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Posts posted by pepsi666

  1. Have a chat with Thaivisa (should find him in the members list) he maybe able to help you (think his name is Claudio)

    I did get a limo from the airport to Patters, cost a shade over 2000Bht, but dont forget to ask about the tolls, they DONT include them when you pay up :D , they are an EXTRA :o

  2. Instead of a maid, get yourself a missus :D ,

    mine has got a thing about hoovers, she is only happy when she's cleaning, she works(4am-2pm), makes the beds, cooks, tidies up, ironing, washing, does my packed lunch, got her own car, she never has days off, on call for snacks 24 hours a day (okay, I do have to get me own beer from the fridge, but I do need the exercise)

    She was young once, I couldnt get a trade in so I stuck with this model, it maybe getting on, but why change it if aint broken, but works well :D

    I did get her to do the cleaning in the buff once, but she got upset when I said "whatever your wearing needs ironing" I mean how did I know she was in the buff :D

    AND I HOPE she never gets to read this :o

  3. Still reckon ours is tops


    That looks a great breakfast, book me in for one next time I'm in Patters, (got any mushrooms to go with it ?

    (is this the normal look of a breakfast or just for a photo ?, seen a MacD burger look very good, but when I got it, it NEVER looked anything like the picture)

    Mushrooms, bubble and squeak too along with grilled tomatos, fried bread, baked beans even throw in some bacon and eggs, tea and toast.

    Would that be tempting pepsi666?

    Long time, no hear from you :D IS that an offer ?

    Reckon I'll take you up on it, meet up with Mobi and have a chat, WHEN I eventually get there :o

    (I couldnt even get my missus to make a breakfast like that :D )

  4. Still reckon ours is tops


    That looks a great breakfast, book me in for one next time I'm in Patters, (got any mushrooms to go with it ?

    Little bit too far out there pepsi. Lamps is in Surin :D

    mmm, that is a bit far for the baht bus, AND I was so looking forward to it :D

    Oh, well, there are plenty to choose from, I'll have to do a tour and find out WHO really does do the best breakfast

    Only met Greg once, and that was when one of his staff had an accident and died, a few years back

    I enjoy a decent breakfast and when the owner comes over and has a chat and has a coffee, but not many do :o

    Reckon we should start a thread bout main courses (lunch and dinners, desserts) of course with pictures :D .............and not just the presentation type pictures, the real thing that they put in front of you :D

  5. Still reckon ours is tops


    That looks a great breakfast, book me in for one next time I'm in Patters, (got any mushrooms to go with it ?

    (is this the normal look of a breakfast or just for a photo ?, seen a MacD burger look very good, but when I got it, it NEVER looked anything like the picture)

  6. This is exactly what I was saying in previous posts, there just isnt a standard out there (that I have seen,) I have a simple philospy, if I wouldnt have it in my house why should I put it in someone elses

    You only have to look at various bars and resturants, the plumbing looks awful, but it works (and that is the only thing in its favour)

    Strange, blue poly is FRESH water in England (some cases black) Green is foul water, yellow is gas

    I'm surprised they never put in a cess pit or soak away, it must be a lot less polluting

    I got so many negative replies in previous forums, I shelved the idea,

    I still think there should be a standard in Thailand, I spent 4 years apprenticeship and time in the Forces, practicing my skills and I am still surprised there hasnt been a lot more cases of dysentry and legionella, and salmonella in Thailand

  7. Greg`s kitchen.....listen to Greg`s woes and avoid the sausages

    What's wrong with Gregs sausages ? :o

    The only thing wrong I have ever found wrong with ANY breakfast place is they all use Nescafe or instant coffee

    Is there any where that does REAL coffee and American style ? :D free top ups :D

  8. I like 'Gregs Cafe' get a decent breakfast in there, prices arent bad, he does a pretty good Sunday dinner as well

    There is another place, Buntys I think its called, ex cab driver runs it, he seems to live in the place, seves GOOD coffee

    Saw quite a few places on Pattaya TV (big Rons, but never got to try it)

  9. My crititism wasnt aimed at you WOODENTOP, it was aimed at other people who just love to critise others work and think everyone is after their money (EVERYONE has a choice and if they WANT to give anything to any charity, that is their choice, no one is holding a gun to their heads)

    IF YOU do know of a scam or a swindle, lets know about it, if you really think that Mobi is living the high life on milk and nappies, you have a duyty to let everyone know, at the moment the only pats on the back Mobi is getting are the ones when you walk under a cow :D

    RIGHT, now you get a chance to have a go at me....... I have only seen photos that Mobi has posted, I am in the UK...I cant give nappies or milk or any of the other bits kids need, but I have done my best and make no excuses for anything I do or say,

    I have a choice in EVERYTHING I do, I'm a big boy and I stand or fall by my actions or inactions :o

  10. This is JUST my opinion (like it or not) AND I DONT CARE IF IT DOES P*SS YOU OFF :D

    Mobi has asked for a few odds and ends and a little help for this mission, YOU dont have to help, if you havent given anything you have no right to ask where ANYTHING has been done or gone

    If you havent given anything (time, gifts,) you have nothing to worry about

    He doesnt have to explain anything to anyone who hasnt given time or gifts

    IF you want to see what is happening, go there, ask questions, look around, just leave the guy alone with the slagging off (as the arabs say, the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on)

    IF YOU feel this is a rip off, dont do/give anything, dont post your useless posts :o

    Mobi, keep ME up to date with how things are progressing at the mission, as they say dont let the b**t***s grind you down :D

  11. Dunno if its true, but he said all US ships are dry :o , whereas UK ships (and Subs) the entitlement is 2 pints a day (and some captains still maintain the rum ration :D )

    In 1970, the Admiralty abolished the rum ration within the Royal Navy, apparently on health grounds! Sailors now can buy alcohol at sea, while the wardrooms continue their old policy of allowing officers to do as they will.

