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Seen all,learnt nothing

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Posts posted by Seen all,learnt nothing

  1. Here goes.

    I'm sorry if I confused you.

    YOU do NOT need a letter from your embassy if you have 800k in a Thai bank which has been transferred from abroad.

    You are arriving on 13 November on an O multi entry visa. You will be given a stamp admitting you until 10 Feb.

    With documentation and copies in hand, on or after 12 Jan you go to the immigration office. Don't leave it too late in case something is not to their satisfaction.

    You fill in a form TM7 (application for extension of stay) and ask for a one year stay, reason retirement. And Lo! you will be permitted to say until 12 Nov 2006.


    You did not need a multi O from Dublin: a single entry would have sufficed, but that is now history.

    In fact you are not applying for a new visa or an extension to your visa: you are applying for an extension to the 90 day permission to stay you received on 13 Nov. But this is purely an issue for we pedants. You will never need to leave the country and you can obtain further one year extensions easliy. If you want to exit Thailand you MUST obtain a seperate reentry permit. Your original multi O issued in Dublin has been, for want of a better word, invalidated.

    An O-A visa is a visa permittting you a 365 day stay in Thailand only issued abroad. You would have got a stamp admitting you until 12 Nov 2006 at BKK arrivals. "A" simply tells the officer at BKK that the 365 days is pre-approved.

    You can download TM7 or view it from this website or from Immigration bureau web site.

  2. Call me Daddy57.

    My nameisFarang may shrug it off.

    But I find last sentence insulting and obscene even though you try to hide behind false smiles and the cowardly anonymity a forum provides people such as yourself. BKKDUDE says he wants to visit an area where people are educated. If you tell him where you live it will assist in narrowing down his search.

    You do have a right to express indignation and your first sentence conveyed that adequately.

    However, if you read the title of this topic MynameisFarang’s response is exactly the reply the question begged. Did OP mean LIVE or LEAVE. Was MymaneisFarang serious or not? Both are enigmatic. Got it? Probably not – you need a sense of humour.

    I was going to respond, albeit in a light hearted way to the OP (and Lampard10 positively invites riposte) but I fear further upsetting your delicate feelings.

  3. Nam Kao,

    One things for sure. In law the man may indeed be the head of the household but I'd be too sh"t scared to tell my "wife" that. I don't think she'd respond simply with "you're "just shy of being absurd""

    Got to close now she's just come back from spending my (sorry, her) money... but just time to sense check to see if I've been overly nosey, prying or condescending. Think it'll pass the censor so here goes......

  4. Astral,

    Confusion. I think you've added to it. You imply he WILL need an embassy letter. You sure?

    You can only apply for O-A at a Thai Embassy overseas? Some consulates are authorised.

    Normally in your own country? For O-A as opposed to "O" only in your own country

    That apart, the clues are all there.

    OP's link refers to applying IN THAILAND, further evidenced by his reference to bank deposit rather than savings, further evidenced by his other posts which indicate he has already arrived. I am sure he realises his country does not maintain an embassy inside it's his own borders.

    And who says he will be extending an "O" visa. More than one way to skin a cat.

    If he were he would not be extending the visa but his permission to stay on the basis of intention to retire here. Many people wish they could.

    You'd think I have nothing better to do....... :o

  5. Wow,

    .....if you must know.......prying.......


    But hey, if you don't want people to try and elicit more information don't post here. But please read on. I will try to be brief.

    The intention of my first post was to provide evidence to support my understanding that the law DOES allows a Thai woman to support her Foreign husband. I researched before posting but the only evidence I could find other than what I post contradicted me, hence my comment about trying to be controversial.

    My third post was intended to confirm that it could be done in pratice (the content is 100% genuine). I did not post this earlier beause I am well aware that anyone reading “I know somebody who…” will always think “oh yeah”. I would not have posted if Dannishgung had not posted. However I would take his last para with a big pinch of salt.

    I think I have proved I was genuinly trying to assist you.

    My 2nd post., to which you take exception, was intended to be light hearted but with serious intent (in the British character), and if you look through this site you will find this to be not uncommon. Why did I post it. Firstly because I was truly confused as to what you were asking (OK that’s my problem). Secondly I wasn’t sure if you were making an academic query (to avoid being too long winded I won’t explain why this makes a difference), or if you are foreign in which case there are other routes for your husband to obtain a visa. Thirdly although this a serious and engaging issue I believe you can often obtain more contibutions by trying to be humourous.

    With hindsight, this is your first time on this site and you would not have been expecting flippant responses. So I accept an error of judgement on my part.

