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Posts posted by wowfactor10

  1. The birth certificate is not signed by both mother and father. Only the person registering the birth, and that doesn't have to be one of the parents, signs.

    The last name is always that of the mother or the father.

    They should amend their birth certificate in Thailand then..cause now its a worthless piece of paper...

    Should be Signed by mother and father and with selection of first and last names of the child..

    But they wont cause this suites them better.

    most of us do not know any procedure and meanwhile the Thai mother here has all the rights..

  2. biker,,

    i agree with you on that one,,

    he calls many of us the go home brigade,,,

    what makes me laugh, he is at home and dosnt live here,

    he is the one chomping his chops the most, he should just take it on the chin like a man and admit he cant come to live here,it dosnt suit him

    So the OP doesn't even live in Thailand....that figures. It sure does seem like the ones that squeal the loudest against Thailand doesn't even live in Thailand, yet, they can't stay away from TV. These guys just can't seem to move on with their lives....

    My whereabouts have nothing to do with the fact that you were totally outvoted in recent survey poll on TVF it resulted in 92% of the 700 voters who have indicated that they would like to be able to buy small land plot in their own name.

    Your pathetic 8% group can only come up with new restrictions for us and so no wonder you are such an outcast over here..

  3. Thailand will go bankrupt because of half a dozen expats don't like the rules and culture and go home. Yeah right...

    The situation its more complex..

    There are many separate reasons why Thailand has fallen backwards...

    Anyway 92% of the 700 voters voted for changes of rules and these are only TFV members already that is not half a dozen..

    Then how many tausend other foreigners living in Thailand who did not even vote anyway all together making it a large group.

    Seems this group unwilling making new investments

    The Thai people I know are living better than ever.

    Thai economics dropped 3% in previous 3 months.

  4. From viewpoint of farangs :

    1.Ease land owning regulations so allow us foreigners to limited ownership example max purchase of one rai in our own name on the title deed.

    2.Ban the 49% foreigner business ownership rules with thai share holders but change it into a 100% foreigner business ownership in Thailand.

    3.Present us a one stamp a year hassle free visa.With no strings attached except our one year payment.

    4.Land plots bigger then one rai should come with a minimum of one 100 year lease.

    5.Police / and Thai courts need be more serious to end the Thai against farang crimes.(no 500 BHT fine for a bag snatcher)

    6.Police need change their hot uniform in a uniform that is more suitable for this hot climate.Example bermudas and shirts with short sleeve.

    7.Ban jet skies en horses from all Thai beaches.

    8.Bring back on the beach chairs ,umbrellas,food and cooling drinks.

    9.Consider all outdoor burnings a serious crime that carries a minimum of 2,500 BHT fine.

    10.Modernize and simplify the rules for work permits.example 4 staff rules etc etc...

    11.Ban all security guards from carrying whistles.

    12.Go back to a democratic system as that will surely help to recover with the poor economical situation of Thailand.

    13.Offer expats health care insurances for a reasonable price.

    14.End the dual pricing in Thailand especially in hospitals.

    ...and this has to do with competitiveness for Thailand???

    Nothing at all, ego centred BS...

    Its just a list of what foreigners would like to see improved over here...

    It will certainly help to get foreign investments back on track.

    Will bring back positive feelings from foreigners towards Thailand as well.

  5. From viewpoint of farangs :

    1.Ease land owning regulations so allow us foreigners to limited ownership example max purchase of one rai in our own name on the title deed.

    2.Ban the 49% foreigner business ownership rules with thai share holders but change it into a 100% foreigner business ownership in Thailand.

    3.Present us a one stamp a year hassle free visa.With no strings attached except our one year payment.

    4.Land plots bigger then one rai should come with a minimum of one 100 year lease.

    5.Police / and Thai courts need be more serious to end the Thai against farang crimes.(no 500 BHT fine for a bag snatcher)

    6.Police need change their hot uniform in a uniform that is more suitable for this hot climate.Example bermudas and shirts with short sleeve.

