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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. I got contacted by my personal trainer last week saying his gym was now open (Base in Bangkok) so there should be no need for your gym to still be closed. The management at my condo closed our gym at the start but when I kicked up a fuss, they introduced a 'book by appointment' scheme which surprise, surprise, worked very well (as far as I've seen there's only 4 or 5 people that use it). It sounds like your condo management are not using commmon sense and just being jobsworths.

  2. 2 hours ago, yuyiinthesky said:

    You make a lot of (malicious?) imputations.

    The points you are listing above are not unknown, and as far as I can see not rejected or excluded by the ones being sympathetic to Sweden's model. Not at all.

    I did not see anyone arguing against them. Personally I think that closing high schools and universities goes too far, but that is not an issue for me.

    "gatherings of more than 50 people are legally banned, and the public has voluntarily avoided large gatherings of  10 or more" - nothing too wrong with that! in my humble opionion there should be a difference between indoors and outdoors though, it is known by now that infections spread in closed rooms with bad ventilation.

    "many businesses introduced work at home policies" - nothing wrong with that, not at all. I enjoy working from home.


    "long term care facilities have restrictions on access" - the elderly and vulnerable should be protected, I think nobody is against that and that Sweden improved that point was welcomed by everybody. Please do not impute otherwise.

    "public movement in the at risk high population density cities has fallen significantly with fewer commuters and fewer people on the streets." - that was not an ordered restriction, but voluntary, and nothing wrong with that.

    "Yes, Sweden has not implemented a full lock down" - now here we come to the important point. That is what I see as remarkable, good, and the model for other countries.

    • Businesses can stay open.
    • You can meet your friends in a cafe.
    • No curfew.
    • No lockdown of cities with checkpoints and police controls, examining if you have a right to move your bottom from place A to place B. If you think you should travel, then it is respected.
    • No home arrest. 
    • You can go to the beach.
    • You can go to the gym.
    • etc.

    I understand the panic that happened in most countries that locked down, scared that they don't survive the next election if they don't. It started with good intentions, based on flawed models though, but good intentions.

    I unterstand also (and prefer) Sweden's model. Also based on good intentions. 

    So please stop these allegations of new world order etc, this is not the point, not at all. 

    I find it disgusting to look at the death stats of the countries hoping that the countries with the model I don't like have more deaths than the countries with the models I like.

    I wish best success to all of them. 

    Not sure why it looks like you were replying to me. That wasn't my post. Glitch in the matrix?

  3. 13 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:



    Fox News Reports: China knew about the coronavirus and patient Zero one month earlier than it claimed:



    Fox News Reports on April 1 the number of deaths in China: Coronavirus deaths top 4,000 in US, surpass China



    Fox News saying China is not telling the truth about their death rate:
    Fox reports and attribute 3 US Intelligence officials as saying "As coronavirus cases have jumped in recent days, China misled the world by purposely underreporting its numbers of patients and deaths"


    So the first one is Fox telling us about how China was not telling the truth about when they first discovered the virus and Patient Zero


    The second one is Fox reporting China's death rate on April 1 which is LAUGHABLE a month and half later that anybody would believe that a country as populous as China has that few deaths, especially when Fox News reports that is where the virus started.


    The third one is Fox News actually reporting that US Intelligence says China is under reporting their numbers


    Oh wait....is Fox News one of those fake media sources you were talking about? 









    The news from Fox is usually accurate (it is THE news after all), but their opinion pieces (Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham etc) are absolutely biased, full of conspiracy theories, bad investigative journalism and fake news.

    Over the years they have been mired in controvesy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_controversies) and they absolutely tried to minimise the C19 crisis when it first hit (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/12/media/fox-news-coronavirus/index.html). This eventually saw a complete u-turn from them (https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/mar/17/fox-news-coronavirus-outbreak-trump) when it became apparant the C19 crisis wasn't just 'another flu' or the 'Democratic hoax' they so desperately wanted and when lawsuits holding them responsible for calling Covid a hoax (https://www.forbes.com/sites/legalentertainment/2020/04/10/covid-19-lawsuit-against-fox-news/#4ed1a16d5739) started to happen, they started to quickly change their tune.

    So when Fox nows turns it's attention to blaming China (just like Trump), people are rightly highly sceptical.    

  4. 6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:



    This is old fashioned thinking. Nowadays it is not PC to mention the Tiananmen atrocity. Act like it never happened. After all, the modern narrative is that communism is good for people, and good for the environment. Capitalism is evil, bad for the climate, and makes people unhappy having too many choices and responsibilities in their life. Anybody that says different will be bashed mercilessly at all cost.