    I believe the law is on your side and wish you well but I do not believe sexual discrimination is as enshrined in Thai law as in western countries. Look in any job advert specifying applicant must be male or female.

    Lopburi3 has said no provision for a foreign man to get visa based on income of Thai woman. And trust me despite what I and Dannishgung have said you would be well advised against dismissing Lop. If Dannishgung or someone could identify the applicable Thai Law that would close.

    I suggest you visit immigration before paying out legal fees. I think you are less likely to receive an immediate brush off as you did on the phone .

    Whatever, I am sorry if I have offended you. I assure you it was not my intent.

    I wish you the best of luck. And please post back when all is sorted.

  6. See


    My understanding is you only require an embassy letter if you are relying on pension or other regular income. This view is suported by other threads

    In your case, you are relying on bank deposit so don't need the letter.

    I recently got a income (pension) letter from the British Embassy and nowhere does it state I want to retire to Thailand.

    I think it blindingly obvious evidence of your intention when you fill in TM7 or TM86 and give as reason for extension of stay/change of visa: "retirement".

  7. The book you are researching. Is it a comparative study of the incidence of short sightedness in North America and SE Asia?

    You actually overlooked 3 things on the visa form used in US.

    Requirement for supporting documentation.

    Purpose of visit.

    Reference person in USA or Thailand.

    I can only assume when you described yourself in earlier post you forgot to mention the extra dark shades you were wearing.

  8. Well Naomisri,

    Now you've been reassured by Thaicoon, lets push Thai bureaucracy a little further.

    In February go for it. Magical Super Rainbow Blossoming Lotus Smith Hyphen Jones.

    By the way. Jones and Jones? Bit of a coincidence there. Can't be too many of those in Thailand. Nao does you husband spend a lot of time away from home.........?

  9. Nothing below is intended to contradict previous posts.

    I am assuming your husband is British, but if Thai I think my comments still apply.

    Thai children are only registered with two names is the evasive reply by a Phuket Registrar to an identical question.

    My "wife" and her card playing cronies insist it is the law. I am not so sure. It is prossibly simply historical precedent. Another thread says then when challenged a registrar was unable to find justification for his refusal to permit 3 names, and relented.

    By the way if you and husband are here legally (I am sure you are) your child will be entitled to Thai (as well as British nationality) by virtue of being born here. Whether it has to be applied for I don't know.

    Under Thai law where parents are married the fathers name must be the childs last name so changing yours would not help. (I think you would have to return to the UK to do his, anyway).

    As TokyoT says if you persevere you should get the 3 names but I suggest it may be harder for you, "Smith" being your surname. Be prepared to argue Smith is also an accepted British given name.

    The birth certificate is in Thai but the names can be entered in English (Thais are also entitled to this but I believe they have to give a reason). Make sure they are spelled correctly.

    According to British Embassy website they will only register the name exactly as given on the Thai certificate (which has to be translated into English). However my guess is if you ask nicely they may slip in a hyphen between Smith and Jones.

    You do not have to register but I think it prudent.

    I wish you well.

  10. Further to what Jayenram says,

    "Evidence showing reception of pension accompanied with Thai translation certified by the embassy or consulate of the country paying the pension"

    Above is copied from Immigration Bureau website, under documents required for visa extension.

    In practice, as he stated, English will be accepted without translation. Even my Thai bank letter is in English. And of course TM forms can be completed in Thai or English

    However the purpose of this post is not to repeat what Jayenram has said but to draw attention to Immigration Bureau website's refererence to VISA EXTENSION.

    I have seen, on this site, people being corrected. Your visa is not being extended, they say - it is your permission to stay that is being extended. CORRECT but next time consider that even immigration misinterpret their own regulations.

  11. Surfline,

    Before another pedant picks up on this: you are not doing visa runs. You are making visa avoidance runs. How much did you pay your legal advisor for his priceless advice.

    I suggest on or before your current 30days are up you jet off to Penang and ask for a double entry tourist visa. In practice that will give you 180 days (you will need to do one visa run). This will take you past your 50th birthday by which time you will probably be clearer as to your future plans.

    Re. your marriage. Anyone in mind?

  12. Q for fears,

    Give him the benefit of the doubt.

    If you re-read Damian posts he does appear to have overcome his problems.

    His drug offences were committed when he was quite young....exuberance of youth? Larceny....likely to re-offend.....I doubt it.

    There are a number of very unsavoury types who reside in Thailand. I suggest you save your vitriol for them.

    By the way Damian do you have any visible tattoos? Now, that really gets up Q for Fear's nose if you care to read his other posts.

