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Posts posted by Blackfish64

  1. I love the ever so unintelligent, "go clean up your own house first" comments.

    First of all, if ANY of you want to get into a democratic pissing argument, then the US will blow the doors off of Thailand any day in terms of democracy. That would have been the case before the coup let alone now...

    Secondly, if your position is really such that the USA needs to be perfect before it talks democracy with a military junta like the one we have here, then your position is really "please don't call me out for being undemocratic, please, please, please... "

    Just a bunch of junta-huggin whiners... coffee1.gif

    Do you really think the USA has a democracy cheesy.gif

    ALL the candidates for president have been chosen by the large companies who run the country. The guy oon the street can't choose who becomes president so it obviously isn't a democracy.

    The USA have caused ALL this mess in the world. STOP now and try to clean up corruption at the top over there.

    Are you sure that you don't mean that the guys on the street haven't chosen the fellow you want to be President, so it obviously isn't a democracy?

    Us 'merkins pick the President allright.. The Oligarchs just select the nominees. biggrin.png

    Indeed. Welcome to the plutocratic technocracy. It's got the whole world in its hands.

  2. Like I always say, China, Russia or Uganda take your pick as the new world's leader. If the US is ever dethroned, you'll be cryin you butts off. Be careful what you wish for.

    Where have you been? USA topples all thrones. Power to the people.

    Well, the corporations will be at the helm for a while anyway, before the people ever really get a chance.

    But be sure the people will rise up and throw off the bankers... er... um... the white devil slave masters... er... um... I meant to say, throw off the standing armies... er... um... I mean... um... er... oh just forget it!

  3. My first words in English were "Yankee go home" when I was about 6 because US bombed Vietnam in those years. I think it would be better if some thai people will know the same words as the first ones. At least it is more useful than words "Coca-cola or McDonalds"

    I have to laugh my head off when I hear Thais tell me to go home. There are a lot more Southeast Asians in the west than Westerners in the east. I often wonder why Thais don't want to stay in their own country. They leave Thailand in droves for the west. Hmmmm...

    I had to laugh again on a recent visit to America, while eating in a Thai restaurant in Las Vegas. The Thai workers (still slaving away for other Thai for tips only, by the way) started in with the "farang" insult again, thinking I did not understand them. I stood up from my table and shouted at them, "Better watch your mouth, my friend. You're in my country now. You're the farang now. So, farang, get my check. And i'm not paying for the spring rolls--they sucked. And for your insult you'll recieve no tip." The girl shook and dropped a tear and ran to the back room. The guy sat there and balled up his fists and turned red. "Yeah, suck it up, smart boy," I told him. And that was that. The girl didn't bring the check quick enough so I walked out without paying for anything.

    We're here to stay. Get used to it. The Chinese, too. And we do what we like, just like Thais do when they're abroad. So eat it. Suck up another Coke and grin and bear it. We know you love it.

    Thailand, the second fattest country in Asia, behind Malaysia. Smart people in the west know better than to eat that crap.

  4. I believe that the 1st amendment is for US citizen only.

    same as the second amendment to carry a gun.

    if you are not a US citizen, you have not the right of speech. thus you still have the right to think.

    Are you positively sure you still have the right to think anything you want?

    Absolutely. Always. Forever. It is not up for negotiation.

    No one can give me that right and no one can take it away. It is mine. And no one else's.

  5. I believe that the 1st amendment is for US citizen only.

    same as the second amendment to carry a gun.

    if you are not a US citizen, you have not the right of speech. thus you still have the right to think.

    The First Amendment does not in fact denote a "right" doled out by the State, but rather denotes a right and a property of the people to speak and assemble peacefully as and when they wish. The Bill of Rights is a giant NO TRESPASSING sign aimed directly at the State--should they decide to get cute. The Second Amendment, the guns, are for backing up the rest of the eight Amendments when the State refuses to obey.

