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Woke to Sounds

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  1. As far as I know, YMCA is a gay cruising anthem for the bathhouse mule boys.
  2. Agree 1000%. So many of my favourite porn models have destroyed their luscious bodies with god awful tattoos...
  3. I can understand that, and the only other place I could recommend would be a deserted (or semi deserted) stretch of beach. Chance of motorbikes there is pretty low. For now.
  4. Bang on. I had to get a new pair of sneakers at Decathlon in BKK because the treads on my old pair were too worn and I was heading for a wipe out on those IDIOTIC no grip tiles! Tis the same story in Hanoi by the way... rain + greased tiles = wipe out
  5. Peeples still believe in Corvid because they cannot bear the thought that their so called Rulers would lie to them about anything.
  6. Once again I'd bet mind altering drugs are to blame, along with violent videogames and rap music. I've said it before, but too many kids think life's a videogame and there's a reset button. Parents should sue the sh*** off those lunatics.
  7. That is the crux of the matter for me. Why was the CCP never held accountable for - intentionally or not - unleashing this menace?
  8. Phew.... just glad I'm setting up my scam call centre in South Sudan.
  9. Look at it this way: They'll all soon be reborn into new bodies for another go round. Makes it less sad.
  10. Good to see Mr Bush has a high approval score. His oil paintings are quite decent and he did the right thing by getting that M-F-er Saddam Hussein. Even Ellen DeGeneres agrees.
  11. People still believe in Corvid because the words of Dr Gain of Fauci have lodged and attached to their neural pathways like barnacles.
  12. Note to self: Get your arse to South Sudan to set up that scam call centre.
  13. ... And in related news big beards are DONE. Clean shaven is the new beard.
  14. The issue is one of expectations. You cannot come to Thailand (or to VN or Cambodia, or anywhere in S.E. Asia apart from Singapore) with expectations to enjoy walking on footpaths like we do back in the West. If you approach your time in Thailand with reasonable expectations, e.g. you will never be able to go for a pleasant stroll except maybe on a stretch of beach at daybreak, then you won't be disappointed. Walking anywhere in urban S.E. Asia is a nightmare at the best of times and Patts is no better or worse.
  15. Corvid p(l)andemic was officially announced by Dr WHO on 3-11-2020. There's your auspicious launch date. 3 elevens = 33. If you understand numerology you'd know that 33 is the most revered number of them all.

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