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Posts posted by pepsi666

  1. Why on earth do you want to play paintball in Pattaya ?

    You'll end up sporting some really good welts, its not like the UK, you dont want to be running round in Combats, it'll be shorts and tee shirts and goggles or face plate

    There is a site out there but I've never seen anyone actually use it, wait till you get back to the UK and drop over to Wycombe, they got a pretty good site there, my son uses it

  2. Could you keep us updated how things are progressing and what improvements are being made (ie the kids education, getting meat on their bones, and just the kids well being and welfare, would be appreciated (either here or PM or even me email addy) :o

  3. Mobi,

    PM with your email address, I'll send a nominal amout to it, then you can see how Paypal works, if your happy with it, then you could PM everyone else with your address, honest its the easiest way to transfer mony, better and cheaper than Western Union

    AND as I'm in the UK it would be really expensive shipping milk, rice, nappies even though I can get em at trade, and it would be best if you got it, YOU know what they need and REALLY want

  4. When I have to use tap water for any reason (ie cant be arsed to got to any shop), I drop in a purifying (steri tabs) tablet, I have always carried them, no matter what country I visit in Asia, never had a bad stomach yet

    But household bleach can be used to strelise water, 2-3 drops per liter, it may taste funny but it is drinkable, but then again, just boil water, let it cool then its fine, boiling will kill any bacteria, including legionella which is even in bottled water

    Have you ever wondered why bottled water doest go green in the sun and drinking water does :o

  5. Call em manholes :D , call em access covers :D ,

    I know what they are :D (and so do you :D ) and what they are for, I also know its not wise to pinch them, its a shooting offence, or you'll get fired for stealing them :D

    Reckon that bout wraps it up :o

  6. No, I think it still is manhole cover. I don't think the Thai's are politically correct

    More to the point.. can't imagine any thai ladies being employed to work inside these holes anyway.. so the term Manhole cover is correct

    totster :D

    I cant see why not, seems there are more women on building sites than blokes, but they are still access covers and always have been and its not PC :o

    They have always been access covers, its just been given that name by people who dont know what they are

    I wasn't saying women couldn't be employed doing this kind of job.. but merely stating that I couldn't imagine a woman being employed to do that job in Thailand. I've seen the trucks with the local authority/utility company workmen in and can't remember ever seeing a woman.

    Yes women are commonly found on building sites, but normally doing the support jobs like mixing concrete/mortar.

    In my work I often have to deal with local authoritys and the Highways Agency, they have always referred to them as manhole covers... and the Police also for that matter..

    Anyway.. IMHO I think being PC is a pile of crap.. thought up by people with nothing else to do.. you know the type..

    ..and then of course there are those that take it upon themselves to enforce being PC... berating anyone that fails to adhere to their version of correctness.. :D

    totster :D

    I agree, I dont like PC either, but here in the UK we do have women who do go down in pits, drains, either cleaning or inspection, on all our drawings on LHR,they are referred to as access covers and the drawings go back to 1951, even the drawing of my house (which dates 1936 there is a access cover in my garden)

    Maybe in the LOS they call em manhole covers, but if you call a cow a horse, does that make it a horse ? of course not, they are still axccess covers, they are access covers when we order them from manufacturers and they are cast or concrete here at LHR (and they are access covers at Bangkok Airport, I know that because I have the drawings from there when I was over there, showing the Thai's new auto flish units for their toilets and WC's)

  7. access covers can be made of anything, as long as they can bear traffic (traffic as in cars, buses, trucks, coaches, people) you dont need a cast iron one indoors, a roomsealed aliminium one would be fine

    It also becomes a confined space if it is more than a metre deep, and a gas dectector should be used before entry (even if its rain water) there can be many nasty gases in them, the human waste produces cabon sulfide/dioxide which can kill in under 30 seconds, even more gases are produced in storm water drains,some HIGHLY flammable, due to various 'thing' rotting away between storm flows, they are not good places to visit without a god top man and a good harness and rope

    Some people empty old oil/diesel/cooking oil in to storm drains or road drains, they go to rivers and streams, this kills a lot of fish and wildlife and can pollute drinking water (If some people get their drinking water from rivers and streams) it also rots and can spread disease

    A access cover is not just there to stop people falling in them, they also keep noxious gases in :o

    Thats my tuppence worth, if anyone wants to nick em, just dont go down there, you might not get out and death would be a shade slower than a bullet, but just as permanent

  8. No, I think it still is manhole cover. I don't think the Thai's are politically correct

    More to the point.. can't imagine any thai ladies being employed to work inside these holes anyway.. so the term Manhole cover is correct

    totster :D

    I cant see why not, seems there are more women on building sites than blokes, but they are still access covers and always have been and its not PC :o

    They have always been access covers, its just been given that name by people who dont know what they are

  9. The correct term is foul/storm water access covers, as they can be accessed by either sex, so the term man hole covers is incorrect :o

    but eitherway, you need a fair amount of them to make it worthwhile nicking them, he should have gone for brass, thats $7000 a tonne (scrap) at the moment (there is a worldwide shortage of brass)

    But the best at the moment is lead or copper (copper $11000 a tonne and lead $15000 a tonne)

    Cast iron is $3000 a tonne :D

  10. I thought the pictures you posted were fine, didnt see any problem with them, couldnt see the point in some of the remarks though, there are a few plonkers that post stupid remarks in here, but those get ignored.

