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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Same thing could be said about the Canadian public and the CBC. Any Canuck with even half a brain knows who they're pumping to win the upcoming federal (s)election. (hint: not the guy who wasn't the former boss at Bank of England 😂 )
  2. Great ... now my day is completely ruined. Evil POS who did this should get the death penalty. RIP young lady. You are free of the evils of this world.
  3. Added a grooming gang to my list of business ventures (alongside my scam call centre and gambling den). Imagine the revenue!
  4. Codswallop. Dark skinned fellas would be attacked before I would be, even if they lived their entire life in Ireland. But the so called shared culture is my ticket to tolerance because I look more Irish than the coloureds.
  5. Easy, sweaty, loose farang hippie chicks keen for a right shagging, since all the farang guys are with Thai birds. They tend to be quite fragrant but I don't mind. Patchouli helps.
  6. Yep. Turkey was great and everyone I met were helpful. I like how even the stray dogs and cats are well looked after. Turkish gov't? Well....different story. But those breakfasts of bread, olives and tomatoes!
  7. A brave woman, but much like the author of Wild Swans, and the artist Ai Wei Wei, she had better watch her back now. Hopefully she is living outside of China - including HK and Taiwan. The commies cannot stand criticism.
  8. These are the kind of devotchkas I often end up drinking with at the beach bars. Lots of fun on the workbench.
  9. Yeezus is likely coming out of a psychotic schizoid embolism, aka mind control coma, implanted and maintained over the years by music industry devils. This is far more common than anyone would care to believe. Britney Spears anyone? The programming is wearing off and Yeezy's brain is trying to rebuild itself - much like a fragmented hard drive - and so you get these lunatic rants. Hollyweird.
  10. I seriously got to set up a YT / Tik Tok channel and get monetising. Right after I get my scam call centre going. Maybe I will combine the two.
  11. It's possible he tucked into some of that poisonous methanol beer that's been going around.
  12. Agree. Watched the video and it looks like the farang was stuffing something into his pockets. Probably just robbed the Thai.
  13. Zelenskyy the actor/comedian will be okay in the end (they always are) but the Ukrainian people will suffer, again.
  14. Absolutely. The same shenanigans happened in Canada and other Commonwealth countries involving the Roman Catholic Church and their abuse of first nations tribes. An egregious abuse of power by those in positions of power. Death penalty for all guilty parties would not be too harsh.
  15. Good to see. Why would the USA trust anything hosted by communist China? How many coal fired plants is communist China building? But your internal combustion engine is BAD for the earth. Climate change is a scam anyhow. It's all couched in touchy feely language to separate you from your wallet and make you feel guilty all the while. Carbon taxes come to mind.
  16. Indian air is revolting, as is Thailand's for half the year. I dare anyone to catch a taxi from Kolkata airport to CBD and not go mad. That said, insurance companies can SUCK IT.
  17. IMF runs in the same circles as the WEF. You gonna trust em?
  18. From now on, anybody doing anything exclusively for social media likes will be shot.
  19. Dammit! Just when I was about to open my illegal gambling centre! At least I still have my scam call centre in the pipeline.
  20. Purchasing property in TH is not for the faint of heart. Due diligence. I always advise my mates to rent for a helluva long time before buying anything in TH. I've said it before, and I don't lie, the only sure bet with owning real estate is in Canada, where the feds have your back and will bail you out every time with low interest rates, emergency loans and whatever else to keep the game going. Triple digit gains in Canada folks... Pro tip. Ditch the craptocurrencies and start shoveling your shekels into Canadian real estate while the gravy train is still running full steam. Not the case in LOS, however. Caveat emptor 😛
  21. Cloons is Hollyweird elite, but I liked him in the remake of Solaris (2002). At least he has the stones to tell it like it is.
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