    7.Ban jet skies en horses from all Thai beaches.

    8.Bring back on the beach chairs ,umbrellas,food and cooling drinks.

    9.Consider all outdoor burnings a serious crime that carries a minimum of 2,500 BHT fine.

    10.Modernize and simplify the rules for work permits.example 4 staff rules etc etc...

    11.Ban all security guards from carrying whistles.

    12.Go back to a democratic system as that will surely help to recover with the poor economical situation of Thailand.

    13.Offer expats health care insurances for a reasonable price.

    14.End the dual pricing in Thailand especially in hospitals.

    Wow !

    All this would bring you some benefit,

    but over all it would not bring 1% more of productivity in Thailand;

    go back to ols system would mean more corruption,

    more ferraries and Lombourginis for the reach, but no consum in local product,

    ( not forget the shopping tours of former 1st lady in Paris and London, -

    this is only tax money paid from hard working Thais, spend for

    luxures goods abroad ;

    the only growing point in your list is education ! YES !!

    Mate look at the survey poll...700 people voted and 92% would like to be able to buy a small land plot in their own name.


  6. all your talking about is people on TV, there are thousands of falang here that dont use TV,,

    Yep. Most people I know are completely oblivious to this place. Of those who are aware of it, the majority see it as a laughable hive of aging sexpats.

    Soibiker wake up...

    from the 700 voters 92% voted for being able to buy a small land plot in their own name...

    And that has something to do with what I posted because....?

    Nothing as i have no idea what u are talking about..

    Just want to rub in to results of the poll..

    At least its obvious that 92 % of the 700 voters would like to see some rules get updated for foreigners in Thailand ..

    And u and your cronies are always here making so much noise but now u can see that basically no one here agrees with ur twisted views.

  7. Well Looking at the survey about 92% of the voters would like to be able to own his land plot here.

    Just like Thais can own land plots in our countries.

    A poorly 8% is against any landowning these are the guys from u better go home brigade with their questionable motives...

    If u make limited land owning ship like example max one rai in our own name then land speculation cant happen and neither will it bring up the prices.

    What it will do is bring back a life the dead Thailand property market..

    Nowadays Foreigners no longer buying houses here and houses are no longer getting sold there for laws need get fixed and made more equal..

    I often see the argument "If a Thai can buy a property in my country why can't I buy one in Thailand" but I never see any acknowledgment that a much higher percentage of people from "My" country. (UK)...

    1) Wants to & is able to travel there e.g. we can just turn up & be allowed in for 60 (30 day exempt + 30 days extension) whereas a Thai needs to jump through so many hoops to get a much more limited visit...

    2) Would like to buy a house there

    3) Can afford to buy a house there... Let's say the average price of a house in UK is around £150,000 & in Thailand is £50,000 (2.5Million Baht) then say the average UK income is £25,000 & in Thailand is £12,500 (all numbers picked to make the Maths easier) an average UK person could buy an average house in Thailand for 2x their annual salary, whereas the Thai would need to spend 12x theirs...

    Not a member of the "Well Go Home Then" camp, but do believe that allowing Foreigners free reign to buy property in Thailand will be bad for the Thais & eventually bad for guys who are happy to buy a house in their Kids/Wives name as they find themselves priced out of the market.

    Mate 92% of the 700 voters are disagree with u ....

    Limited landownership for foreigners under certain conditions example correct visa and maximum one rai of land would only attract more foreign investments and revenues for Thailand.

  8. all your talking about is people on TV, there are thousands of falang here that dont use TV,,

    And so what makes u believe that those other foreigners will approve with all your restriction measures instead of our improvements over here ?

    Mate the poll is clear from the 700 persons 92% voted that they like to be able to buy a small plot of land in their own name...

    For your group that only received a lousy 8% of the votes u bunch make certainly a hell of a noise here daily.

    Stop whining and take it on the chin like a man.

