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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Global diversity is the key. Don't go all in with US investments. Hold a bond ETF. It's elevator brakes when the cables on equities snap. At any rate everything is out of your control when you're not in The Big Club.
  2. You do realize this is all about setting the stage for the North American Union? Oh forget it...
  3. Another British tough guy. I've taken loads of these yobs to the pavement with my own bare hands. Thai security guard was only defending himself. The foreigner was aggressive and threatening. Fine, deport and ban for 1 year.
  4. Possibly the driver was cooked on a deadly combo of Red Bull and cigarettes - and maybe the Devil's parsley. But the bigger question: Why a rainstorm in mid February? (dry season, supposedly)
  5. Many Canadians are more angry at what happened to Canada since 2015 when Trudes and the Libs (and Cultural Marxism) took power than what Trumpy is threatening.
  6. Yawn... Another (potential) psyop in the making. How is tomato flu and Disease X these days? Traction? Where's Doc Tedros? 😂
  7. Could be. Could very well be. Important thing is: don't panic and go to cash. Stay invested. And for God's sake don't go all in to Shxtcoin.
  8. Oh come on. When the US says Jump... Canada says How high? So now it's OK to wave a Canadian flag? A year ago if you waved a Canadian flag you were a "colonial sympathiser", a "racist" - possibly even a "Nazi". Every Canadian was shamed for past atrocities on stolen land. But now? The psyops are front and centre. The silly hockey game win was the final nail for P.P. and the Cons. All playing out exactly as it's supposed to. Cultural Marxism on steroids here it comes...
  9. Be greedy when everyone else is fearful. (Firesale) Best time to buy is when blood is flowing thru the streets.
  10. That's why it's crucial to have a balanced and diversified portfolio - including short term bonds - that spans the globe. Go 20% US weighting, max, though I recommend 15% these days. TIP: Perpetual war is always a great profits booster. (Wouldn't hurt to have another p(l)andemic in the works. I see some of the pharma stocks are sagging.)
  11. Watch Nomadland, the movie from 2020. Widow living in her van working odd jobs around the U.S. southwest. Sad film for many reasons, but the RV-ing for life characters make telling statements about why they're living that way.
  12. Lousy vehicle to drive on pavement. In fact these quads are dangerous anywhere. Their handling and stability sucks. Two-wheeled iron horse much safer - when shod with the correct rubber of course. I'd bet drinking was involved. What is the blue light on the photo, his spirit hanging around?
  13. Yawn... same story UK, Canada, Oz... all by design. They all run by Lefty Cultural Marxist wing nuts. Big surprise.
  14. GoFundMe is another Silly Con Valley creation. They dip their beaks well into the pot of raised funds. Imagine the revenue. As such GFM isn't going anywhere and it's in their best interests to promote the hell out of it anyway they can (media stories, etc.) Hope this fella recovers and back to normal. ✊
  15. He's just a fella. Small potato. A mere window dressing working for the hidden hand that's above the law. ORDO AB CHAO
  16. Sounds like this guy was in Thailand for quite a while, at least for long enough to set up the scaffolding on a Scarface like empire, before the coppers got wind of it. Bottom line: Visa free entry is the way to go.
  17. I've taken a hundred of these pseudo MMA fighter tatted up punks to the pavement and I'm more than double his age. All bark no bite with these punks.
  18. Why? It's the internet porn, rap music and violent video games, and Tick Tock influencers wrecking kids' brains. Plus the corvid lawkdouns and the psychological fallout from it. Next...
  19. Air BnB can SUCK it. Silly Con Valley strikes again. Would you rather give your money to a hotel that treats you like a valued guest or to some dude you don't know from Adam who might be too wasted to show up and hand you the key to a room that might be hiding a come sock in the closet?
  20. People don't wanna give in to the Borg yet. Why a face scanner when a key card will do the trick? That's another thousand % psyop. Common theme in so many of these farang horror stories is 'the smell of cannabis.' You do know legalising it was a psyop too?
  21. Damn, I was gonna recruit Chinese actor Wang Xing for my scam call centre. Chinese travelers can always re-book to Vancouver and pick up some cheap real estate while at it.
  22. Grets is a thousand % psyop. There is no such thing as pure climate change - only climate engineering, or geo engineering. Did she walk from Sweden to Denmark?
  23. That's only because the American people were lied to for years by Lefty woke wingnuts. Any decent American would never, ever, go along with that rubbish.
  24. Lots of butt plugs.
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