    Depends on the Captain's of the ships and subs, they pay for it themselves, but as you know, there are ways round everything :D

  12. I think the U.S. Navy arrived either yesterday or this morning as the Crown Prince went to Satahip yesterday and I saw him coming back today. I also think one 9of the princeses was with him.


    That's nice, give him my regards :D you could give the princess a kiss from me as well (if you have the time :o )

  13. I was just hoping for a few photos for a friend at work, he used to drink against the Yanks (they are pretty light weights agaist a british matelpt)

    He was telling me they had leaflets given to them, dont try to outdrink a British matelot, you will lose and dont point guns at them, if you want to keep your teeth :o ) He said they were happy days :D


    But in all fairness, up until a short while back, drinking while not on shift was a Brit Navy tradition. The US Navy never allowed that, and as you know, going dry for a couple of months at a time while at sea tends to lower the amount of alcohol required to get shitefaced.

    Most former US Navy men I know now are making up for lost time!!! :D

    Dunno if its true, but he said all US ships are dry :D , whereas UK ships (and Subs) the entitlement is 2 pints a day (and some captains still maintain the rum ration :D )

  14. I was just hoping for a few photos for a friend at work, he used to drink against the Yanks (they are pretty light weights agaist a british matelpt)

    He was telling me they had leaflets given to them, dont try to outdrink a British matelot, you will lose and dont point guns at them, if you want to keep your teeth :o ) He said they were happy days :D

  15. How can anyone select Pattaya as the ideal retirement destination?

    I was in Pattaya for a few days, the traffic is horrendous, I witnessed very old men with young Thai people................................, it must be the only International Beach resort in the world where the Police wear protective face masks to guard against the pollution in the air, (note we are talking about a beach resort)

    Maybe I'm missing something.................................but christ knows what it is!

    Any chance it's the Bargirls? :o

    then, if its as bad as you have seen why bother coming back (which I assume is just Beach road and walking street) thats a bit like assuming the whole of London is the same as Soho and Berwick street or Oxford street, which it isnt

    There are some really nice parts further out from Beach Road and walking street

    Not everyone who retires to Patters actually uses walking street, thats for the tourists :D , so they can get snaphappy and show their mates the clubs and girls.

    You are just one of many who just come in here, slag off Pattya, then bugger off, get a life and go to a few more places, there are plenty that are a lot worse and nastier than Pattya and not in Thailand

  16. Now let's get this straight.

    The brains at City Hall have installed railings so that people now have to cross to where there is NO SIDEWALK, and this is supposed to be a safety measure?

    Wouldn't it have been more intelligent to install a set of traffic signals, maybe only to be used at night when the area is busiest, and allow people 20 or 30 seconds to cross in safety every couple of minutes???

    It's not exactly rocket science, is it.

    This country never ceases to amaze me.

    And they are really going to take notice of traffic lights :o ,

  17. At the outlet, the fishing is very good and some good sized fish can be caught, its all that 'free food' that attracts them :D

    Well thanks very much !!!!! :o:D

    Fish, crabs, lobster, prawns are now off my menu. From now on I'll just have to eat more wiener schnitzel. :D

    Its called 'recycling' :D you only get out what you put in,

    I think we may find something about weiner schnitzel as well, you may just be having rice or beer :D

  18. try crossing to the other side of beach road, before those big bad railings ruin your holiday :o

    True, but then you have to hold your nose as you walk past the stench from those putrid drains as you approach Walking Street. :D

    I can't believe how bad the stench is there. I've noticed it in a few other areas also.

    Well there is a Water treatment works right there...or didn`t you notice?...its the large building adjacent to the spot where the old wooden pier used to be.

    You will get these smells from time to time....it`s the heat you know.....but compared to 25 years ago walking along the Beach Road to-day is akin to a meander in a perfume shop. :D

    Its not a water treatment center, its just a pumping station, it uses macerator pumps to grind up everything that gets put down the toilet/kitchen sinks/resturants/any foul water/storm water drains and its the major pumping station for the whole of Pattaya, it then it pumps it a supposed 2 miles off shore

    At the outlet, the fishing is very good and some good sized fish can be caught, its all that 'free food' that attracts them :D

    It smells just like the sanitation block at any major airport :D

    Good idea on the railings though, but I thought there was actually a crossing there, not that means much in Pattya, you take your life in your hands everytime you dare cross a road :D

  19. Ka-ching,early pay day for the girls in the bars and the BIB :D

    The Muay Thai boys will be earning their keep with the matelots as well, never turn down a scrap with a little bloke :o

    But they can't beat a Brit matelot when it comes to sinking a pint

    But as the yanks say...........a friendly kill is still a kill, so watch out :D

  20. If you have any friends in the UK, and they have Sky+, and they dont mind you sharing it, get a Slingbox, bit pricey and you do need a decent broadband connection, but it works very well, I used it while in Thailand and it did work on my laptop

    I hope to try it in the US in September

    Here is a link for information............. http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1246717368.1155937682@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccefaddiildemidcflgceggdhhmdgmi.0&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&sku=157886&category_oid=

    If anyone wants any help, PM with your email address and I'll send you a PDF file with lots of FREE links on it (you will need acrobat reader to open it though) :o

  21. maybe he wants you to account for every nappy and milk formula you have recieved, I wouldnt worry about him, there are always going to peple who try and drag you down, no matter what you do

    (the Arabs have a saying, the dogs bark, but the caravan still goes on)

    I know that no one can help everyone, but what little we do does help the few, let him post it to who ever he wants, he sounds like a sad bloke anyway

    You keep going Mobi (and thanks for the updates)

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