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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Questionable juice probably from communist China? I used to suck on the Turkish nargile (hookah) like there was no tomorrow, and I'm in better shape than a guy 30 years my junior. Much of what happens is genetics. Vapes, next to cannabis smoke, present the biggest dangers to lungs. If you must smoke tobacco try American Spirit. But overall ... Don't even start.
  2. Kudos to Truss, who at least has the guts to speak truth to the nefarious string pullers, the usual dark forces (i.e. W-E-F, deep state actors, Jesuits, Club of Rome, etc). The other Commonwealth countries can only dream of having someone stand up and tell it like it is. Only weirdos want men in women's bathrooms.
  3. Typical begpackers - Aussies no less. That said I'd throw it into the cougar for a few rounds. Fine, deport and lifetime ban. Thailand not fed up with the riff raff yet?
  4. I don't disagree that it's stupid, but it's plausible. The electorate have short attention spans, terrible memories and are in fact pretty dim. Since Trump's blustering about the 51st state, Canadians are spooked by anything with even a faint aroma of MAGA no matter how tenuous the connection. How is the MSM portraying P.P. and the Conservatives now? The Canada hockey win over the USA ices it for Team Liberal I'm afraid. PREPARE
  5. After Canada's hockey win against the States I wouldn't bet on it 😂
  6. Canada won the hockey game. Conclusion: Canada is united against MAGA and all its implications. A Liberal win under Carbon Tax Carney is virtually assured in the upcoming federal election. 🤣
  7. When that happened I said to myself 'That is something the CCP would do. That cannot happen in Canada.' But it did. And many Canadians saw nothing wrong with it. Maybe that's more worrisome?
  8. Uhh... sorry Joe but Canadians will most likely re-elect the Liberals in the upcoming federal election despite 10 years of mismanagment, radical Wokeism and scandal upon scandal. Many folk think Conservative leader Mr Poilievre is a Trump suck up, so they're scared as hell to vote that way. Trudes is on his way out, but ex-Bank of England boss Mr Mark 'Carbon Tax' Carney looks to be in the right place at the right time. A shoo-in for prime minister? Canada swings even further Left? The USA ain't going to be too happy about that. Oy vey Kanada!
  9. How is it possible not to be cognisant of someone rifling through your own bag in plain sight? Perhaps Mr Matsuura had indulged in Thailand's legal devil's lettuce earlier in the evening thus compromising his awareness?
  10. Ukraine was sympathetic to the Nazis in WW2. The book Babi Yar is an eye opener as to the historical hatred of Jews in Ukraine. Mr Zelenskky is an actor/comedian and Jewish. Interesting times indeed.
  11. ...and communist China continues to build coal fired plants, unhindered. But Wokeist gov'ts in the West want to tax you out of your car because YOU are destroying the environment.
  12. A.I. can suck it buddy. Especially when it steals creative jobs that humans ought to be paid to do. A.I. created music is particularly DREADFUL. Fxck A.I.!
  13. Sadly there will be more vegan transgender cults on the horizon as Agenda 2030 and the W-E-F "you will own nothing, eat bugs and be happy" squad gain more traction. But do vegans eat bugs? That remains the question.
  14. What?? Near 50 dollars? That is absolute lunacy. It's soap ffs!!
  15. Firing squad for all guilty parties, Ceaușescu-style.
  16. So called Mr Mark Carbon Tax Carney will cakewalk to power as elected prime minister after he wins the upcoming nomination to lead Canada's Liberal Party. After Mr Trump's recent tariff threats and jokes about Canada becoming the 51st state, Canadians are terrified of the so called Mini-Trump, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, being elected as PM and will vote accordingly. Mr Carney, some say, is a card carrying member of the W-E-F and a Klaus Schwab protégé. Carney has worked closely with Mr Trudeau, Canada's current PM. Many fear Carney has no appetite to develop Canada's rich natural resouces including vast oil and natural gas reserves, in light of his dedication to W-E-F, Greenisms and "You will own nothing and be happy" ideologies. I have heard others say they fear Mr Carney's vision for Canada is more aligned with a communist China-type society than Switzerland's model. If that turns out to be the case, counter-opinion will not be tolerated. Dissent will not be tolerated. You will play by the rules or your bank accounts will be frozen. Perhaps in extreme cases your assets seized? Could a universal basic income be on the table as well? With Trump's tariffs looming, Canada's economy could be absolutely eviscerated. I predicted this several months ago on Asean Now, but no one believed me that Canadians could be so thick as to vote Liberal yet again after the last 10 years of mismanagement and scandal. The devil you know? PREPARE.
  17. That is what Tavistock specialised in (along with the Frankfurt School). They give you your Stars to look up to. They created Western pop culture. Including and especially The Beatles.
  18. Kudos to the rescue team and I hope the cobra will recover and find some water.
  19. Surprised not one of them thugs was setting up a scam call centre or stealing craptocurrency.
  20. Hope this chap and his posse goes thousand percent Bronson on those vile scumbags. UK police too busy arresting folks for social media wrongspeak to patrol the streets? Pathetic.
  21. They will do the same to you in Canada.
  22. Possibly a couple of Leftists dimwits that couldn't see the forest for the trees? I do not doubt there are some real mensches in Iran. Great people, great food, etc. But that is not big picture thinking.
  23. It's real simple. One can of tuna fish and one apple, per day.
  24. This will have no traction in Canada, where it appears the Liberals -- Trudeau's party - will coast to a federal election win with leader Mark Carney, W-E-F protegé, globalist, green agenda proponent, former head honcho at the Bank of England (!) and the favoured candidate (according to early polls) in the upcoming LIberal nomination election. Recent public sentiment has it that Canada's Conservative Party are backers of Trump, the sworn enemy of Canada, and they don't stand a chance now because of Trump's tariffs. Liberal cakewalk in the next federal election forthcoming. "Mark" my words.
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