job and work permit. No compensation. No money in his bank account. No income. About 2 months AFTER his visa expired he spoke to a lawyer with contacts. He then went to immigration who admonished him for using the lawyer as an intermediary (he was told next time you have a problem come and talk to us yourself). They overlooked his overstay and granted him a one year O visa (back-dated to the expiry of his B visa) on the grounds of his wifes support (20K/mth at that time). He left Thailand with his wife after one year (no way could not live on her income) but has now returned having been offered new employment.

    To what extent Immigration were sympathetically using their discretion or whether they were applying the law I have no idea. Bit of both?

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