    It has less to do with "rights" (as people so stupidly and loosely use the term) and more to do with properties and physics.

    Theoretically, Americans tell the State what to do. Actually, physically, the State has made every attempt to erode and eradicate said properties and "rights" as of late.

    Thais do not understand said "rights" and properties, as they have always been told what to do and what not to do. This is where some of the difficulty between the two cultures lie.

  6. Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

    Anyway as that was last weekend -

    Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

    Why not?

    USA should learn a lesson: U.S. standards are not the world's standards.

    I agree. US was the most loved country in the world with the highest of all standards, barre none. But now have lowered themselves to third world standards at best and squandered all wealth. In short, United States Corporation has <deleted> itself.
    Who are USA to judge other countries' standards then?

    Thai Airways is one of the best airlines I know, and I prefer lots of Thai standards to Western standards.

    Exactly. U.S. Corp. can't even afford its own empire or lifestyle anymore. They are no ones to be preaching anything to anyone anywhere anymore. But, even now, at this very low, low tide, they're still the biggest and baddest on the block. So, like any state, they will push people around so long as they have the might.

    As for your "Thai" standards or Chinese, or British, or German, or Mongolian--or whatever racist nonsense you may care to preach--I don't buy any of it.

    We are not a race, but a species. We're all made of the same stuff and merely come in different colors, which means nothing. We are stupid and believe in rash things. And until this species throws away all the rash nonsense and realizes that we, as a species, live in a world of objective reality, not in a world of make-believe, the victory will always go to the thug with the biggest club. And right now in the history of our super-dumb species, the club is wielded by the U.S. Corp. Tomorrow it will be someone else... and so on... and so on... and so on through the tired old ages we go.

    So long as people can be made to believe nonsense, they can be made to commit literally ANY atrocity you can think of.

  7. Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

    Anyway as that was last weekend -

    Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

    Why not?

    USA should learn a lesson: U.S. standards are not the world's standards.

    I agree. US was the most loved country in the world with the highest of all standards, barre none. But now have lowered themselves to third world standards at best and squandered all wealth. In short, United States Corporation has <deleted> itself.

  8. Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

    Anyway as that was last weekend -

    Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

    You have proven something? Where? I'm not seeing that anywhere.

    I wouldn't know if they will protest the ruling. Will be interesting to see.

  9. I don't agree. When in Thailand, I make it in Thailand with Thai money and Thai goods and services. I leave my money at home. It cost me a few thousand before I realized that with Thais there is no end to their wants and needs and excuses and whatever, and, if you let them, they will literally take everything you have without batting an eyelash.

    As for the killings, well, the carnage here in Thailand was, per capita, much higher than the US, and was about to bust loose unabated before the junta.

    The carnage here is as bad and worse as the US. It just isn't talked about. News agencies are not allowed to report the way they do in US.

  10. Disregarding the issue of protest itself I find it curiously amusing that so many ardent defenders of democratic principles and specifically freedom of speech etc are now critical of a demonstration utilizing those principles.

    The criticism mainly comes not from the actual protest, rather the hypocritical junta who made laws banning ALL protest and gatherings of more than 5 people. Yet they choose to select it very selectively. Protest against us you get thrown in jail, protest for us and you have a free pass.

    Even the most ardent of junta lovers have to admit that's sheer myopic claptrap.

    Hear! Hear!

  11. So, let me get this straight... a US ambassador encourages Thais to speak out, to exercise their property, their absolute right to free speech--and the Thai tell him to go <deleted> himself?
    Ambassador needs to be careful what he wishes for? Or do the Thai not understand this?

    The US has laws to protect the president, do they? From assault, yes, of course, just as US has laws to protect any citizen from assault--but not from speech. In fact it is the other way around with speech. We have the 1st Amendment, the highest law of our land, which protects the people from the president should the need arise to say detrimental things about him, which we do, of course, incessantly, because he is in fact the worst president, barre none, we have ever had.

