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Woke to Sounds

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  1. The damned drugs again. Stick to beer people. Much safer.
  2. Mr Turmp is a friend both to Israel and to Ukraine. How can the Leftists always say he is Putin's bootlicker? Clearly not the case as reported here.
  3. Another tough guy foreigner, claimed no man could control him! Your arxe just got sacked buddy. Fell like a dead pine. Bout time Thailand starting draining the swamp.
  4. She looks like a cartoon character, not sure if thats the tiktok filters or plastic surgery? In fact this whole thing might be BS.... maybe she's an A.I. creation and a nice excuse for the UK to clamp down on pensioners living outside the country. (PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION)
  5. He realized what he'd done then tried to suicide, the coward.
  6. Today cannabis, tomorow methamphetamine and the dreaded poppy. Fine, deport and lifetime ban!
  7. I'm afraid I will have to respectfully disagree. In terms of brand value, Thailand is like Tom Hanks. Impeccable, invaluable and above reproach.
  8. High as kites on Special K no doubt about it. Too many viewings Fast And The Furious. British passports?
  9. Daft. Vapes, bad haircuts/dye jobs and silencers for their souped up Honda Scoopys.
  10. Not sure. I know neither of the two men personally. But Carns wrote a book and in that book he lays out his philosophy. Not sure if he's changed his tune since his book was published, considering how fast the Green Wokeist economy is being abandoned by any country that wants to keep its citizens fed, entertained and free of rebellious thoughts.
  11. If we talk solely about Investing though... Bitcoin is not the same as investing in tangible companies that actually make stuff or supply services, and pay dividends for owning shares of said companies. That's the difference. I know to where my money would rather flow. People will always need stuff or services and there will always be companies to supply those things.
  12. Not so much about inflation but sure, the US stock market has shed a lot the last week. MSM makes it out like the sky's falling. I'm down a little on my USA portfolio but nothing to panic over. We got Canadians throwing up maple leafs and turning rabidly anti-American. Typical dumb axrse Canucks. Liberal Party of Canada milking it to the last drop for re-election. Canada would be nothing without the USA. Canucks better slap some sense into their midget brains.
  13. Another tough guy! Too much Red Bull in ya that night buddy?
  14. Salient points. Many farang make a mistake and go all in, thinking the system will protect them and their assets. Just rent.
  15. Good. Pay to play. I hope Cambodia tosses out the riff raff and welcomes only those expats who have the cash and respect the culture.
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