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Posts posted by pepsi666

  1. Is it the Morons again?

    Sorry should have said Mormons. :o

    yep, they were there , saw em for 4 nights on the trot, 1 Thai, 1 Englishman (possibly an american) and a chineseman, they were all having turns in spouting off, I did stand and listen to em for a while, offered em a beer, but they turned me down and said that drinking is the devils work, all I could think was , well the devils been busy down walking street, I think they are wasting their time, but with religeon you just cant tell (it bought down 'No Name City' in paint your wagon) and religeon ws a real bugger with the Aztecs and North American Indians,

    Might see a witness hall down walking street yet :D

  2. So come on people, you all love helping people out here

    Hello Pepsi666

    With the graetest respect, may I suggest you click on 'Thailand Forum' above, scroll down, and you will find a forum totally dedicated to discussing and answering all the questions you have asked in your post.

    Yes, we do love helping people, but not when the answers are already there. :o

    Apologies, didnt know that it was on here, I had browsed around but there are 22000 odd replies and 1000 odd topics<_<

    I just thought it would be easier to post here (its Pattaya I'm intrested in NOT the who;le of Thailand and Islands)

    I found I got a better response from people who live there rather than EVERYONE in Thailand

  3. Hello All

    As you can see I have returned from Pattaya and had a great time

    I need some advice from all you good people out there AGAIN

    I want to get a propery over there now, but buying a place means setting up this Thai company lark and signing over 51% to someone I dont know and am supposed to trust (I dont have a Thai wife, just a scouse one)

    So I'm considering this 30 year lease thing

    Now do I have to sort out land and get a house built or can I lease a house and land (Who can I contact about this ?)

    Can I approach a estate agent out there ?

    What are the costs of it ?

    What are the average running costs of a villa over there ? you know, electric, A/C, satalite/cableTV, refuse collection, water/waste.

    As before any advice would be greatly appreciated, you can either post it here or PM me (but others might find your help useful as well :o

    So come on people, you all love helping people out here

  4. Just one other thing I meant to mention, WHY ARE the russians so bloody loud and rude and SO impolite and so dam many of them this time, :D

    I thought the germans were loud and arrogant (never seen them impolite tho), but the russians could give them a run for their money this time round :o

    And tight, , we never saw any of em leave a tip for any of the waitressess or the chair people, and they just waved the vendors away without even looking at the stuff they was flogging, I always have a look and say no thank you, (sometimes I even buy something I dont really need, but these poor sods are trying to earn a crust)

    Maybe the are just trying to get used to the freedom, but they arent making many friends with the attitude :D

  5. We stayed there (The sawassde) and it werent bad, the rooms were clean, the beds were made everyday, the staff werent a lot of cop at the check in, but I didnt expect that much, we didnt have breakfast though, the eggs looked like the joke plastic ones (probably taste like em as well)

    The bar meals were well cheap and tasty, beer was cold and not overpriced

    The check in staff were a bit slow and not really intrested, butI didnt really expect 5 star service, the maid was very good, the sheets changed every day, clean towels and little pots of shower gel and tea/coffee topped up each day, cleaned the windows every other day

    1 of the air conditioners didnt work too well but that got sorted the following day, so no complaints there

    We had breakfast in Greggs kitchen, not a bad place for grub, I have to admit, decent bacon and sausages and a decent cup of coffee

    There is a bar below and there always seemed some &lt;deleted&gt; who insisted on trying to sing in the early hours of the morning (he couldnt carry a tune in a bucket)

    There were plenty of backpackers who stayed there, they seemed happy with the price they were charged (I thought it was a bit steep)

    I'd stay here again

    The biggest complaint was there is no pool, but they have a tuk tuk which will take yoiu to their other hotel, but it was full of old geezers who ordered the thai girls round like slaves, ordering them to put their suntan lotion on, fat blokes with thongs, they annoyed me with their attitude towards the girls, we only went once

    We were there for the music festival everyone seemed to enjoy oit (I never understood any of it, but what the heck, it was fun (I enjoyeed watching the Tai punks, johnny rotten would have loved them, they were just like him, he couldnt play music either, but they put heart and soul in to it)

    The beer WAS cheap over that weekend, we were getting singha or tiger or leo beer for 20 Bht a go and a bloody good meal for 50-60 Bht from the mum and pop stalls and they insisted we try EVERYTHING, it was a great time

    We saw 4 accidents while there, and they all seemed to involve bloody 4 wheel drive motors (why do they insist on over taking a bike THEN turning right, dont give the bikes any chance) we helped some poor girl who was getting a hard time from some car driver, it was his fault but he was gobbing off at her, so I stepped in, and then the cops turned up, with the aid of pictures, gestures and a lot of threats to get this bloke to shut up, he got nicked, but it didnt really help the girl who'se face ws grazed up pretty bad and bilke was a right off