    I'd like to see a gallery in here where people could post pictures of their wives/girl friends and families but your bound to get the usual snide remarks about them (I have had a few photos from people in here its good to put faces to names)

    Good to see someone had the nuts to post a picture of themselves enjoying Patters :o

  11. not everyone sits in front of a PC 24/7

    just bring a wallet full and you cant go wrong, or save your money and you could be the richest corpes in Bombay :D

    Still if you went to Patpong in Bankok, I reckon you'd be better off, save you the cab fare to patters, and give you more money with a bar girl :o

  12. Is there a pipe connecting the overflow to a sort of plastic cup ?

    Does it have a screw holding it altogether ?

    Is there a plastic trap under the bath ?

    If the answer to all of them is yes, then you have a combined waste and overflow

    Easy to do, (but I have no idea how the Thais do it or what its called in Thai

    1 Remove trap,

    2 remove broken bits,

    3 take the broken parts to local shop,

    4 I'd use silicon to seal the Chrome /silver waste , then if there is a screw just line it up and tighten, if it is a back nut, do that hand tight and then a quater turn to nip it up, DONT fill the bath, a pint of water will do to check for leaks

    A picture would have been really handy

    I have just reread your message again, its on a sink, sorry, if the handbasin has an overflow, you'll need a slotted waste,, poly wasker, back nut, if it has rotted away completely, , simple enough to replace, you'll need a pair of grips, or a tool that has wide enough jaws to grip the nut, use silicon to seal both inside and outside of the H/basin

    There are several tyopes of wastes out. pop up plug, swivel plug, ordinary slotted waste with plug on a chain, please yourself which you want, I dont know if the Thai's use metric, but if theyy do it's 32mm (! 1/4 in UK)

  13. :D

    That's the best you could come up with ?

    Which reminds me. I don't see your name on the list of attendees at the piss-up in Pattaya on the 15th :D

    Official Thaivisa Pattaya Meeting - Pissup, 15 July 2006

    In fact, I don't see the names of most of the people in this thread on the list of attendees for some reason. Unsocial wangkers ! :o

    I'd gladly come along to the piss up, but unfortunately I'm stuck in the UK (I'd like to put some faces to names, or logins anyway)

    For the guy thats looking for books, I doubt if there are any second hands books online, most hotels/guest houses, some bars have a libary of sorts which people leave books (well I usually do leave a couple of books)

  14. Who is the best and most reliable supplier ?

    what speeds can they offe and price ?

    What areas do they cover ?

    I'd need 24 hours a day continuous supply, definately not dial up thouh

  15. well, I have gone over this thread and so far, I havent found anything that even gives a glimmer of my setting up a scholl for plumbing any hope of success,

    IF I was going to it would set me back 50,000 quid, estimated (I wouldnt get a return worthwhile on that, as the average wage is too low)

    I could set up a bar and earn more (as my mate Danny has done in Phuket) but that's an easy option and there are hundreds out there :o

    I could set up a Plumbing busines over here for less (AND get taxed to the hilt) AND the sun is a lot warmer in Thailand :D

    I reckon I'll shelve the idea for a while (but stilll keep it in mind, things might change by the time I get out there)

  16. Have you stopped to think about how much cash you will need for this.

    Setting something up like you are talking about wont come cheap.

    Have you got any figures in mind ?


    At a rough guess, I reckon £5000, but it depends if its worthwhile, ie, getting students in the door, getting contractors/builders involved,

    I dont mind too much if I run at a loss or break even, its the only thing I can pass on, my knowledge and skills, the airport and the UK dont want me, I'm too old (or will be when I get to Thailand)

    tools I have, knowledge I have, just need a classroom/workshop and someone who is bi lingual to pass it all on to.

    But at the moment I'm just asking if it would be viable or worthwhile, I dont want just retire and visit bars and sit in the sun (I used to be a soldier(SF), but I dont want to pass on those skills)

    How much do you reckon it would cost ? :D

    I don?t know how much it would all cost.

    But 5000 grand wont go far.

    Just look at the staffing issue.

    You would need to spend a lot of time and money

    training people to relay your skills over to the student.

    To pay them the correct wage and keep them

    Not an easy task.

    The gentleman above is right try and get involved with an

    existing project all ready over here.

    Not trying to piss on your fireworks

    but you would have a far lees stressful time

    Sitting in the bars all day.

    Hope you don?t loose your job.

    Have a nice day.

    I was hoping to just have a GOOD translator and teach them myself, I have no idea what a good translator would cost though

    And someone to answer the phone and take details and give them out

    I have seen what happens to people who just sit at bars all day (not a pretty sight)

    If anyone knows of an existing project or contractors I would appreciate their details

    I doubt I will actually lose my job, but I may not like working for our new owners and the pay and conditions the new company has to offer, then early retirement will call :D

    Mind, after reading some of the other topics about attacks down South, maybe I could use my 'other' skills :o

  17. Have you stopped to think about how much cash you will need for this.

    Setting something up like you are talking about wont come cheap.

    Have you got any figures in mind ?


    At a rough guess, I reckon £5000, but it depends if its worthwhile, ie, getting students in the door, getting contractors/builders involved,

    I dont mind too much if I run at a loss or break even, its the only thing I can pass on, my knowledge and skills, the airport and the UK dont want me, I'm too old (or will be when I get to Thailand)

    tools I have, knowledge I have, just need a classroom/workshop and someone who is bi lingual to pass it all on to.

    But at the moment I'm just asking if it would be viable or worthwhile, I dont want just retire and visit bars and sit in the sun (I used to be a soldier(SF), but I dont want to pass on those skills)

    How much do you reckon it would cost ? :o

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