  12. Nationalities are all crap. It all depends on the individual fighter. It's the fighter who's good, not his race or his nationality.

    Coincidentally, the last tourney I saw in Las Vegas, the Americans and the Mexicans beat the pants off Thailand, no contest. And they usually do, historically speaking.

    How's that "all crap" thing working out for you now?

    fighting third rate fighters

    You claim the Thai are so good... If they're so good, how is it they keep coming up third rate with third rate fighters? They're only good when they're in Thailand? Why is that? What happens when they hit the US then? Do they just go to pieces? Why?

  13. I've worked in bars, hotels, nightclubs, strip clubs all of my adult life. This sounds like a suicide. Not uncommon. Not unusual.

    One guy slashed himself to the throat repeatedly with a box cutter in front of all of us down on Main St. In Las Vegas, in front of the Plaza. He kept everyone away from him and from trying to stop him by flinging blood and swiping at us with his razor when we got too close. When he finally cut his jugular and lost consciousness, we rushed in to try and save him, but we lost him right away.

    If they really want to get the job done, they will. Unfortunately hotels are a really popular spot for suicides.

  14. Nationalities are all crap. It all depends on the individual fighter. It's the fighter who's good, not his race or his nationality.

    Coincidentally, the last tourney I saw in Las Vegas, the Americans and the Mexicans beat the pants off Thailand, no contest. And they usually do, historically speaking.

    How's that "all crap" thing working out for you now?

  15. I'm not your "mate."

    I've seen that stuff, too. It does nothing for me. I walk away from it. I have no interest. I do not gamble. I don't even buy lotto tickets.

    I train at University. Good instruction and supervision. Good training. Good fitness. Been doing it all my life. Plenty of great people around to help a young person get started the right way.

  16. "I would not let"? Sounds violent. Sounds anti-social.

    Sports are not violence. Sports are... Well, sports. Violence is... Well, violence. Big difference.

    Feed him lots of soy products. Ensure he grows up soft, pink, and pliable, so that he can easily bend to the will of his corporate masters, just like his "caring father."

  17. It's up to the parent whether or not the child can be in an actual match. Most parents would never allow that. I know I wouldn't. Barring that however, the various martial arts is some of the best conditioning available for growing minds and bodies.

    Another great thing for children to learn that helps them a great deal is reading music and playing an instrument.

  18. What country are you in? Many of the masters are in European and American states already. No need to come to Thailand to learn Muay Thai.

    I train from time to time and one of my instructors in Las Vegas is from Thailand, and another instructor here in Nakhon Pathom is an American training us out at the University!

    I would give it more time. Do more research and find out precisely who he wants to train with in Thailand.

    Safety? Not much of that going on in Thailand. Especially on the roads. Take care. Your safety is your responsibility.

  19. I let no Thai anywhere touch any of my equipment. But now and again can find parts one needs at a decent price on this old stuff.

    The better deals and boneyards are all found in America. Much better service and more knowledgeable people, too. By far and away.

    I'm thinking of being done with all my old laptops and going with a Linux pad, for the long battery life and portability. Tired of being gaffed to wall outlets all the time.

  20. "§ 371

    Any person who goes armed in a town, village or public way openly or without justifiable grounds, or is armed amongst a public gathering for religious purposes, recreatory purposes or any other purposes shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred baht. In this respect, the court shall be empowered to confiscate such weapon."

    The above was another good find on the subject.

    A fine not exceeding 100 baht and the weapon confiscated is something I can live with. Especially since I make my own flail from bamboo and cord for a few pennies. I'll keep carrying.

    I always carry a gun when I'm in America. I think it s amazing they allow concealed guns, but not a concealed stick on a string.

    I'm a martial scientist, so I condition and train with all manner of weapons. I always take the flails along on my walks to workout out of doors, where I like it best.

    We live in a rural area, too. Brother in law is a big shot in the police department. We know all the cops anyway. No worries here at all. Just curious. Thanks for the tip!

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