    Anyway I'm getting off topic, have a look at the pictures, make your own mind up, but I think 1400 for a suite aint bad, there are probably better or cheaper out there, but this is near the beach, near all the shops, a short walk to walking street and a bus ride to and from other places

    I have GOT to thank CLAUDIO for putting himself out for us, not sure what happened, but we missed each other at BKK, (I hope we can get it together NEXT time though

    NOW i need more advice from YOU good people out there, I'd like to lease a place over there, you know this 30 year lease thing, rather than buy a place out right, can anyone advise me on this (I will be opening a new thread on this, as this topic isnt really the right place

    THANKS TO ALL for the advice and comments here

  6. I reckon EVERYONE here have given me better advice than any travel agent/shop could have done

    It is very much appreciated :D

    I have advice on getting from BKK to Pattaya, that ws really appreciated

    People have given their views on this hotel, some good, some bad, but its all been really appreciated :D

    I'll let YOU all know what it was like (with pictures) :o you can decide if you would stay there

  7. but its all too late now, its already booked :o

    chances are, some poor sod has done you a favour.

    Who would ever consider staying in a hotel that had part of its building named "wing B"

    Sounds like a prison block, and probably just a bleak.

    Why dont you "splash out" 1000 baht a night and get something half decent?

    The pictures are anything but bleak, and I have already booked it and it cost a bit more than 1000 baht a night

    As for the name, there are plenty of weird names out there, that bear nothing to what's actually in there

    But as I have been told, all you need is somewhere to stash your trash and crash, theres more to a holiday than a hotel, its a big world out there :D

    You paid already? :D

    Yep, but it is supposed to be a suite, WHY ? :D

  8. but its all too late now, its already booked :o

    chances are, some poor sod has done you a favour.

    Who would ever consider staying in a hotel that had part of its building named "wing B"

    Sounds like a prison block, and probably just a bleak.

    Why dont you "splash out" 1000 baht a night and get something half decent?

    The pictures are anything but bleak, and I have already booked it and it cost a bit more than 1000 baht a night

    As for the name, there are plenty of weird names out there, that bear nothing to what's actually in there

    But as I have been told, all you need is somewhere to stash your trash and crash, theres more to a holiday than a hotel, its a big world out there :D

  9. quite a few mixed views here, but as long as its clean, tidy and has hot water for a shower, and I dont have any of the staff having sticky fingers I'll be happy

    Just how dramatic are these pastel colours ?

    Anyone got any photos of the interior/exterior ?


    Dunno how valid these photos are, but..... :o

    I know they are the ones I saw on that website, they seem okay, but views from people who have stayed thee are a lot more use

    It does seem strange they dont have a website or email address though (unless I was told wrongly)

    but its all too late now, its already booked :D

  10. quite a few mixed views here, but as long as its clean, tidy and has hot water for a shower, and I dont have any of the staff having sticky fingers I'll be happy

    Just how dramatic are these pastel colours ?

    Anyone got any photos of the interior/exterior ?

    When I get back from here, I'll post a few pictures and let you all know my view on the place (it may help others, maybe a good idea for everyone to post pictures and their reviews on a hotel they have stayed at)

    I'd be happy to do it from some of the hotels I have stayed at over the past few years

  11. Has anyone stayed at the above hotel ?

    Have you any views on it ?

    Cleanliness, hospitality, satate of rooms, bathroom, bedroom (comfy beds) A/C, staff, breakfast or general food/resturant, genral atmosphere

    I have seen the pictures on the hotel booking site and a few that Visarun sent me, just like other peoples view on it or how they got on there and what they thought of it

    Any replies appreciated :o

  12. i was under the impression that members of this forum wouldn't talk about such subjects like go-go bars and prostitutes?

    My God! You're right! Lets not talk about that. Lets talk about something else instead.

    What about the weather? Rather hot isn't it.

    Sexy Beast


    Well, thats killed that, now lets get back to the bar and the L/B and katoey's, I dont have any problems with the trannies or ladyboys, everyone has to make a living :o , there are plenty of people who turn their noses up at my trade, either way, it dont really matter WHAT you do, it all ends up in the same place, .............taxes, bar's, girl'sbills, savings (to spend in a bar, girl's)

    Only thing with the trannies and L/b's is you dont know which way to turn........ :D:D:D:D

    come on lighten up, its Pattaya and all life is here

  13. Thanks for the advice everyone, very much appreciated, bit spoilt for choice now :D

    I like the idea of the Limo, but the bus sounds okay and a lot cheaper, and I get to see some of the country (assuming I dont fall a kip) not sure about the taxi's though, I have been on a 'mystery' tour before :D

    I was told to keep an eye out for a couple of old Dakota's on the left on the way down there, any idea if they are still usable and flying or just derelics now, and what they were used for ?

    Old Dakotas appeared about five years ago, there in a scrap yard.

    "What were they used for" Flying I would imagine :o Definatley not useable :D

    Cheers :D

    I assumed they would be used for flying, but WHAT?