  13. Neeranam,

    No I did mean the womens faciltiy also in Nonthaburi. In the UK, reports always focused on the womens prison as it ellicits sympathy (male traffickers don't) and they invariably refer to it as the Hilton. In fact I have just read the transcript of an australian TV report for a programme called 60minutes in which they state Bang Kwang is only the mens equivalent of the Hilton.

    However the BBC confirms the Hilton is the mens prison. It also reports that one Englishman is allowed to work teaching english to Thai inmates. The report is over a year old but I presume he is still there.

    But be assured, I would have accepted your reponse irrespective of the BBC.

    Anyway I stray from the purpose of this forum

  14. Isn't Bangkok Hilton the womens Correctional Facility at Bang Khen?

    Bang Kwang Prison

    Inmate’s daily routine (except Saturday, Sunday and national holidays)

    06.00 Hours Breakfast

    08.30 Hours Attend vocational training or educational programs

    12.00 Hours Lunch

    13.00 Hours Attend vocational training or educational programs

    15.30 Hours Recreation and personal activities

    16.30 Hours Dinner

    17.30 Hours Lockup

    21.00 Hours Prayer and bedtime ovaltine (I added the ovaltine)

    Source: Dept of Corrections.

    If you are executed that morning you forgo lunch.

    So seems even Thai inmates don't work. Don't see what good vocational training is if you are on death row. Still as they believe in reincarnation gives you a good start in your next life

    Anyway....treatment of foreigners is insidious...if they can't work how on earth do they pay off the 200baht/day fine when their visa expires or do they have to apply for visa extensions every year? If refused do they qualify for deportation.

    Health hazards - bring in UK Elf and safety executive that'll sort things out.

  15. Ray,

    I disagree with your last comment.

    This is exactly the sort of topic that should be posted onto this site. Forewarns others. It is a serious issue.

    My earlier comment about being "done to death" on Udonmap was intended to get posters to read that site and digest before coming to a conclusion and posting here.

    And yes. I failed to take my own advice. You are correct VALENTINE did say local police. He does appear a tad niaive. British Embassy. Ooooh. That'll scare 'em.

    Good advice is try and make friends with a local policeman. If one lives locally, believe me, he'll WANT to be YOUR friend.

    Don't take Nam Kao's advice or you could find you've had an unwelcome visitor next time you leave the house empty. Not so funny then.

    If someone receives a similar form, BIN IT or refer it to Police HQ or immigration.

  16. Maestro,

    Section 14. A person of Thai nationality, who was born of an alien father and HAS ACQUIRES the nationality of his father according to the law on nationality of his father........is required, if he desires to retain his other nationality, to make a declaration of his intention to renounce his Thai nationality within one year after his attaining the age of twenty years.........

    If, after consideration of the said intention, the Minister is of opinion that there is reasonable ground to believe that such person MAY ACQUIRE the nationality of his father......., he shall grant permission...........

    I can't find the thread to which you refer.

    However I don't see how S14 can be enforced since it don't make sense. Something lost in translation.

    I hazard a guess that, despite the wording, the intended purpose of this clause was where a child with dual Thai/XXXX nationality was required by country XXXX to renounce his Thai nationality on reaching age of majority (probably 21 in most countries when this law was drafted) if he/she wished to retain XXXX nationality.

    I also suspect few, if any, countries no longer recognize dual nationality. But as always I am guessing as I am too lazy to do further research.

    Whatever it don't apply to the OP.

    If whoever drafted S14 would like to come forward I can guarantee him a job with UK civil service and a knighthood. He would need to change his name to Humphrey..... (colonials and younger readers won't understand this).

  17. Kringle,

    Go back to Udonmap.com. Read again this time starting on page 1. :o

    The original post was by VALENTINE who received an 8 page form and returned it to the police.

    DAKODA adds his comments later. He says he also received a form but only one sheet.

    I believe both to be genuine reports.

    Dakoda's wife's advice to tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine is appropriate, unless of course it is received, as George says, when applying for one year extension and provided the questions are relevant to the application. Even then I would confirm it's authenticity with the immigration office.

    Thai's do have a preoccupation with knowing everyone else's business. Much the same as office life back in the UK. My wife and her daughter are frequently asked intrusive questions by nosey neighbours and strangers.

    So I wouldn't put it past a local policeman to decide to learn all about farangs on his patch for no other reason than it is in his nature. Obviously it could be more sinister.

  18. Ray,

    My comments were intended tongue in cheek. I suspect your original post was intended to elicit a light hearted response.

    I don't know how to interpret Astrals comment. Taken to extreme if you decide to change a cracked roof tile on your house you need a work permit.

    Seriously. Just do the 20hrs. You are not doing paid work and you are definitely not a volunteer. You are carrying out a sentence imposed by a court.

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