     Which is why Trump is having difficulty reining in China. The opposition, by hobbling Trump 24/7 365 days a year are strengthening the Chinese hand. This is a real tragedy. After all, were it not for politics of hate and divisiveness coming from team Dem, all Americans would benefit from beneficial trade deals with China, and if necessary bringing back some important industries.


    Well, best of luck to Trump. I liken his efforts to a sprinter trying to dash the 100m yet his opponents tied sandbags to his feet, and are now laughing at his slowness. Sad. Very sad.

    Wow. You're really on a roll here.

    You're stating (without any facts or links or anything of course) that 'the modern narrative is that communism is good for people, and good for the environment. Capitalism is evil, bad for the climate, and makes people unhappy having too many choices and responsibilities in their life.' That's one helluva reach right there but probably feeds right into your solution (post 22) to combat the evil Chinese by 'Default on any debts due to China. Confiscate any Chinese owned assets and bank accounts in the US. Deport all Chinese nationals back home. Ban all trade and travel between US/China'.  

    I'm actually surprised you're not Trumps Secretary of State by now.   


    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    He doesn't even take a salary. His bedroom antics are his own business providing he only touches adults, and there is no suggestion otherwise. He is standing up for his country against tyrannical regimes worldwide. How can you say he is immoral?


     Mr Xi would love to read this thread. Hooray for the Chinese communist party and their American supporters.

    'He is standing up for his country against tyrannical regimes worldwide' - Apart of course from Russia and North Korea. Obviously they don't count.

    • Like 1
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  6. 11 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Feel free to tell me how I am wrong. Do you think the Biden campaign is thinking a lot about winning? Yes or no?

    You see; black and white.

    When trying to make your point, you come up with some strawman argument that has nothing to do with anything other than to make your point.

    As has already been pointed out to you, life is all about making compromises and trying to see things from the other person point of view; something Trump and his supporters are sorely lacking.

    ALL previous US administrations for the last 200 years sought co-operation 'accross the aisle' as they knew it was the only way to get things done. Things started to disintegrate with the GOP and Obama with John Boehner, famously offering his plans for Obama’s agenda as “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” This was then backed up by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell with “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” This set the tone for all politics thereafter.

    This single minded, uncompromising 'winner takes all' stance has been at the root of all problems in American politics today and is massively exagerated by Trump and of course his supporters (which you have demostrated quite nicely thank you). 




  7. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's a forum for all to contribute, within the rules. I haven't seen much happiness from you on your posts, but I don't tell you not to post.


    I suggest you keep the personal insults to yourself. There are forum rules against that.

    At no point in my post did I say for you not to post. Not sure where you got that from.

    Also, you just come across as quite bitter from your experience with nursing and I was only pointing out that this seems to have shaped your viewpoint on empathy. Didn't think it was particularly insulting but if you took it that way then I will apologise as that wasn't my intention.

  8. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. I gave up the opportunity to earn the really big bucks in the Aussie mines to become a nurse. I did that for decades. Did those that I sacrificed to save care- no. Did a grateful nation give me thanks and a big pension- no. What I got was bully managers and a low wage. If I could go back to when I decided to do it , would I do it again- never in a million years. Would I tell anyone else to do it- no way.

    I had empathy by the bucket load when I started- not so much at the end.

    You can keep your empathy- I'd rather have earned the big bucks and be living on a nice Thai beach right now.


    PS. I didn't give it up sooner as I had to give it up to realise just how bad it was. I was pretty indoctrinated when I was doing it.


    I can't think of a single situation where a lack of empathy has benefitted a situation but I can think of several were no empathy has created problems - Nazis/Jews, Cambodian genocide, Rwanda etc.   

    I'm sorry your own personal experiences have left you so bitter but you should maybe try not to project your own failings on to others who don't feel the same way. The world is a diverse place filled with happy and unhappy people but if we all felt the way you feel and gave up on our empathy, can you imagine just how unhappy it would soon become for us all? 


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  9. 9 hours ago, lkv said:

    Yeah, millions of deaths from flu last year, and you cried for each and every one of them.


    So I take it we're not having tea together, no?

    “Millions of deaths from flu last year”? she also said you were prone to exaggeration. 
    Happy to have tea together though. At a safe social distance of course. 

    • Haha 1
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