    Take it on the chin? Let's do this, you let us know when the Thai government enacts these laws that you and your buddies agreed on. I'd also be interested to know when you've actually witnessed pigs flying overhead, so do let us know when that happens. I'd imagine both would happen at about the same time.

    Yeah u know the first blow on your chin...with 92% of the votes against your poor 8% of votes its a clear victory against the go home brigade.So its a memorable day for us...

    In time we will see when and how Thailand will ease its restrictions.

  9. Thailand will go bankrupt because of half a dozen expats don't like the rules and culture and go home. Yeah right...

    The situation its more complex..

    There are many separate reasons why Thailand has fallen backwards...

    Anyway 92% of the 700 voters voted for changes of rules and these are only TFV members already that is not half a dozen..

    Then how many tausend other foreigners living in Thailand who did not even vote anyway all together making it a large group.

    Seems this group unwilling making new investments

  10. Nothing strange about the name of the father on the birth certificate not meaning anything. That is the case in many countries.

    It is only a claim by the person who reports the birth that mr. X is the father, that doesn't make it true. Otherwise you could name the pope as the father and he would be the made to pay?

    No it is weird..

    This official birth certificate signed by the mother and the father and that also selects about the first and last names has then in reality zero legal means for the father in a thai court...Mate that is weird and does not see to be correct

  11. Seems to me that the things that would make life better for Thais would also make life better for farangs. Where I live there are few farangs and the infrastructure is appalling. Being able to drive on decent roads would be a plus for me.

    Indeed by opening the market for foreigners investments all will profit from this it will also fix your poor roads near ur home..

    Meanwhile how about you upgrade to a fancier location..

  12. all your talking about is people on TV, there are thousands of falang here that dont use TV,,

    And so what makes u believe that those other foreigners will approve with all your restriction measures instead of our improvements over here ?

    Mate the poll is clear from the 700 persons 92% voted that they like to be able to buy a small plot of land in their own name...

    For your group that only received a lousy 8% of the votes u bunch make certainly a hell of a noise here daily.

    Stop whining and take it on the chin like a man.

  13. I hear you re security guard whistles. What's the go with that? They whistle to tell you all clear? How do they alert you if you are going to actually hit something? Like many things here I'm guessing there's no logical reason or answer

    My car has front and back sensors that warns me while parking...I do not need any guard with his whistle for parking..I guess your car does not have?

    Okay i make u a deal let the friendly guards keep their whistles just grant us the other 14 suggestions in the post then..


  14. Here the results 92 % of the 700 voters would like to be able to buy a small land plot in their own name.Just only a poor 8% agrees with the u better go home brigade...

    Since its only 8% i do not know why they have such big mouth on these forums while hardly anyone agreeing with them..Here i copy paste for u ..:

    Poll: SURVEY: Should foreigners be allowed to own land? (722 member(s) have cast votes)

    Should foreigners be allowed to own real estate?

    • bullet_star_rated.png Yes, foreigners should be able to own any type of real estate that can be purchased by a Thai national. (133 votes [20.75%])

    • Yes, foreigners should be able to own real estate, but the type and amound should be limited. (251 votes [39.16%])

    • No, foreigners should not be allowed to buy real estate under any circumstances. (52 votes [8.11%])

    • Foreigners should be allowed to own real estate if their home country allows Thais to own real estate. (205 votes [31.98%])

    Some what's the next part of your cunning plan, take your manifesto, and results of your poll and burn your bra outside the Thai parliament ?

    Who cares what the results of the poll are, the Lilley whites are are not going to be allowed land in your life time, and I would wager, if land ownership was granted for foreigners,the Chinese will be the first ones allowed to do it

    Why would i have to tell you our next step? Thais never do that either.

    The recent poll has showed us that 92% of the 700 voters are unhappy with the current restricted laws in Thailand for us foreigners.

    foreigners sadly have already stopped to invest their money in Thailand simply cause their current laws make it unattractive for us to invest.