    Virgin used to have a couple of old Daks doing the Miami-Florida keys run, and they were also used in a film 'A Bridge Too Far', just thought someone over there were using them for tourist flights or even the Thai army, mind you I havent seen e

    Still a tossup between the bus and a limo :D and pre booking is a good idea, at least I know roughly what time I'd get there :D

  14. Thanks for the advice everyone, very much appreciated, bit spoilt for choice now :D

    I like the idea of the Limo, but the bus sounds okay and a lot cheaper, and I get to see some of the country (assuming I dont fall a kip) not sure about the taxi's though, I have been on a 'mystery' tour before :o

    I was told to keep an eye out for a couple of old Dakota's on the left on the way down there, any idea if they are still usable and flying or just derelics now, and what they were used for ?

  15. I will be arriving in Bangkok on 4th March and I need to get to Pattaya in reasonble safety, anyone got any recomendations ? I dont really want to rent a car either

    (I have a bit of leave owing me, )

    I have read some real horror stories about buses and mini buses (drivers falling asleep and such)

    Its normally all handled by the agents, but this time I'm going it alone

  16. there must be a bar somewhere, that will let us drink till the party (demostration) is over, then we can all get to read about it a day or so later (seems a bit like a Tottenham and Millwall match really, bound to be a shade of claret on the streets)

    And as I havent been invited, I wont be going, and I'm a bit old to be a student anyway, so I guess I'll have a few beers and have an early night

    of course Americans like fighting, they go anywhere for a scrap, they dont REALLY want to comeback to Asia, they came second last time

    Another glib posting about what is essentially a very grave matter......obviously, there are more than a few posters on this forum who don't give an iota about anything or anyone except themselves........SAD.......

    What do you expect me to do then, I have no idea of Thai politics or what the demostration is for or over, I'm a guest in Thailand, I dont have any voting privliges, I live in the UK and spend time in Thailand

    What is important to Thai's is not important to me, same as VERY few Thai's are intrested in UK politics,

    Get real matey

    Perhaps then, it might be best to leave off your comments on more serious Thai topics...

    and confine your forum activities to places like:


    thank you.


    Thanks for the link, but it dont work, as I said I have no influence over Thai politics and even if I had the vote do you think it would make any differece, seems to me when even Thai's vote it makes no difference

    I do have a 30 year lease on a property and land in Thailand and I know its worth my while to give a back hander to the police to make sure my property is safe, I dont have any problem with that, but the body rots fromthe head down, so if the ordinary cop takes a few bob, what's happening further up the chain ???

    Have you noticed that m/bikes and mopeds get stopped a lot more frequent JUST before a festival ? But the fines are small and usually against tourists who wont raise a fuss or ask for a reciept, so where does the fine go ?

  17. Happens to them all, its happened to BA, Virgin, Qauntas, so its nothing new, dont get all het up over it, as long as you have planes and people there will always be something simular happening, I'd be happy to use them,

    Its not the airlines or pilots that I'd worry abot, I'd be more worried about the tuk-tuk and cab drivers (the aircraft have maintainence done on them, the pilots have refresher courses)

    The tuk-tuk and cab drivers has running shoes and a plausable explanation

    Book me on the next flight :o

  18. there must be a bar somewhere, that will let us drink till the party (demostration) is over, then we can all get to read about it a day or so later (seems a bit like a Tottenham and Millwall match really, bound to be a shade of claret on the streets)

    And as I havent been invited, I wont be going, and I'm a bit old to be a student anyway, so I guess I'll have a few beers and have an early night

    of course Americans like fighting, they go anywhere for a scrap, they dont REALLY want to comeback to Asia, they came second last time

    Another glib posting about what is essentially a very grave matter......obviously, there are more than a few posters on this forum who don't give an iota about anything or anyone except themselves........SAD.......

    What do you expect me to do then, I have no idea of Thai politics or what the demostration is for or over, I'm a guest in Thailand, I dont have any voting privliges, I live in the UK and spend time in Thailand

    What is important to Thai's is not important to me, same as VERY few Thai's are intrested in UK politics,

    Get real matey

  19. there must be a bar somewhere, that will let us drink till the party (demostration) is over, then we can all get to read about it a day or so later (seems a bit like a Tottenham and Millwall match really, bound to be a shade of claret on the streets)

    And as I havent been invited, I wont be going, and I'm a bit old to be a student anyway, so I guess I'll have a few beers and have an early night

    of course Americans like fighting, they go anywhere for a scrap, they dont REALLY want to comeback to Asia, they came second last time

  20. I wont be there THANK F***,if I want get wet, I'll use the sea or the pools,

    No matter what festivals there are, you can be sure the Brits will get pissed and act the same as they do at home, only reason theycan is the police are so lax out there, its not just because of the Welsh girls murder that tourist bookings are down 30%, hope it drops even further, maybe someone will take notice and clean the place up

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