    Let see what future will bring from the current leaders i do not expect much in regard of opening the market for foreign investments.

    Welcome to the recession.

  15. You both have equal rights, unless a court says otherwise or you agreed to a different scenario as part of the divorce agreement at the amphur.

    Try to avoid a legal fight, it will only get nastier. First try to normalize things with the help of a family member of a respected village elder such as a headmaster/monk etc.

    Actually, my memory from the same question posed under one of TV's lawyer questions was this.

    Even if the father is listed on the birth certificate at a hospital it confers no rights to the father. The only thing that confers rights to the father is if the birth was registered at an Amphur office and he was listed as the father on THEIR document. Without this I remember the lawyer saying that in Thailand the mother has 100% rights unless this has been done.

    It's a very sad situation. Civilized countries would not be so arbitrary, certainly not in this day and age of DNA testing and just asking a few questions of the family and neighbors.

    yes u are right...the father has zero rights here cause he is not the legal father duhhh..u need more documents signed by the mom for that but now she wont sign u anything..The birth certificate that mentions u as the father means strangely nothing in this country...

    U can only try talk about a monthly fee for her and ur kids with ur demand of still seeing ur kids..Only money might help u a bit..

    Angry Thais are very often totally irrational and not even care for their own kids there well being over their personal angers.

  16. This is a link to the Act Promulgating the Land Code B.E. 2497 (1954)
    What is the chance that such code will be amended based upon the results of the above poll? (Up-to-You)

    At least we know from this survey that your group who is very active on this forum is only represent a poor 8 %..u should be more humble..

    In time laws will get updated cause now their real estate market its dead..

    foreign investments here flat...

    Seems nowadays foreigners want a more fair treatment from thai government and or investors will invest elsewhere..which its happening already of course..

    if they want foreign investments then u need to make it attractive and fair for us..(its not the case now)

  17. Here the results 92 % of the 700 voters would like to be able to buy a small land plot in their own name.Just only a poor 8% agrees with the u better go home brigade...

    Since its only 8% i do not know why they have such big mouth on these forums while hardly anyone agreeing with them..Here i copy paste for u ..:

    Poll: SURVEY: Should foreigners be allowed to own land? (722 member(s) have cast votes)
    Should foreigners be allowed to own real estate?
    1. bullet_star_rated.png Yes, foreigners should be able to own any type of real estate that can be purchased by a Thai national. (133 votes [20.75%])

    2. Yes, foreigners should be able to own real estate, but the type and amound should be limited. (251 votes [39.16%])

    3. No, foreigners should not be allowed to buy real estate under any circumstances. (52 votes [8.11%])

    4. Foreigners should be allowed to own real estate if their home country allows Thais to own real estate. (205 votes [31.98%])

  18. Here is the result..Only a poor 8% agrees with the u better go home brigade all others would like to be able to buy a small land plot in their own name in Thailand.. Poll: SURVEY: Should foreigners be allowed to own land? (722 member(s) have cast votes)

    Should foreigners be allowed to own real estate?
    1. bullet_star_rated.png Yes, foreigners should be able to own any type of real estate that can be purchased by a Thai national. (133 votes [20.75%])

    2. Yes, foreigners should be able to own real estate, but the type and amound should be limited. (251 votes [39.16%])

    3. No, foreigners should not be allowed to buy real estate under any circumstances. (52 votes [8.11%])

    4. Foreigners should be allowed to own real estate if their home country allows Thais to own real estate. (205 votes [31.98%])

  19. Well Looking at the survey about 92% of the voters would like to be able to own his land plot here.

    Just like Thais can own land plots in our countries.

    A poorly 8% is against any landowning these are the guys from u better go home brigade with their questionable motives...

    If u make limited land owning ship like example max one rai in our own name then land speculation cant happen and neither will it bring up the prices.

    What it will do is bring back a life the dead Thailand property market..

    Nowadays Foreigners no longer buying houses here and houses are no longer getting sold there for laws need get fixed and made more equal..

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